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Where Is The Iam?

Roach? Levine?

Perhaps the reason fleet is currently not being asked to decimate themselves is because, as you have correctly pointed out in the past, fleet got decimated years ago.
Posted on Wed, Dec. 15, 2004

US Airways machinists prepare offer
Expected to present written plan this week

ALEXANDRIA, Va.. - The union representing US Airways' fleet-service workers likely will make its first written concession proposal to the company this week, as the struggling airline tries to nail down deals with its remaining holdout unions.

The International Association of Machinists has historically been US Airways' most militant union, and it was the last one to strike at the airline. But it has remained publicly silent as two other unions, representing flight attendants and customer-service agents, have threatened to strike if US Airways succeeds in throwing out their labor contracts.

The union cannot send out the company's latest proposal to the rank-and-file for a vote and expect it to pass, Brickner said. The proposal would wipe out so many jobs that the union couldn't get a majority to vote for it.

The chief sticking points remaining are wages, the company's request to outsource most fleet-service jobs and part-time work rules, Brickner said.
my oh my....seems the company game plan works the same for both IAM groups....
decimate...decimate...decimate, before its too late....
looks like the boys from glass and company did their homework this time....
i made him an offer he couldn't refuse....
could this be a valiant LAST STAND ??
delldude said:
my oh my....seems the company game plan works the same for both IAM groups....
decimate...decimate...decimate, before its too late....
looks like the boys from glass and company did their homework this time....
i made him an offer he couldn't refuse....
could this be a valiant LAST STAND ??

I may not appreciate some of the workings of the IAM but one thing I can say positive about them is that they don't piss around when it comes to corporate smacks the likes of Glass. They don't cater to people like Glass who would love to rule the world while crushing people so he can get rich and get off at the same time. I worked for a small shop in the 70's that didn't like what the IAM asked for, fairness for the workers and it ended up going tits up because that company would not "play ball". If U doesn’t play ball with the IAM all the other contracts just agreed upon are for not, whether the likes of the captain believe so or not the IAM has the power to make or break this company, this "Glass" house.
The last update on the website (dated December 2) states that the IAM believes consensual agreements must be reached by December 16, or Judge Mitchell may abrogate the contracts as early as the 17th. Well, it is the 17th and the IAM has not put any update on talks with the company in two weeks. Typical.
N628AU said:
The last update on the website (dated December 2) states that the IAM believes consensual agreements must be reached by December 16, or Judge Mitchell may abrogate the contracts as early as the 17th. Well, it is the 17th and the IAM has not put any update on talks with the company in two weeks. Typical.

It's a very huge cog that turns slowly, but turn it surely does.

Patience my son……Curt
PineyBob said:
When you have nothing to report other thn the same old tired rhetoric why update the people who pay Mr Roach's $250K compensation package. I wonder who makes more Jerry Glass or Robert Roach

BOTH should not be compensated at such a levels considering what’s happening to everyone else around them.
the IAM will cave just like their sister the TWU you heard it here first! its all about DUE'S flow into the coffer's so the union can continue to prosper while the members continue to be decimated. IF THEY DON'T GET THE VOTE THE FIRST TIME IT WILL PASS THE SECOND TIME. "WITHOUT FURTHER RATIFICATION" :lol: :lol: :lol:

N628AU said: "The last update on the website (dated December 2) states that the IAM believes consensual agreements must be reached by December 16, or Judge Mitchell may abrogate the contracts as early as the 17th. Well, it is the 17th and the IAM has not put any update on talks with the company in two weeks. Typical."

USA320Pilot comments: Unless done shortly before this post, the IAM units have not provided the company with a counterproposal. When considering every other union has a new agreement or TA, how does this look to Judge Michell?

Furthermore, with the ATSB and GE agreements requiring the cost cuts, in fact the GE agreement requiring $100 million in cuts up to $1.1 billion, and the only other major cost cut left to include in the POR is a new IAM agreement(s), what do you think Mitchell will do?

There still could be a new contract for the IAM Trainers and FSA's, but it is my understanding from sources involved in the talks, the IAM-M has let the company know behind closed doors they prefer "imposition" due to politics. It's all about the union leadership.

Let's hope this changes.


Funny, the last update was December 7th, not December 2nd.

And like I said, Mr Roach represents over 125,000 people.

US Airways executives raked in over $23 million from 10/03-10/04 for only 28,000 employees.

Hmm, which is the better bang for the buck?

Gerrold Glass made $335,845 in salary, $630,835 in pension, $13,2727 in personal travel and $5,792 in expense reimbursements for a total of $985,924

Robert Roach made $175,207 in salary, $14,605 in allowances and $31,530 in official disbursements for a total of $221,342

Lets do some simple math, Glass earned $764,582 more the Roach. Glass, 28,000 employees Roach 125,000 members.
USA320Pilot said:
but it is my understanding from sources involved in the talks, the IAM-M has let the company know behind closed doors they prefer "imposition" due to politics. It's all about the union leadership.
Let's hope this changes.

First of you have NOT been behind closed doors, nor involved in the contract negotiations.

What you have posted is an outright lie. You are not an IAM member, nor on the Mechanic and Related Negotiating Committee, nor are you a member of management (but you act like one) and you are not on the Company's Negotiating Committee.

Once again you post a blantant falsehood.

There will be a bulletin out later today from District 142 on the status of Negotiations.
PineyBob said:
I agree with you in theory. BUT your assumption is somewhat flawed given our current social moral climate don't you think?
No I don't think....I sometimes agree with you and for the most part...don't.

I am free to say, think and believe whatever I choose which is what my forefathers died for. Hell, they even died so people like you could spout your one way street morals, streets running in your direction and when it comes to the other guy he is wrong, immoral, twisted, distorted.

Both of those clowns making the money they do when so many are suffering is IMO, “wrong“! They will die like the next guy and answer for their deeds, but in their case will have a lot more to explain when trying to justify high living off the backs people in real need.

I was once an employee and now a retired employee and as such still have more right to input then you ever did Bob. Your colors shine bright especially when the cards are dealt in your favor and darken when the "other" guy has a full house.

Happy Holidays Regardless Bobby Poop

Love Curt
he stated what he heard...based on his sources...he made that clear, and in no way does he imply to be a spokesman for the company or the iam...so just chill out.

what you posted is a blantant lie because you don't know what he heard and who he heard it from....

Where is the IAM with there agreement anyways? Did they submit their 1st proposal of this whole thing to the company yesterday, like they said they would in court?
Well his sources are wrong and if he repeats it he is part of the lie. You will have to wait and see when the bulletin is issued.
I would not be surprised if the IAM provides the company with a proposal, during the end of the S.1113 hearings. After all, that is good faith bargaining with every other union having a new labor accord or TA, right.

After all, the company has been trying to negotiate with the IAM for cost cuts for over one-year and during the last week of S.1113 hearings, the IAM says it will provide a counterproposal. That is good faith bargaining, right?

I truly hope there is a deal that the parties and creditors can endorse, without "imposition".



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