Where Is The Afl-cio?


Dec 21, 2002

I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR THE MIGHTY AFL-CIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CAN ANYONE HELP ME FIND THEM?????????????????????????????

Where has the AFL-CIO been since the final siege of airline workers began?
Not a word from them in light of the UAL ruling and USAir for that matter.

Hell, where have they been since PATCO in '81?


Hopeful said:
I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR THE MIGHTY AFL-CIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CAN ANYONE HELP ME FIND THEM?????????????????????????????
Where has the AFL-CIO been since the final siege of airline workers began?
Not a word from them in light of the UAL ruling and USAir for that matter.

Hell, where have they been since PATCO in '81?

<_< I agree! Where were they durring the TWA/aa debocal????? :down:
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MCI transplant said:
<_< I agree! Where were they durring the TWA/aa debocal????? :down:

Even though we all disagree with what happened, I will give you that one!

Why pay union dues?
The AFL-CIO has become the same Fat Cat Politicians that do nothing for the working man.

Go to Washington D.C. and check the Marble Taj-Mahal building these Fat Cats hang out in.

There is no working man's political party, and there is no working man's organization of unions to protect our interest.

They are together and RICH on the Hill, while us piss-ants pretend they are our friends and there to help us.

Oh, but the AFL-CIO is "there" alright, they just are no longer "there" protecting our interest.
Retirees do not pay union dues, nor do they vote in union representation elections.

Why should the union fat cats care about them?
Hopeful said:
I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR THE MIGHTY AFL-CIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CAN ANYONE HELP ME FIND THEM?????????????????????????????
Where has the AFL-CIO been since the final siege of airline workers began?
Not a word from them in light of the UAL ruling and USAir for that matter.

Hell, where have they been since PATCO in '81?


At the fringes of influence, thanks to all the idiots who voted for the CAPITALISTS instead. Why are so many using politics for morality, while they bad mouth politicians, instead of voting their pocket books and getting their morality from church on Sundays? Where is the mighty AMFA? The association that did not need the suppport of the unskilled in the AFL-CIO?

You are trying to explain away the failures at UAL and NWA by pointing at others.
MCI transplant said:
<_< I agree! Where were they durring the TWA/aa debocal????? :down:
They were nowhere to be found at EAL. They are/were useless cowards. But with TWA,
they gave you your allegheny/mohawk arbitration rights back after you signed them away.
I think one of the reasons that the USAir people did not strike and the UA people wont strike is because of the cowardice of the AFL-CIO. The people at US and UA remember how the AFL-CIO left the EAL people to rot and twist in the wind and did nothing to support them. The EAL pilots were represented by ALPA, the F/A's by the TWU, and mechanics and ramp by the IAM. None of these unions at the national level did anything for the EAL people. We wanted secondary pickets at the other airlines but got no support from the people at those airlines and the IAM national leadership cowered before a judge. I said back then that in about 10 to 15 years they would come for remaining employees at the other majors. Well here it is and I am glad I am here to say " I told you so". Now it is to late for everyone. Unionism died at the EAL battle. Enjoy your ride to the bottom.
aafsc said:
They were nowhere to be found at EAL. They are/were useless cowards. But with TWA,
they gave you your allegheny/mohawk arbitration rights back after you signed them away.
:angry: aa----- Wrong again! The AFL/CIO had nothing to do with it! As for this thing about signing away our scope. It 's getting a little old! We signed them away under "duress"! We had a gun put to our heads! Carty threatened to request our "total" contract be stricken under 1113a, if we didn't! The same way United is now in court! We worked a year as TWA LLC under our old contract! Can you imagine doing that with no contract at all under an aa management??? I personaly feel, aa, and the TWU had an agenda worked out long before this so called buy out came to be, and it didn't include the employees of TWA!!! In fact I feel, with ever passing day, it's more than obvious! :angry:
MCI transplant said:
:angry: aa----- Wrong again! The AFL/CIO had nothing to do with it! As for this thing about signing away our scope. It 's getting a little old! We signed them away under "duress"! We had a gun put to our heads! Carty threatened to request our "total" contract be stricken under 1113a, if we didn't! The same way United is now in court! We worked a year as TWA LLC under our old contract! Can you imagine doing that with no contract at all under an aa management??? I personaly feel, aa, and the TWU had an agenda worked out long before this so called buy out came to be, and it didn't include the employees of TWA!!! In fact I feel, with ever passing day, it's more than obvious! :angry:

That still leaves the question of "Where is the AFL-CIO?"

I have asked this question over many years on many different boards, yet the employees of the airline industry continue to pay this organization for non representation. There may be some political involvement by this organization, but the results are still the same.

Maybe you should stop paying this organization or any organization that does not give you a ROI (return on investment).
Buck said:
That still leaves the question of "Where is the AFL-CIO?"

I have asked this question over many years on many different boards, yet the employees of the airline industry continue to pay this organization for non representation. There may be some political involvement by this organization, but the results are still the same.

Maybe you should stop paying this organization or any organization that does not give you a ROI (return on investment).
well from what i understand with the twa/aa seniority deal is that the afl cio wanted to step in until the twu said they would pull out of the oranization if they did. so the afl cio backed off. my biggest #### with the twu is not the seniority issue, in my opinion the twu did what there members paid them to do, protect there workers. but what got me hating the twu is after all was said in done. they kept screwing with the x twa workers. we were sitting here paying these s o bs union dues and they just kept screwing us. we even heard that the company came to talk to the twu about more concessions and the twu told them they werent even going to talk till aa got rid of st.louis and mci.
mike7867 said:
well from what i understand with the twa/aa seniority deal is that the afl cio wanted to step in until the twu said they would pull out of the oranization if they did. so the afl cio backed off. my biggest #### with the twu is not the seniority issue, in my opinion the twu did what there members paid them to do, protect there workers. but what got me hating the twu is after all was said in done. they kept screwing with the x twa workers. we were sitting here paying these s o bs union dues and they just kept screwing us. we even heard that the company came to talk to the twu about more concessions and the twu told them they werent even going to talk till aa got rid of st.louis and mci.

I do not know where you heard that the TWU would pull out of the AFL-CIO, but I seriously doubt that bluff was ever pushed forward. The TWU has at least a twenty year history of rolling over whenever American Airlines say to. I cannot see where the big and mighty AFL-CIO would feel threaten by such a timid internal entity such as the TWU.
mike7867 said:
the afl cio wanted to step in until the twu said they would pull out of the oranization if they did.

That has to be the funniest thing I've heard in a long time. I think the chances of the AFL-CIO dropping the twu for being a company union far exceed the chances of the twu dropping out of the AFL-CIO.
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The bottom line is that the TWU and the IAM BOTH agreed to binding arbitration to settle the seniority issue.

KASHER ruled! That's it!!!!

Many an orriginal AAer was bumped to the street by TWAers at JFK/LGA, SFO, BOS.


It was very interesting however, the IAM could not produce the original seniority list for Kasher. You know, the one that divided up the mechanics REAL time when they moved around from AUTOMOTIVE AND FACILITIES MAINTENANCE!




Oh I forgot, KASHER already ruled and you can't sue the arbitrator who is appointed by the government to settle labor issues in a government approved process know as arbitration.


This new ruling by the Supreme Court is very important to former TWA employees.

Please use this link to understand why and what you can now do. Click Here

Civil Suit Information!

Here are the important dates of the schedule:

March 28 List of all witnesses due
May 1 Discovery completed
June 1 Dispositive Motions filed
Oct 11 Proposed joint final pretrial order filed
Oct 17 Joint final pretrial conference
Nov 7 Trial ( Jury )

Attn: Former TWA Employees who are now AA employees (Titles 1-5)

Re: Update on Lawsuit against AA/TWU and what we can do to support our case!

The case is proceeding through the discovery phase with our goal of proving to the court that our case has merit and should overcome AA/TWU's attempt to dismiss. Attorney is requesting that our case be certified as a "class action". Since the Title Groups have different collective bargaining agreements and the plaintiff in this particular case is a Title Ill (Fleet Service Clerk), legally the "class action" can only cover Title Ill.
However, rest assured, if we are successful, this case will serve as a "precedent", and AA/TWU no doubt will have to honor and apply it to all Title Groups!

Although there are no guarantees in the legal system, hopefully justice will prevail in our behalf. In the meantime, there are a few important things we all can do to help our cause.

1. If on the pay roll, you can file an Article 13 seniority Protest form since the Feb.
15, 2005 updated master seniority list in several locations place former TWA employees in IMPROPER sequence with an incorrect system wide seniority number. (See Jetnet - Policy and Procedures - People Reduction - TWU Seniority List - Must file by April 15, 2005.)

2. All Title Groups, whether on payroll or laid off can write a brief, respectful, letter to AA/TWU headquarters, requesting that they reconsider their position and honor our collective bargaining agreement rights. (Example and addresses will follow.)

In response to requests for donations to defer the legal expenses in our case, in the future we may announce an appropriate donation arrangement for those who wish to contribute.
As mentioned previously, there will be no obligation to do so.

Any future information of significance will be forthcoming. Thank you for you attention and support.

Former TWA employees vs. AA/TWU

Example of Letter: (May use your own wording)

I request that you reconsider your position and begin to honor the collective bargaining agreement rights of former TWA employees who are now AA employees (Titles I -5), covered by existing AA/TWU collective bargaining agreements. These rights include relocating to another station without having our occupational seniority reduced, "system protection", including collecting the special moving allowance of $12,500 (if seniority guidelines are met), and the right to be properly placed and numbered on the master seniority list. In doing so you will be "DOING THE RIGHT THING.", and will bring an end to the emotional and financial hardships endured by affected employees. Thank you.

TWU - Names

James C. Little Air Transport Director - TWU . International Vice President

Art Luby TWU Legal Counsel

TWU Addresses

Transport Workers Union of America 1791 Hurstview Dr.
Hurst, TX 76054

AA - Names

Gerald Arpey AA Chairman, Pres. And CEO

James Weel AA Directing Mgr. of Employee Relations

Gary Kennedy AA SVP and Gen!. Counsel (Chief Compliance OfficerBusiness Ethnics)

Jeffrey Brundage, AA SVP - Human Resources

Robin Dotson AA Managing Dir. Of Human Resources

AA - Addresses

Mailing Address:
American Airlines, Inc.
P. O. Box 619616 DFW Airport, TX 75261-9616

Physical Address:
American Airlines, Inc.
4333 Amon Carter Blvd.
Ft. Worth, TX 76155

NOTE: You can also personally deliver or send letter to your local station manager and union

Attention: Former TWA Airline Mechanics, Plant Maintenance, Stock Clerks, Ground Service, and Fleet Service Clerks (Titles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

Re: Major Layoffs in STL, MCIE, and possibly other locations.

American Airlines and the Transport Workers Union of America have not upheld your rights as set forth in the April 15, 2003, AA/TWU Collective Bargaining Agreement. If you are affected by a Reduction-in-Force, you should have the following rights:

1. "Bump" into another station with your established occupational seniority without having your seniority reduced Art.10e (Titles 1,2) Art.10d (Titles 3,4,5) Art 14a (All Titles)

2. System Protection, including the "special moving allowance" of $12,500 (if seniority guidelines are met for your Title Group) Arts. 42 and 44.

3. The right to be properly blended into the master system and station seniority lists.

Please note that in several stations former TWA employees are placed and numbered in incorrect sequence. This is a serious violation because if there is a future reduction in force, the company may lay off such employees in improper sequence! Also, some employees may be incorrectly targeted for displacement on the juniority list by incoming "bumping" employees.

Remember that you have the right to file a grievance to protest such violations and also you can notify AA Business Ethics (817-967-6923) to voice your concern since these violations are discriminatory and directed only toward former TWA employees. The incorrect seniority lists may constitute a "falsification of company records". Check Jet Net for your station list! Also, report any harassment by any company or union representative directed toward you because of being a former TWA employee or for desiring to initiate a grievance.

A former TWA Fleet Service Clerk has filed a civil lawsuit against AA and TWU regarding these violations. The attorney says that this case has merit and can become a "class action" if enough employees express interest. This lawsuit will attempt to cover "similarly situated employees" who were former TWA employees (now AA Title Groups 1-5) and that are covered by AA/TWU collective bargaining agreements and who were awarded their AA occupational seniority per the Kasher Seniority Arbitration Award of April 29, 2002.

Consequently, if you are interested you can access this website to leave your information which will be forwarded to the attorney. (no money or obligation required)
Also, the website will educate you on the several violations involved and the pertinent Articles of the Collective Bargaining Agreement and important statements by Arbitrator Kasher that support and uphold our rights!

Thank you

For those employees who were unable to get the Employee Relocation Expense Statement so that they may file for the $12,500.00 that they are entitled to, here is a copy. Please print it and file it. If your new Manager of Supervisor refuses to sign it file a grievance immediately.

Any employee who has worked at Lambert should read this

I have just spoken to Denise Brock (636-366-4428). If anyone has suffered from cancer or skin cancer. Please call her or email her DBrock@alwayson-line.net . I have a link to her site as well. http://www.unww.info

The Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act became effective July 31, 2001 that provides for a lump-sum payment of $150,000 and payment of medical expenses to workers, former workers and subcontractors who became ill as a result of their exposure to radiation, beryllium, or silica. Conditions covered under this program are: radiogenic cancers, beryllium diseases and chronic silicosis.

These chemicals were buried at St. Louis Airport Site (SLAPS). This is the fumes that are coming up through the ground grates on the ramp in concourse D. St Louis City officials have known about this and have ignored your health. She is meeting with the attorneys soon so please contact her ASAP. This would include airline employees and Dobbs workers.

No matter where you are on the road!

Remember, The road we walk may seem long but we do not walk alone. God is always with us

Remember, Only those who stand together will stand strong.

One person alone can not win the war.


The bottom line in all of this is, if you don't fight for your rights then they won't be giving to you. What this all boils down to is this.

According to the Amended agreement dated April 15, 2003, the contract states that all employees are governed by occupational seniority. (Article 10). It states that as a matter of record in this Agreement that in accordance with the established policy of the Company and the Union, the provisions of this Agreement will apply equally to all employees. (Article 28) . No where in the agreement does it state one set of rules for AA employees and one for all old TWA employees. In (Article 42) it states that if you are on active payroll (determined by occupational seniority date) as of September 24, 1998 you are protected. It also states that this agreement supersedes any other agreement. Which means that the agreement where TWA received different seniority dates is no longer in effect. Definition of supersedes. (To take the place of; replace. To cause to be set aside, especially to displace as inferior or antiquated.) It states that the total number of available seat miles (ASM’s) which may be scheduled by all commuter air carriers owned by AMR or feeding American may not exceed six (6) percent of the total ASM’s scheduled by American. (See daily dept schedule effect 11/01/2003 out of STL. Article 42 also states "no city which continues to have Station Protected TWU employees as outlined in Article 42 would be subjected to de-staffing, until all employees with Station Protection have left the station or the Company through retirement or otherwise. " According to this statement STL did not qualify for de-staffing as there are still protected employees at this station. This is a violation of this agreement. According to Article 1 The determination of the scheduled departures will be made each January 1 and July 1 and will consider the prior twelve (12) month period. This was not done by July 1.So this is another violation according to the Agreement. (See line 55 of the Agreement signed April 15, 2003
Buck said:
That still leaves the question of "Where is the AFL-CIO?"

I have asked this question over many years on many different boards, yet the employees of the airline industry continue to pay this organization for non representation. There may be some political involvement by this organization, but the results are still the same.

Maybe you should stop paying this organization or any organization that does not give you a ROI (return on investment).
<_< Buck--- I agree! the AFL/CIO is no more than a money collecting organization!! With the state of the ecconomy, and labor today, they should be in it with both feet! But arn't!!! :down:

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