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Where Is The Afl-cio?

Nightwatch said:
Not much difference between the two.

Oh really? And how would you know? Have you ever been an AMFA member?

Did AMFA members give up Holiday pay?

Did AMFA members give up Vacation?

Did AMFA give the company every concession they asked for because the company threatened them?

Did AMFA file a force majeure grievance and pursue it or did they bury it like the TWU?

The fact is that the TWU has the only union represented airline workers that only get as little as one week of vacation, no doubletime regardless of how many hours worked, only five recognized holidays at only half pay if worked, and scores of other unique concessions that only non-union airline workers usually are burdened with.
Hackman the TWU has started a card drive at two airlines in the past year in four different work groups and after collecting the required cards the vote showed the workers chose to stay unrepresented. One of these groups were Fleet Service workers and another was Sky Caps. F/S and Sky caps who thought they stood a better chances of improved benefits and pay with out the TWscrew. Maybe they should try the laid off Northwest and United works. They would get a big surprise when they find out that the majority of them are just as supportive of AMFA as the ones still working. Don't believe it TWscrew clones call some of them and ask, or just stay in the dark where your most comfortable.The Board has determined that the single craft or class of Airline Mechanics, Ground Service, Plant Maintenance, and Fleet Service Personnel is no longer a proper craft or class at either American or TWA-LLC. The proper crafts or classes are Mechanics and Related Employees, and Fleet Service Employees. 29 NMB 240, 251 NO VOTE :angry: NO PEACE!!!!
Oh really? And how would you know? Have you ever been an AMFA member?

Never been amfa..still have my brain..

Did AMFA members give up Holiday pay?

No...unemployment still pays you for the Holiday

Did AMFA members give up Vacation?

No...the unemployed receive 365 days a year of vacation...another amfa fought for benefit!

Did AMFA give the company every concession they asked for because the company threatened them?

No...amfa offered more than the company required..all the way to 38%

Did AMFA file a force majeure grievance and pursue it or did they bury it like the TWU?

AMFA lost FM1 and was ridiculed in FM2...how many of the 150 have actually returned to work?..less than 80?...less than 10?...you really need to ask better questions, these make you "THE LAST COMIC STANDING"..HAHAHA!
Nightwatch,Aug 18 2004, 03:27 AM
Never been amfa..still have my brain..

That reply gets catagorized right next to "I know you are but what am I". Childish.

Did AMFA members give up Holiday pay?

No...unemployment still pays you for the Holiday

No...the unemployed receive 365 days a year of vacation...another amfa fought for benefit!

Tell that to the thousands of laid off TWU workers. Those are typical management responses NW.

Did AMFA give the company every concession they asked for because the company threatened them?

No...amfa offered more than the company required..all the way to 38%

And the TWU has no cap, only the right to beg and lower wages to keep work in house. The fact is this company spends more on outsourcing than any other airline.

Did AMFA file a force majeure grievance and pursue it or did they bury it like the TWU?

AMFA lost FM1 and was ridiculed in FM2...how many of the 150 have actually returned to work?..less than 80?...less than 10?...you really need to ask better questions, these make you "THE LAST COMIC STANDING"..HAHAHA!

And how many TWU represented mechanics have returned to work? Everyday even more mechanics jobs are eliminated and the TWU does nothing about it.
LMAO at you...kinda irritates ya huh? Childish? Management responses..you're a real joke Booby..you need to go impress someone that doesn't know of amfa's track record.
=Nightwatch,Aug 18 2004, 11:56 AM]
LMAO at you...kinda irritates ya huh?

Not really, it just makes it easier to discredit your posts on the rare occasion that it actually addresses an issue.



Management responses..you're a real joke Booby..you need to go impress someone that doesn't know of amfa's track record.

Compared to the TWUs twenty years of transferring work away from A&Ps and giving industry leading concessions from all classifications of workers?
Give it time Booby...amfa hasn't been at the negotiating end of a bargain to long yet...but what they have touched has turned to crap...20 years ago delle was living out of his car's trunk, now he lives off people's depression...nice guy..a bit short...but nice guy.
Nightwatch said:
Give it time Booby...amfa hasn't been at the negotiating end of a bargain to long yet...but what they have touched has turned to crap...20 years ago delle was living out of his car's trunk, now he lives off people's depression...nice guy..a bit short...but nice guy.

Depression caused by the misrepresentation of the members by unions like the TWU. The fact is that no workgroup has ever voted out AMFA in favor of the TWU, the IAM or the IBT.

The point is that if aircraft mechanics are not happy with Delle they can vote him out. Sure, the story goes that Delle was living out of his car, so the man has seen hardship but stayed with his vision of what he felt was right. As Sonny negotiates concessions for us he has his two posh homes, one in the exclusive eastern Long Island town of Sag Harbor . Selling out the members has been very lucrative for Mr Hall, and we cant vote him out or choose his replacement if he is indicted, dies or retires.

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