Where's the Birth Certificate?

The thing I love/hate about the Onion is they never let anything like decorum & good taste get in the way of a cheap laugh! :lol: :lol:

Whilst The Donald and the Empty Suit were sparring over the Birth Certificate silliness, did anyone bother to notice that the head of the Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernacke made history by holding a Press Conference regarding the economy.

The more I think about it, why did Obama hold out the shiny metal object of his Birth Certificate mere hours before the Bernake Press Conference? Looks like someone in the White House is looking at the polls and financials for the USA.

Well, I don't think I am going Palin crazy yet, but one has to think if it was this easy, why not produce it from the beginning? OK NoBamo 'finally' produced something with signatures N'Chit, but why wait so long in doing it?
Looking for the right forgers and paying baksheesh to some well heeled politicians?
:p :p :p
Guess what I just heard from Uncle Jerome......

• If the original document was in a bound volume (as reflected by the curvature of the left hand side of the certificate), how can the green patterned background of the document's safety paper be so seamless?

• Why, if Obama was born on August 4, 1961, was the “Date Accepted by Local Reg.” four days later on August 8, 1961?

• What is the significance of the smudges in the box containing the name of the reported attendant?

• David A. Sinclair, the M.D. who purportedly signed the document, died nearly eight years ago at age 81. So he is conveniently unavailable to answer questions about Obama’s reported birth.

• In the “This Birth” box there are two mysterious Xs above “Twin” and “Triplet.” Is there a sibling or two unaccounted for?

• What is the significance of the mysterious numbers, seen vertically, on the document’s right side?

• Finally, the “Signature of Local Registrar” in box 21 may be a desperate attempt at establishing the document’s Hawaiian authenticity. Note to forgers: It is spelled “Ukulele.”

Well, I don't think I am going Palin crazy yet, but one has to think if it was this easy, why not produce it from the beginning? OK NoBamo 'finally' produced something with signatures N'Chit, but why wait so long in doing it?
Looking for the right forgers and paying baksheesh to some well heeled politicians?
:p :p :p

Just when you think you have found rock bottom, people manage to dig a little deeper.

So for the funniest commentary has been from Dennis Miller.

The quote was " I was in six cabs today in New York and you couldn't cobble together one Birth Certificate between the six of them"


  1. It is now officially open season on Donald Trump, who had the audacity to challenge the media darling in a very direct and personal way
  2. The metaphorical anal probe will dig up dirt on the Donald by the truck load and their are several truck loads to be dug up.
  3. Items one and two will be the new "shiny metal object" used to distract the public from the 800 pound gorillas of debt, deficit & unemployment running amok,
  4. Most of the public have the attention span of a Golden Retriever, hell the dog is in some ways smarter as a dog can smell crap BEFORE they step in it.
  5. Donald Trump is the one person running to stand up to the media in a meaningful way. I hope he has a very thick flak jacket
  6. Obama's timing made sure the shiny metal object of his birth certificate obfuscated and ensure that few if any paid attention to the historic action taken by Fed Chairman Ben Bernake of holding a press conference.
  7. I wish Trump had picked a different topic/issue to confront Obama with.
  8. Will the events of the day cause Trump to continue with his challenges to the Obama? One can hope.
  9. Will Trump live long enough to be President or will he be assassinated?

It's now officially "Game On". Let's see what happens next
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Only reason Obama did what he did was Trump is gaining traction and effecting Obama's campaign.

Obama has no record to run on and trump continually rehashing this is doing damage.

Obama caused this entire fiasco. Obama the original birther.

Trump isn't done yet. He will beat Obama with Obama's own words.

For someone who continually touts 'transparency'......Obama has and hides an awful lot.

Obama has never had anyone biting him in the heels in his entire public career.

And he don't like it.

This is great copy....for the first time since Obama was sworn in, someone is asking serious questions and Obama is having difficulty dealing with the reality.....media can't bail him out.

1. Go to: http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/rss_viewer/birth-certificate-long-form.pdf

2. Put a box around the text in standard Adobe. Right click mouse. Choose "Copy Image".

3. Paste into standard Microsoft Word. See what shows up.

1. Go to: http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/rss_viewer/birth-certificate-long-form.pdf

2. Put a box around the text in standard Adobe. Right click mouse. Choose "Copy Image".

3. Paste into standard Microsoft Word. See what shows up.

Having spent a lifetime in the Printing, Copying & Graphics Industry I did as requested and what I got appears to be a file conversion issue.

Checked the PDF Construction and I found a possible reason for what I saw.

PDF Producer - Mac OS X 10.6.7
PDF Version - 1.3 (Acrobat 4.x)

You'll note that the file was created on a Mac and that the PDF version is at least 4 years old. So what likely is happening is a conflict between Mac & PC. Depending what software was used to acquire the image it may or may not transfer across platform well. Some older image capture software (especially older versions) doesn't always write clean PDF's and it's an pretty old version of Acrobat as well. If you're still using Microsoft Vista it may not convert well.

I've seen all kinds of wacky stuff like this and troubleshooting is no fun. In the industry we would often asked for the native files if the PDF wasn't clean due to time and cost constraints.

IMO it's time to move on. Nothing to see here!
So for the funniest commentary has been from Dennis Miller.

The quote was " I was in six cabs today in New York and you couldn't cobble together one Birth Certificate between the six of them"


  1. Donald Trump is the one person running to stand up to the media in a meaningful way. I hope he has a very thick flak jacket

It's now officially "Game On". Let's see what happens next

How does getting on TV and repeating thourougly discredited lies standing up to the media?
Obama caused this entire fiasco. Obama the original birther.

How did providing a legal document recognized in every state cause this? The people who caused this are the the Jerome Corsi's, Philip Berg's, David Dukes, Donald Trumps, Orly Taitz, Joe Farah's etc of the world looking to either get money or get political traction out of this. And let's not forget all the other people who fell for it and repeated the lies one after another becasue they are incapable of using their brains.

What's the root cause of this birther non-sense? Racism, pure and simple. If his father were European and an evangelical Christian and not an African and Muslim this issue would not exist.
How does getting on TV and repeating thourougly discredited lies standing up to the media?

Did you see his Press Conference? Obama's Announcement?

The biggest thing I took away is when you stop listen to the MSM opinions and watch the body language that goes along with the words, one thing became clear and that was Barack Obama was clearly pissed at Trump's dogging him. With Trump it became clear he would answer media questions while not letting himself be bullied by them.

I wonder what Obama is going to do if Trump hangs around for a bit? He came across as being a bit thin skinned, while Trump nearly issued the dreaded "Triple Dog Dare" to the MSM

I am sooooo looking forward to Trump sticking around. Now that the Birth Certificate is put to rest hopefully "The Donald" turns his attention to Obama's abject failure as a POTUS all while hammering the media. Hell he told them yesterday they protect Obama and attack him.
Did you see his Press Conference? Obama's Announcement?

The biggest thing I took away is when you stop listen to the MSM opinions and watch the body language that goes along with the words, one thing became clear and that was Barack Obama was clearly pissed at Trump's dogging him. With Trump it became clear he would answer media questions while not letting himself be bullied by them.

I wonder what Obama is going to do if Trump hangs around for a bit? He came across as being a bit thin skinned, while Trump nearly issued the dreaded "Triple Dog Dare" to the MSM

I am sooooo looking forward to Trump sticking around. Now that the Birth Certificate is put to rest hopefully "The Donald" turns his attention to Obama's abject failure as a POTUS all while hammering the media. Hell he told them yesterday they protect Obama and attack him.

Yes, I saw the press conference. But as I said before, how is Donald Trump getting on TV and repeating lies challenging the media?

Obama is thin skinned? He's been listening to this crap for two years now and he now finally says something. I would say he has thicker skin than Donald Trump. Have you noticed that when someone says something about him he does not like he goes off like an insecure teenager? Karl Rove calls his candidacy a joke and Trump goes gunning for him. Robert De Nero says something and next thing you know he's calling De Nero stupid. Hope he realizes it's not going to get any better.
I wondered exactly how long it would take for a Democrat, Liberal, Progressive or whatever left Wing Label one desires to apply to point a finger at Donald Trump and scream Racist. Not long I see. So let's explore the whole "Race Card" and the Left use thereof. Couple of point I saw in an article. I have the link so one may view it in its entirety.

The Democratic Party has lost the "white vote" in every presidential election since 1964. Democrats attribute this to white racism. Yet in 2008, when a Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll asked whether voters would refuse to vote for a qualified black for president, only 3 percent of Republicans said "yes." More Democrats -- at 4 percent -- than Republicans admitted refusing to vote for a qualified black for president. Republican presidents have appointed more blacks to positions of authority than have Democrats. Of the black members of the House of Representatives, the only ones from majority white districts are Republicans

As recently as 1960, the GOP attracted 32 percent of the black vote. Without the now-monolithic black Democratic vote, the Democratic Party could not survive. So it recruits and retains black voters by calling white Republicans "racists" -- and by calling black Republicans "sellouts."

The GOP, over the objections of the Democratic Party, backed the 13th, 14th and 15th constitutional amendments that freed blacks, granted blacks citizenship and granted blacks the right to vote, respectively. For over 100 years, Democrats fought against civil rights legislation, often reversing pro-civil rights legislation passed by Republicans.

As a percentage of the party, more Republicans supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act than did Democrats.

How has government dependency helped black Americans? Since Democratic President Lyndon Johnson launched the pro-welfare-state "war on poverty," poverty has flatlined. But the percentage of black children born to unwed mothers -- many living in government-dependent households -- has increased from 25 percent to 70 percent.

Items like the above are how business is done on the Left. If you can't compete in the free market of ideas and concepts just yank out the Race Card. Dog the nation first half black President and in less than 24 hours you're branded a racist in the media. This is merely the beginning of barrage that will be hurled at Trump.

Trump is divorced twice and so am I, so what. He went BK 4 times and recovered to build even more wealth. He inherited a pittance from the old man compared to where he is now and he did it with relentless self promotion, strong negotiation skills and a large dose of testosterone and truth of it is if he has but one person on his payroll that's one more than Obama has had for as long as he's had a hole in his arse. I don't admire people who suckle off the taxpayer tit their entire life.

Bottom Line for me is Trump builds wealth while Obama confiscates wealth. Besides I'm voting for Ron Paul, while I still can. So called Progressive leaders say they're for the worker? How would they even know what one was? It's not like they ever produced a thing of value

Entire Op-Ed Piece
I guess you didnt read Art of the Deal, it wasnt a pittance, it was money and land.

Donald Trump had the one thing that prepares you to become a rich man


Fred Trump had a pretty good start too with an immigrant father who was an real entrepreneur and real estate investor. After his father died in the 1930’s the teenage Fred took a modest inheritance that kept the family solvent during the depression and started a real estate development company. 10 years later he was in the right situation when the government set things in high gear by insuring mortgages under the GI Bill. During the housing boom of the 59’s and 60’s Fred amassed a fortune of $200 million (about 41 billion in current $$$) with residential development in Queens and Brooklyn

Donald was the product of private schools and the connections they provide After learning the business in his father’s company, The Donald decided to take on Manhattan. New York City had just come through a bad economic time when they had to be bailed out by the Federal government. Many areas in Manhattan were run down with prewar buildings falling into disrepair. The city was offering special loans and tax abatements to developers who would come in and rehab large properties. Donald Trump was there with his fathers name and connections to pick up this corporate welfare

His first venture was with Hyatt and he decided to organize the next deal to be all Trump. The Trump Tower was an egomaniac dream. It was billed as the glitziest building in New York and became a tourist. Although it makes a profit the return was much less than the investors expected. His next project which was supposed to be the biggest and fanciest building fell through so Donald turned to Atlantic City and gambling

In bringing the money together for the casino Trump used some pretty shady practices but at that time nobody believed you could LOSE money on a casino. The ultra lavish casino opened but without enough cash to cover operating expenses. Soon the casino was in danger of defaulting on loan payments and the banks were within days of foreclosure, Fred gave Donald $3 million to hold off the bankers. At that point Donald had a negative net worth of $300 million. It became obvious the only way creditors would get any money was restructuring not bankruptcy. Donald was forced to cut back on his excesses and sell corporate assets that the Trumps were treating as personal property.
A few years later as the casino started making enough money to dig itself out of financial troubles, Trump took all the credit. In reality it was the economy that was making all the casinos better off. The stories were planted everywhere and when you hear something over and over people believe it.

But the big money men knew the truth and the Trumpification of Manhattan faded away. Today Trump earns by putting his name on other peoples' product. He was the emcee on a reality show conceived & produced by others, he purchased the rights to a fading beauty contest and stripped away any part of the spectacle that had dignity. The Donald has sold his name to a menswear line. He is paid to spread the myth that everyone can become millionaires by buying his ghostwritten books. He even sells beef via home shopping shows. Lately it seems the only way he way he can feed his ego and keep his name in the news is by insulting people randomly in the hope of stirring up a public feud.

The Donald increased his family wealth on the backs of others including the taxpayer. He has always been a narcissist but he seems to be approaching megalomania in his belief that he is the smartest most business savvy man in the world

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