The thing I love/hate about the Onion is they never let anything like decorum & good taste get in the way of a cheap laugh!
Whilst The Donald and the Empty Suit were sparring over the Birth Certificate silliness, did anyone bother to notice that the head of the Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernacke made history by holding a Press Conference regarding the economy.
The more I think about it, why did Obama hold out the shiny metal object of his Birth Certificate mere hours before the Bernake Press Conference? Looks like someone in the White House is looking at the polls and financials for the USA.
Well, I don't think I am going Palin crazy yet, but one has to think if it was this easy, why not produce it from the beginning? OK NoBamo 'finally' produced something with signatures N'Chit, but why wait so long in doing it?
Looking for the right forgers and paying baksheesh to some well heeled politicians?