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Where is IAM update/info/link?

Maybe the IAM is holding out on a better deal for them. Maybe they will get to represent the guys that drive the crew buses if they sell us out.
Maybe the IAM is holding out on a better deal for them. Maybe they will get to represent the guys that drive the crew buses if they sell us out.
I can only hope that they will stand up for us now. I find it hard to believe that the IAM will get us past this roadblock without giving up something. Don't get me wrong, we have given all we can to make it still worth while to stay onboard for as long as it lasts. As I have said the pension deal is ALPA's to lose, not ours. Where I work in Fleet Service, we can do nothing more to increase productivity. It is no secret that the lack of hours flown as well as the big pensions the pilots enjoy are the companys biggest issues. I don't want to attack their group, just stating what most already know. Outsourcing our work or some of the mechanics work is not goung to save our cash drain. Maybe it will save a few thousand dollars here and there, but that is a drop in the bucket with our problems.
I can only hope that they will stand up for us now. I find it hard to believe that the IAM will get us past this roadblock without giving up something. Don't get me wrong, we have given all we can to make it still worth while to stay onboard for as long as it lasts. As I have said the pension deal is ALPA's to lose, not ours. Where I work in Fleet Service, we can do nothing more to increase productivity. It is no secret that the lack of hours flown as well as the big pensions the pilots enjoy are the companys biggest issues. I don't want to attack their group, just stating what most already know. Outsourcing our work or some of the mechanics work is not goung to save our cash drain. Maybe it will save a few thousand dollars here and there, but that is a drop in the bucket with our problems.
frieberger and schifano anywhere to be found?if not they may be in DC.nobody has been in the PIt union office around 2pm on wed/thur.could something be up?
frieberger and schifano anywhere to be found?if not they may be in DC.nobody has been in the PIt union office around 2pm on wed/thur.could something be up?
I talked to Tony G on Tuesday night, nothing was scheduled with the company except to finalize the atendance control arbitration was to take place on Wednesday in DCA. But who knows what happened with the weather problems around the system.
I talked to Tony G on Tuesday night, nothing was scheduled with the company except to finalize the atendance control arbitration was to take place on Wednesday in DCA. But who knows what happened with the weather problems around the system.
Wings, when are you going to realize that no one including the union can tell the company how to operate their business? All I hear is complaints from you, have you ever attended your union meetings to get involved and make a change? Did you vote last August in your District Elections to make a difference? The union is not some entity, it is only as strong as its weakest link and every single member are the links.
Wings, when are you going to realize that no one including the union can tell the company how to operate their business? All I hear is complaints from you, have you ever attended your union meetings to get involved and make a change? Did you vote last August in your District Elections to make a difference? The union is not some entity, it is only as strong as its weakest link and every single member are the links.

You said I can only sell myself out. Allot of the mechanics disagree with that when the utility and stock clerks vote with us. Oh and now lets add all the other groups that the IAM threw on the same contract lately. Then why don't we ever vote like the pilots and the flight attendants were a third party handles the vote? We use the old fashion method were the union controls the election process and some members feel they control the outcome not the voters controlling it.

--How long is this attendance thing going to be milked out for?

Why won't the union allow the vote count at each station to be released? Allot of the membership think it is part of the cover up. In PIT it appears that the union does not want anyone to get involved. We are lead through intimidation. I feel you will have a hard time defending them. Especially in regards to dishonesty.

You said I can only sell myself out. Allot of the mechanics disagree with that when the utility and stock clerks vote with us. Oh and now lets add all the other groups that the IAM threw on the same contract lately. Then why don't we ever vote like the pilots and the flight attendants were a third party handles the vote? We use the old fashion method were the union controls the election process and some members feel they control the outcome not the voters controlling it.

--How long is this attendance thing going to be milked out for?

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