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Where Is The Iam?

USA320Pilot said:
I truly hope there is a deal that the parties and creditors can endorse, without "imposition".


What do you mean hope? We thought you knew everything? You drop your crystal ball?
[quote=USA320Pilot,Dec 17 2004, 04:25 PM
I truly hope there is a deal that the parties and creditors can endorse, without "imposition".

Now that is a bunch of BS!!!! I can just imagine 320 jumping for joy when the IAM member start to feel the now famous "Pain".

Just my opinion, but the mechanics could give back $10/hr but all the company wants is to outsource to the cheapest vendor(as long as the work is done in Alabama of course...). The majority of the mechanics are being left with no choice.... :down:
AP Tech:

Do you think I like seeing what is happening? If you do, can I buy and resell you some swamp land in Florida and then make a capital gain?

In regard to the IAM, I understand the company is making progress with all 3 groups. The most difficult situation remains the IAM-M, but I understand all 3 seem to want to make consensual agreements, if they can.

As I have said for the past month, the CWA would be first, the AFA second, and then probably the IAM-Trainers and IAM-FSA to obtain new labor accords. It is no secret that it will be very hard to get the IAM-M to reach their "ask" before Judge Mitchell abrogates their contract, but it is possible to get it accomplished. Let's hope there is a consensual deal.

It is my understanding the company considers getting all the other groups to participate in the new business plan is important and just having the IAM "out there is huge". The judge has to see a pattern has developed with 6 other labor groups, all who met the increased "ask". There is no way for IAM to do anything other than hit our numbers or they could face deeper cuts due to "imposition".


USA320Pilot said:
I would not be surprised if the IAM provides the company with a proposal, during the end of the S.1113 hearings. After all, that is good faith bargaining with every other union having a new labor accord or TA, right.

After all, the company has been trying to negotiate with the IAM for cost cuts for over one-year and during the last week of S.1113 hearings, the IAM says it will provide a counterproposal. That is good faith bargaining, right?

I truly hope there is a deal that the parties and creditors can endorse, without "imposition".


I truly hope there is a deal that the parties and creditors can endorse, without "imposition".
get your marshmallows ready its about to get very warm in here dear.....
USA320Pilot said:
AP Tech:
Do you think I like seeing what is happening?

I tend to think you do enjoy what is happening judging by your previous posts. I have monitored all the other work groups TA and not one of them involves getting rid of 60% of the group and farming out their work. And that 60% is on the low side!! Put in our shoes maybe even you would see our side of the arguement. Cutting that many of the worker's is not an option, most would rather shut the company down..................
700UW said:
First of you have NOT been behind closed doors, nor involved in the contract negotiations.

What you have posted is an outright lie. You are not an IAM member, nor on the Mechanic and Related Negotiating Committee, nor are you a member of management (but you act like one) and you are not on the Company's Negotiating Committee.

Once again you post a blantant falsehood.

There will be a bulletin out later today from District 142 on the status of Negotiations.

SpinDoc replies:

Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah blah blah blah. You
don't have a friggin clue as to what is going
on in the IAM negotiations. If you did, you
would have information to share with this
forum. C'mon chief, share your knowledge.
Don't hide your head in the sand like your
leadership is doing. At least USA320Pilot has
sources of information and HE provides useful

The update that was put out by the IAM today was
brilliant. It was politicians' wet dream. It said
ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and was a waste of
bandwidth. IAM, if you're going to update someone,
at least let them know what the heck is going on.
SpinDoc, I know exactly what is going on.

And if you knew anything about it you would know you dont put things out on a message board unless released by the organization as things change daily.
PineyBob said:
Blah, Blah Blah Blah IAM Good! Company Sucks Blah,Blah, Blah Blah Blah, IAM Good, Jerry Glass Bad Blah, Blah Blah Blah I'm on the inside Blah, Blah Blah Blah Blah, Blah Blah Blah Blah, Blah Blah Blah.

Reminds me of 320
let me "Chiame" in, scared of losing your miles again?

This is from an admited B&E and Thief, and a whiner about some limes.

A waste of bandwith.
Don't stop guys , please. I had a rough day and needed a pick me up.

A320 Driver 😛

I'm right, BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!!!!!!!

You are wrong BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!!!!!!

The most exclamation points and the longest wind wins in this court of personal opinion.

The smell from the long breaking of wind is melting my hard drive.