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Question On Out Of Senority Furloughs

700UW said:
In all three 1113e letters to the IAM there is no Out of Seniority furloughs.

Because, I don't think a judge could consider furloughs a temporary measure. They'll cross that bridge when they get there.... about three minutes before liquidation... or as part of a 'frag/liq'
700UW said:
In all three 1113e letters to the IAM there is no Out of Seniority furloughs.

Well, then it's obvious, isn't it? The 1113E letters are all wrong. A320 has already told you and told you and told you how it's all going to go down (no pun intended). He has the facts. You must quit reading the black letters on white pages if they disagree with him.

All of the Boeing captains, along with all Airbus pilots who don't have gold stars for attendance and derriere osculation are going to be furloughed making him KING OF THE WORLD! :lol: