Where's the Birth Certificate?

The really interesting part will come when/if Marc Rubio ever runs on the WH ticket. He was born in 1971 but his parents were not naturalized till 1975. The back stroke the birthers will do would qualify for a Olympic event. The RNC whack jobs are the gift that keeps giving.
Well that will be different because........well......you know.........
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So I guess you HAVE seen Romney's documents and everyone else's birth certificates and you deem them all to be legit? Can you post them please? I know all the concerned patriots of the USA are interested.
And can we use all the canidate's middle names? That seems to have some significance only since the 2008 election and only for one person.

Simple search shows Romney's roots go back to good ol' USA proving his grandparents and parents were all 'natural born citizens', thus granting him the same status. Don't need to see his BC. Your boy Barry, however can not make or support that same claim. :lol:

Marco Rubio is not a natural born citizen BTW..
I would be surprised that if this ever went before the SCOTUS that they would rule that both parents must be US citizens. Adopted kids who do not know who their parents are, single parents who have children and the father is unknown all would be ineligible to run for office.

There is no logical or legally based reason to interpret the COTUS in that manner. I think that is why the accepted standard is either US parents or born on US soil. Either or makes you a natural citizen. I do not see any reason to change that.
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Judge Andrew Napolitano thinks otherwise. The two minute mark.


Thinks otherwise? No mention of natural born at the two minute mark, one of your hosts does some chirping but thats about it.

Napolitano affirmed he is a US Citizen by birth.

Rubio still is not eligible.
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OK, I'll say it. He is not Black. He does not have a middle name of Islamic origin. Shall I go on?

Guy could be green and from Mars for all I care, he still not natural born by previous precedents mentioned in several other cases..
I would be surprised that if this ever went before the SCOTUS that they would rule that both parents must be US citizens. Adopted kids who do not know who their parents are, single parents who have children and the father is unknown all would be ineligible to run for office.

There is no logical or legally based reason to interpret the COTUS in that manner. I think that is why the accepted standard is either US parents or born on US soil. Either or makes you a natural citizen. I do not see any reason to change that.

Well it might be helpful to allow the Supreme's to rule on this. That IS why they exist! To clarify the laws and intent of the founding documents.
Simple search shows Romney's roots go back to good ol' USA proving his grandparents and parents were all 'natural born citizens', thus granting him the same status. Don't need to see his BC. Your boy Barry, however can not make or support that same claim. :lol:

Marco Rubio is not a natural born citizen BTW..
I'll stand by my statement that you and other people have never been interested in a presidential candidate's birth certificate until Obama's run for the presidency. The Republican political machine created this "controversy" and even though he passed the same test that every other candidate has passed you just can't let it go.
Someone has to actually have a successful case and have it go through the appellate process first. So far they have not even had a successful case so I would not hold my breath. Seems that the courts do not think there is anything that needs deciding or clarifying. What to do?
Someone has to actually have a successful case and have it go through the appellate process first. So far they have not even had a successful case so I would not hold my breath. Seems that the courts do not think there is anything that needs deciding or clarifying. What to do?

One of the things that confuses me greatly is when the courts have ruled that a plaintiff doesn't have "Standing". How can a sovereign citizen not have standing in a matter regarding the very core of the COTUS? Apparently they can.

Let's assume for discussion that I sue in a state court and somehow It's determined by that state that I do in fact have standing and I present a case and WIN! Now the stage is set for appeals and we get eventually to the SCOTUS for a definitive ruling. Wouldn't such a scenario be the "desired state"? IMO the so called birther's would get their ass kicked in court if it ever got to the SCOTUS However it would settle the issue and that I think needs to happen.
I do not understand the issue of standing either. I do not see how any US citizen would not have standing in this issue. I looked it up and still do not understand how it is determined in a case such as this. I'll read some more tomorrow when I am not as tired.

I was reading this site if anyone is interested.

I do not understand the issue of standing either. I do not see how any US citizen would not have standing in this issue. I looked it up and still do not understand how it is determined in a case such as this. I'll read some more tomorrow when I am not as tired.

I was reading this site if anyone is interested.


Read a chunk of the link you have posted and frankly while i understand what they are saying I disagree with it.

It smacks of tyranny in my book. This issue will NEVER go away unless and until the phrase "Natural Born" is defined by the SCOTUS. the cynic in me says we;ll find someone who has "Standing" the moment Obama is out of office or a questionable Republican runs.
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  • #720
I'll stand by my statement that you and other people have never been interested in a presidential candidate's birth certificate until Obama's run for the presidency. The Republican political machine created this "controversy" and even though he passed the same test that every other candidate has passed you just can't let it go.

Well if the Hillary Clinton campaign hadn't started the birther issue, we would have never known.