Whining Furloughees


Aug 21, 2002
Give me a break about furlough pay. Most people who get furloughed from companies never see furlough pay. They only get un-employment just like our furloughees. God knows we want everyone back on the line but spare us the furlough pay tears.
Sorry, but they should be incensed about the furlough pay issue. APFA became sort of a reverse Robin Hood, the rich robbing the poor. Judge Amon who heard the TWAers attempt to get an injunction was quite concerned about this issue too. Taking money from the about to be furloughed who were expecting furlough pay to help them adjust to not working so that those who remain in their jobs can suffer a slightly smaller paycut borders on the criminal.
man, oh man, miaami. i've always considered you to be one of the most selfish and clueless posters on this forum, but this is a new low, even for you. can you actually STAND to be in the same room with yourself????? you, with your job and pay, taking issue with the "whining" of the jobless furloughees less fortunate than yourself. you are a real piece of work. no problem telling who you're voting for in november. and while your're at it, why don't you run for president of the apfa next time. you'd be perfect.

Again you are showing your overwhelming since of maturity. Keep up the great posts. This yet again proves my point. Hopefully, the judge in the upcoming cases will see the injustice that has been done. It wouldn't matter if furloughs got one dime or ten thousand. It's the mere fact it was robbed from us.

What Unity?
What a cruel thread. Starting a whole thread just to bash on the furloughees? That's kinda sad. The way APFA has treated its furloughees has been shameful.

You might want to rethink your feelings on the furlough pay issue. You just might be on the street sooner than you think.

The latest push by the APFA to take away the furloughee's voting rights has made the TWA case MUCH stronger and with a TWA win you just might find yourself on the street.

twasilverbullet said:

what a low life!!!!! :down: :down: :down:
He is a low-life because of the way he feels?

A low life is someone that doesn't respect ones right to have different opinions.


At a certain age people should be able to state their opinion and the reasons they disagree with opposite ones instead of calling people names like children.

People, people, people. If I go around in life with a big red button in the middle of my forehead, carrying a sign that says "Push here to see hair burst into flames", it's like a wet paint sign--some people can't resist pushing the button.

I think MiAAmi is pushing the button just because he likes the smell of burning hair. Granted, the post was in poor taste, but it's like a spoiled child. If you ignore the behavior, he'll stop it. If he's just trying to get a rise out of us, so far he's been successful beyond his wildest dreams.
jimntx said:
People, people, people. If I go around in life with a big red button in the middle of my forehead, carrying a sign that says "Push here to see hair burst into flames", it's like a wet paint sign--some people can't resist pushing the button.

I think MiAAmi is pushing the button just because he likes the smell of burning hair. Granted, the post was in poor taste, but it's like a spoiled child. If you ignore the behavior, he'll stop it. If he's just trying to get rise out of us, so far he's been successful beyond his wildest dreams.
lol, I agree with u jim. :blink: :shock:
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No one under estimates the hardship of losing your job. Furlough pay would defiinitley ease the pain. Thats what unemployment is for. Your right I differ on my opinion about it. You guys will rant and rave about anything anyway why not on this too?

Furlough pay was earned pay!!! Remember just like you, we had no choice to pay our dues to the APFA or face termination with the company per the contract. Well, that same document guarnteed us money in the event we lose our job via a furlough. Instead, those funds were stripped away from us and given to the company in order for you and your fellow co-workers to keep your precious job.

Your comments on this is totally outrageous. It shows your maturity level and your overwhelming concern for those of us on the street. I truely hope one day you will never have to experience this awful situation. This comment of yours continues to show the hatred to those furloughed! Fortunately, a judge will see that as well.

WHat Unity?
In watching MiAAmi post for some time, I do not believe s/he can empathsize with anyone who has issues different than his/her own.
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In case you have not read earlier posts I have been on furlough. I was furloughed when BN declared BK and not only did I not recieve furlough pay I did not even recieve my last check. Having a different opinion about an issue does not mean I dont empathize with those that feel differently. There are posters on this board that feel it necessary to belittle and undermine other posters who state an opinion that doesnt support their own. I have continuously said that I hope the return of the furloughees was sooner than later and have posted whatever info I could to help those not on the line understand whats really going on in my opinion. But you have posters who say that such and such will improve their chances with a lawsuit that is pending. Are these people lawyers....no. Just people guessing and assuming that a judge is going to agree with their agenda. Do I call anyone and idiot for thinking that way ...no. One poster suggested that he/she did not have a choice in paying dues....I have to ask, did you not sign up for that when they said this is what AA is about? However my maturity level was attacked. I was accused of hating furloughees....I do not. If a judge would really see any of our opinions as being easy to agree with then why are all the suits still pending? L1011 has stated that AA'ers stole TWA jobs...and are down right criminal. For Flyboy to say that he paid his dues and should be guaranteed furlough pay because he paid dues for 4 or 5 yrs doesnt fly with me. He would rather the people who have paid union dues for 20-30 yrs take an even larger paycut to ease his personal pains when it was those 20-30 yr f/as that negotiated furlough pay for him before he was even considered for the job at all. When flyboy gets his call back he will be at rates that will be worth more. He wont be struggling as much to get back on his feet. Now thats just my opinion and Im sticking to it. And if you don't agree thats fine.

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