<_< aa---Good question! Why did they sign a 25 year lease? We've been asking myself this also! If I was to guess, I'de say they're looking for posible future expansion! At the moment, they're getting reed of as many "Old Timers" as posible, and will back fill with younger "nAAtives" if something should come up to warrent it. Although TUL and AFW not totally maxed out, they alone could not support the needs of aa should United, Delta, and, or US/American West, go under! At first, I truely believe a.a. was only playing lip service to third party work here at MCI, but now that they've taken a closer look, believe with our lowered labor costs, could make money for them, not only here, but at TUL, and AFW also! All of this could be part of the anseer! Or none of it!!! What do you think???