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When Would Be A Good Time

When is a good time to strike?

Usually a good time to strike is when there is a good possibility that the end result would be an economic gain for the party who went on strike.

It's a balancing act between labor and a Company, both in a sense need each other to be productive and healty. If you strike and have a healthy company one of two out comes are possible. 1. an agreement is quickly reached so no long term distruction occurs to either party, and there is a perceived gain. or 2. no agreement is reached and the company is able to continue and has the financial ability to do so, end result is the striking party is the looser.

I am not sure of all the details of past strikes, but from what I can remember, The strike at Catapiller did not result in a gain for the workers and the company went on to prosper... It did not have the result that the workers had wanted.

The strike at Eastern Airlines was to make a statement, not for economic gain. It did have an impact on the bankruptcy laws and so it ended up for the greater good or labor, but the employees lost their jobs. The company closed it does, but laws were changed to benefit labor groups in the future.

In the case of U. Well it's an understatement that you do not have a strong financally sound company. So the purpose of any strike at this point would be to silmpy close the it down. Like pulling the plug on life support.

I am sure the work force is pretty divided at this point. Those who want it saved at any cost and those who are ready to pull the plug.
any inkling of a serious chance of a strike at U and atsb will pull the plug.
these words were relayed to me before by my dear friend hawk.
delldude said:
any inkling of a serious chance of a strike at U and atsb will pull the plug.
these words were relayed to me before by my dear friend hawk.

Sounds like that plays into the IAM's hand.

Av8orwife your post was right on.
us0004us said:
strike? one word ...foolish!

if one is unhappy, why not resign?

I'll agree that strikes are not the best idea nor do I work at US Airways......
but, honestly people, when do we as humans finally make a stand?

Live your lives on your knees cubical dwellers !!!!
The strike vote is the leverage. If Lakefield/Bronner have anything up their sleeve, this will force them to reveal it. Given Bush's statement on airline strikes, this may be the only scenario where one can occur and L/B know it's a real possibility.

Are you an ATP or an ATM?
coachrowsey said:
Since we were told by Scot in another thread that this is off topic, I'll just ask it here: When would be a good time for a strike ?

First concession!!!

The answer to our industry (USA) problems are not the miniscule wages of the working populace.


It appears to me that Bronner/Lakefield @ company, are banking HEAVILY on FEAR, rather than Honor.

Fear = "I'll take it in the shorts", BUT,NO MATTER WHAT YOU TAKE FROM ME, don't take my job away.

Honor = "YOU(incompetant Management) have devalued my job and benefits so LOW to the point that it's the equivilent of terminal cancer. Therefore "I" will decide when the END will come, NOT YOU "

It's REALLY that simple

Immediately, if the judge sides with the Airline after feeling that they have him as their puppet, in their back pocket.....

Will he side with millionare investers...... over the 28,000 workers trying to support their familys ?
Most likely the judge will side with management. No one has really answered the question on if the employees would have the right to strike. There have been many opinions but nothing is quite clear. Hopefully after all is said and done someone will come up with the right answer and point the employees in the right direction.
A strike is usually not the best option. It isn't intended to be. It is a tool of last resort. And a point that is missed by many is that a strike is usually brought on by unreasonable / greedy / incompetent / or otherwise inept management, by leaving the employees no other REASONABLE options.

There will always be some (USA320pilot comes to mind) who say anything is better than nothing, and will prostitute themselves for a nickel rather than set boundaries. In psychology this is called enabling. You enable a disfunctional person to continue bad behavior by allowing them to violate your boundaries time and time again. I believe this is a very valid analogy in this case.

Consider this... Your management is in this for one reason and one reason only. To make money. They do not care about anyone's personal life or how the outcome will effect 28,000 people. They know that if they are successful in their "Land Grab," there will be more money for them on the other side. If a strike threatens their investment and they stand to lose everything (along with the employees) they may consider backing off a bit.

USA320's logic can work both ways. Management may decide it is better to keep something, than to lose everything. The threat of a strike ties managements fate to that of the employees. This is very empowering to a work force that feels abused and taken advantage of. I believe that most US employees feel that they have lost almost everything already. They would be willing to do more if they felt they were not being taken advantage by an unethical management team. But that's not the case.

So ... when is it time to strike? IMO the judge will see management's tactics. Their history is obvious to anyone. He will probably grant some cuts, but not take from employees as much as Bronner would like. If he writes the company a blank check, then I think a strike is a morally and ethically valid option. Setting reasonable boundaries and enforcing them is everyone's responsibility.
Reservation Agent said:
Immediately, if the judge sides with the Airline after feeling that they have him as their puppet, in their back pocket.....

Will he side with millionare investers...... over the 28,000 workers trying to support their familys ?

Retired public school teachers in Alabama are "millionaire investors"?
Most likely the judge will side with management. No one has really answered the question on if the employees would have the right to strike.
suggest you research the bankruptcy codes,specifically 1113e and 1113c...
all secrets will be revealed. :shock:
For people who think striking is an option... An old friend use to tell me this... "Some people dig their own graves with a shovel, some use a backhoe."!

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