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Furloughed Forever


Aug 20, 2002
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It seems like a mixed bag of reactions so far for current employees of US regarding the propsed Delta merger. Most disappointing however, for furloughees who have been gone over 5 years now and still wish to return. Particularly upsetting is how it seemed as though all furloughed f/a's would have the opportunity to return this past year, only to see the scheduled recalls for August and December canceled. Some of us were hoping that the arrival of the E-190's could change that heading into the new year.

But if a merger with Delta does happen before the furloughees are recalled, then I believe it's probable that a recall will never happen for us.

The following is a letter sent to: merger@usairways.com and the response I received:

"As a flight attendant furloughee of the original US Airways for over 5 years now, it concerns me that a merger with Delta would likely mean I may never have the opportunity to return to US Airways, as I have wanted to do for a very long time now.

Last year, we were told that 600 flight attendants would return to the company, only to see that number reduced for the June recall and then to see the August and December recalls canceled completely. I have waited...and waited...and waited...and have been told to be patient and my recall would come time and time again. It was my hope that taking the new deliveries of the new Embraer 190's now and into the coming year (2007) that those recall hopes may finally be realized...but now I fear that is no longer true.

Therefore, I am posing the question...what does this mean for furloughees such as myself that have been waiting for over 5 years to return? Are there any plans to recall early in 2007 or at all? Or should I begin to accept the fact that I will never be able to return to work at US Airways now or in the future?

Furloughed Flight Attendant"

And the response:

"Thanks for your feedback. While it's too early to tell what will happen with furloughees, if we can use the AWA/US merger as a model, we've seen virtually no changes to the furloughee contracts. As you mentioned, we have had some recalls since the HP-US merger, and while they aren't as many as we'd like, it's a good sign that we are in fact recalling these positions, rather than furloughing even more employees.

-Corporate Communications"

Heartwarming response isn't it? <_< I would hope that Mike Flores would stand and fight for the furloughees to return when and if the Delta merger comes to pass...but considering his fight AGAINST furloughees returning this past year and given his track record I think I know better. :down:

Any other furloughees care to comment?
This merger will cause layoffs. I dont care what anyone says. Furloughees will tack on anther 2-3 years. I know It sounds negative but alot will have too go with all the overlapping. Its already been proven that senior ones at us are in no hurry to leave and Im sure DL ones feel the same. Sucks but we all ready know where we stand from past experience. Hope Im wrong but Im not counting on it.
This merger will cause layoffs. I dont care what anyone says. Furloughees will tack on anther 2-3 years. I know It sounds negative but alot will have too go with all the overlapping. Its already been proven that senior ones at us are in no hurry to leave and Im sure DL ones feel the same. Sucks but we all ready know where we stand from past experience. Hope Im wrong but Im not counting on it.

Maybe it's time to offer more "early outs".
It seems like a mixed bag of reactions so far for current employees of US regarding the propsed Delta merger. Most disappointing however, for furloughees who have been gone over 5 years now and still wish to return. Particularly upsetting is how it seemed as though all furloughed f/a's would have the opportunity to return this past year, only to see the scheduled recalls for August and December canceled. Some of us were hoping that the arrival of the E-190's could change that heading into the new year.

But if a merger with Delta does happen before the furloughees are recalled, then I believe it's probable that a recall will never happen for us.

The following is a letter sent to: merger@usairways.com and the response I received:

"As a flight attendant furloughee of the original US Airways for over 5 years now, it concerns me that a merger with Delta would likely mean I may never have the opportunity to return to US Airways, as I have wanted to do for a very long time now.

Last year, we were told that 600 flight attendants would return to the company, only to see that number reduced for the June recall and then to see the August and December recalls canceled completely. I have waited...and waited...and waited...and have been told to be patient and my recall would come time and time again. It was my hope that taking the new deliveries of the new Embraer 190's now and into the coming year (2007) that those recall hopes may finally be realized...but now I fear that is no longer true.

Therefore, I am posing the question...what does this mean for furloughees such as myself that have been waiting for over 5 years to return? Are there any plans to recall early in 2007 or at all? Or should I begin to accept the fact that I will never be able to return to work at US Airways now or in the future?

Furloughed Flight Attendant"

And the response:

"Thanks for your feedback. While it's too early to tell what will happen with furloughees, if we can use the AWA/US merger as a model, we've seen virtually no changes to the furloughee contracts. As you mentioned, we have had some recalls since the HP-US merger, and while they aren't as many as we'd like, it's a good sign that we are in fact recalling these positions, rather than furloughing even more employees.

-Corporate Communications"

Heartwarming response isn't it? <_< I would hope that Mike Flores would stand and fight for the furloughees to return when and if the Delta merger comes to pass...but considering his fight AGAINST furloughees returning this past year and given his track record I think I know better. :down:

Any other furloughees care to comment?

I thinks it is great you still want to return but I would respectively advise that you move on and dont look back. 🙁
I understand how you feel. When the recalls were announced, I was afraid that if I didn't make it back before the certificates merged that it would be a long time before I was recalled.

Don't give up hope yet. You never know what will happen.

I made it back and hopefully you will too!
It seems like a mixed bag of reactions so far for current employees of US regarding the propsed Delta merger. Most disappointing however, for furloughees who have been gone over 5 years now and still wish to return. Particularly upsetting is how it seemed as though all furloughed f/a's would have the opportunity to return this past year, only to see the scheduled recalls for August and December canceled. Some of us were hoping that the arrival of the E-190's could change that heading into the new year.

But if a merger with Delta does happen before the furloughees are recalled, then I believe it's probable that a recall will never happen for us.

The following is a letter sent to: merger@usairways.com and the response I received:

"As a flight attendant furloughee of the original US Airways for over 5 years now, it concerns me that a merger with Delta would likely mean I may never have the opportunity to return to US Airways, as I have wanted to do for a very long time now.

Last year, we were told that 600 flight attendants would return to the company, only to see that number reduced for the June recall and then to see the August and December recalls canceled completely. I have waited...and waited...and waited...and have been told to be patient and my recall would come time and time again. It was my hope that taking the new deliveries of the new Embraer 190's now and into the coming year (2007) that those recall hopes may finally be realized...but now I fear that is no longer true.

Therefore, I am posing the question...what does this mean for furloughees such as myself that have been waiting for over 5 years to return? Are there any plans to recall early in 2007 or at all? Or should I begin to accept the fact that I will never be able to return to work at US Airways now or in the future?

Furloughed Flight Attendant"

And the response:

"Thanks for your feedback. While it's too early to tell what will happen with furloughees, if we can use the AWA/US merger as a model, we've seen virtually no changes to the furloughee contracts. As you mentioned, we have had some recalls since the HP-US merger, and while they aren't as many as we'd like, it's a good sign that we are in fact recalling these positions, rather than furloughing even more employees.

-Corporate Communications"

Heartwarming response isn't it? <_< I would hope that Mike Flores would stand and fight for the furloughees to return when and if the Delta merger comes to pass...but considering his fight AGAINST furloughees returning this past year and given his track record I think I know better. :down:

Any other furloughees care to comment?


I was recalled in June 2006. After being furloughed for exactly three years, I was very excited to return. Now that I have been back for almost 6 months, this is what I can tell you. It is not what it used to be! The reasons I say this are below;

-98% of all the trips consist of 13:59 duty days with no more than 11-13 hour lay overs.
-There are no longer any crew meals. This may seem irrelevant, but believe me when you are working a 14 hour day, you will wish you had one because there is no time to get food. If you try, the agents will charge you with a "crew delay" meaning the inevitable conversation with a supervisor.
-There are no longer any carribean layovers (except SJU). They are all turns and if you don't have at least 20 years, you can forget about it.
-There where extreme pay and benefit cuts in the second round of negotiations. They will not tell you this when you are asked to accept a recall. 1st year pay is about $18.00 per hour now. I have six years and i'm only making $21.47.
-The reserve system is completly changed and unbearable. You can no longer pass even IF YOU ARE LUCKY ENOUGH TO EVEN GET A CALL.
-The most senior flight attendants on reserve, right now February 97 forward (for PHL), get about 50 hours per month.
-Even if you make yourself available for a quick call you likely will not get called.

Much has changed, the above are simply facts. Don't get me wrong, I still like it; however, if you have a job, which I am assuming you do after 5 years, then be happy where you are until all this comes to pass. We are negotiating a new contract, in light of the merger announcement. Believe it or not, Mike Flores is a good guy, he is simply taxed with the job of trying to make everyone happy (35+ years of seniority down to me, only 6 years) which is not an easy job i'm sure. Hopefully our new contract will have many improvements to the reserve system. I believe this because we now have 18 year flight attendants sitting reserve in PIT. If it was not for that, I don't think we would see a significant change. Even if the merger with Delta happens, I think your recall would be sooner than you think. There would be a period of time that the airlines would continue to operate separate as we are now. During that time f/a would continue to retire and get fired resulting in needed recalls. Back in the summer when the union announced concern over the number of recalls, I now understand why. The flight attendants that were here then were not getting their time. Now we still aren't. A person can't live on 50 hours (guarantee of 73)per month.

Whatever the case may be, best of luck to you. I was told a while back when I was in your situation, "keep the candles burning and don't loose hope". A recall may be sooner than you think.
:unsure: :unsure: :unsure: After 5 years and you are still waiting to be recalled? Could'nt u have started a whole new career - a stable one - thats doesn't involve US? I'm not trying to be unsympathetic or unkind, but its time to move on.... From your posting u seem to have a good head on your shoulders. Maybe its time to move on and look for another career. There is life- WONDERFUL LIFE beyond the airlines. Take it from someone would worked for US for over 25 years. I got educated- HIGHLY educated and I LOVE what i'm doing. I miss my airline friends, but i dont miss the uncertainty and craziness of working for an airline. The BEST of luck to u. Please don't stand around waiting- pursue your dreams.There is a great BIG world of opportunity out there. BEST OF LUCK!!!
:unsure: :unsure: :unsure: After 5 years and you are still waiting to be recalled? Could'nt u have started a whole new career - a stable one - thats doesn't involve US? I'm not trying to be unsympathetic or unkind, but its time to move on....

I expected a few posts such as this...

Please don't misunderstand, I have not been sitting around for 5 years doing nothing, putting my life on hold and waiting for a recall. I've done different things, and many times thought I never wanted to return, but as other jobs ran their course, or my dissatisfaction grew...I've often wanted to return to this industry because frankly, I never got it out of my system. I guess I want to give it one more shot, and see if I have the same passion for it that I once did.

I've kept myself well-informed over the years, and do realize that it is not the job that it once was. I know that much has changed, and that it is even tougher now than it used to be. But even knowing that, it doesn't make the desire to try it one last time go away. I guess time will tell how things play out, but make no mistake, should something better come along that I find satisfaction in...I wouldn't let a good opportunity pass by. 😉
I expected a few posts such as this...

Please don't misunderstand, I have not been sitting around for 5 years doing nothing, putting my life on hold and waiting for a recall. I've done different things, and many times thought I never wanted to return, but as other jobs ran their course, or my dissatisfaction grew...I've often wanted to return to this industry because frankly, I never got it out of my system. I guess I want to give it one more shot, and see if I have the same passion for it that I once did.

I've kept myself well-informed over the years, and do realize that it is not the job that it once was. I know that much has changed, and that it is even tougher now than it used to be. But even knowing that, it doesn't make the desire to try it one last time go away. I guess time will tell how things play out, but make no mistake, should something better come along that I find satisfaction in...I wouldn't let a good opportunity pass by. 😉
:up: :up: Good for you- it sounds as if u have your eyes wide open and ur leaving your options open. If this brings you great satisfaction than far be it for ANYONE to dissuade u. Best of luck to you!!!
I know this is mostly f/a's.. But I noticed in the Q/A of the merger stuff, they stated they have recalled 700 pilots??? Uhmmm....where?
I know this is mostly f/a's.. But I noticed in the Q/A of the merger stuff, they stated they have recalled 700 pilots??? Uhmmm....where?
Probably more like 70 pilots....if it were 700, everyone who wants to return would be back already. Just goes to show how (mis)management pays attention to the "petty details" :lol:
I have to a agree with an earlier post. I do beleive there will be lots of lay offs if this merger happens. if you cut 10% capacity or more...of course lays off will happen. Now the question is, Do you come back should there be a recall only to possibly get laid off if the merger happens or do you pass on the recall only to possibly never get recalled if the merger happens?? :unsure:

Senior folks are not going anywhere and if you think about it...why should they. I have to remind myself that if i were in their shoes i would be in no rush to leave either regardless of how much i would like to return and fly. I have been laid off going on 4 years now. If the merger were to pass, it would be what? two years or more before it actually happens. In that case i do think a recall would happen BUT there will not be any big recalls because of no growth and slow, slow, slow, attrition rate with F/As. Unless the company offers big buy outs for the seniour folks i don't think there will be any big changes in the near future.

Should people return if they want to? Of course they should if that is what makes them happy. None of us are here forever and when your time is up...its up. I dont' care how stable your job is!!! So go out there do what makes you happiest!! :up:

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