:rant: It has now been 10 days since my last email to DL142 and still no response. :rant:
I have fulfilled the "patience" requirement.There is no excuse for the lack of communication exhibited by the DL or the LL.
This is not a good omen. :down:
Just puttin in my 2cents.. I emailed the 142.. and Frank Shafano (SP) called me 2 days later.. And Im nobody.. so?
Was happy as hell to see 3 of 6 on the trans group westcoast, kind feel like theres a bending over soon to come.. The Seniority Board is not as important to the group as a whole... Major adjustments could be made to minor groups ( talking size not importance.. we all matter and make the planes fly ) .. Dont freak... Stay focused try to work " Cost Neutral" and go home everynight happy...