Where's the Birth Certificate?

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  • #167
I'll give a quick summary of the National Review article. The President was born in the USA, birthers are fools wasting there time when there are other more important issues to worry about, birthers a lot like 9-11 truthers and in some cases are the same people.

Your girl Hillary started it.......LOL

Notice the one says Certification and the other says Certificate......that seems to be interesting.

Guess one is for certifying one was born somewhere on the planet and the other is for Hawaii births I guess. Just sayin'.

Van Jones is a truther......think he is a birther too?
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  • #168
I'll give a quick summary of the National Review article. The President was born in the USA, birthers are fools wasting there time when there are other more important issues to worry about, birthers a lot like 9-11 truthers and in some cases are the same people.

And what other more important issues are there?

Secessionists? :lol:
Your girl Hillary started it.......LOL

Notice the one says Certification and the other says Certificate......that seems to be interesting.

Guess one is for certifying one was born somewhere on the planet and the other is for Hawaii births I guess. Just sayin'.

Van Jones is a truther......think he is a birther too?

My girl? Can't say I ever voted for her.

Typical conspiracy theorist behavior. If there something you don't like and cannot refute you pretend it does not exist. That article was well written and to the point, maybe you should read it.

I know your boy Philip Berg is both.
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  • #170
Except that there's no real proof that mom was in the US for the year preceding birth... borders were a lot looser back then.

At this point, it's all moot. But if at least one state enacts a proof law, it's going to be interesting to see where it goes from there...

Soros bought and paid for the guy.......is why all his credentials are under lock and key.
National Review seems to think it's real.


What I do not understand is if this has been proven a fake why hasn't a single politician taken this 'evidence' and gone before a court or their constituents and said 'I have the proof and it's right here'. I wonder if that is because the evidence is faulty and they don't want to get laughed out of town. Limbaugh, Coulter and O'Reilly have not even touched it and we all know how low their standards are regarding the truth.

May be Palin will bring it up on her POTUS run. The Dems should be so lucky.
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It comes down to who would want to be associated with unseating the first black American president and have it recorded into the history books. :blink:
It comes down to who would want to be associated with unseating the first black American president and have it recorded into the history books. :blink:


Who wants to be associated with a theory that cannot be proven and get laughed out of town. This is a COTUS issue. If there were any proof that Obama were not a natural US citizen, he would not be in the WH.
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  • #176

Who wants to be associated with a theory that cannot be proven and get laughed out of town. This is a COTUS issue. If there were any proof that Obama were not a natural US citizen, he would not be in the WH.

Who was in control at the time?

They never bothered to check Dude.......
Who is in power of Cong has nothing to do with the ability to file a law suit.

Do you think that fact really matters? It's interesting that the same people who go on and on about constitutional requirements can't understand that who's in control of Congress has no bearing on whether or not you can bring a lawsuit to court. Or that in this country if you make an accusation it's up to you to prove it’s true.

The birthers are lot like other conspiracy theory groups. They’re right up there with the moon landing was a hoax crowd, FDR knew about Pearl Harbor, 9-11 was an inside job; Jews control the world etc, etc. They all play from the same play book. SOP is to ignore facts, make up their own "facts", flood you with information because that makes them right, or make points that are totally irrelevant.
Wanna bet?

Even 14.6 percent of the Democrats said they do not consider him a legitimate president, along with 52.2 percent of the Republicans. Significantly, 31.8 percent of the independents said no.

Source WND

All that really proves is the percentage of people who buy into a particular conspiracy theory.
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  • #180
Do you think that fact really matters? It's interesting that the same people who go on and on about constitutional requirements can't understand that who's in control of Congress has no bearing on whether or not you can bring a lawsuit to court. Or that in this country if you make an accusation it's up to you to prove it’s true.

The birthers are lot like other conspiracy theory groups. They’re right up there with the moon landing was a hoax crowd, FDR knew about Pearl Harbor, 9-11 was an inside job; Jews control the world etc, etc. They all play from the same play book. SOP is to ignore facts, make up their own "facts", flood you with information because that makes them right, or make points that are totally irrelevant.

Good point....now explain all the lawsuits that have been filed.

You, yourself are a conspiracy theorist and don't even realize it..... :unsure: