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What would happend if we merge again?

The AA pilots want nothing to do with western scabs. Why would they Niclau and put stupid young western in senior slots you stupid western idiot! God damn you young snappers are ignorant.! 767 jets bald ass lies are as clear as his sorry head. What an embarrassment that shining mess is. The truck story tells an ignorant
tale. You are really a bald liar.
Wow! A negative 16. Looks like your ratings are in the toilette along with your reputation.
Yea right, that's why there is no DOH list now. ....

Pointing out the obvious again as if it is revolutionary.

The only thing anyone is entitled to right now is continuing negotiations between the two parties as acknowledged by the 9th, while we all keep our DOH during the whole process (even you). The 9th already warned folks from speculating how those negotiations will finally culminate and they chose not to speculate on how the internal union dispute will, if ever, be resolved. Your desire to capitulate to anyone and everyone that will praise you for your white flag is humorous, even if entirely predictable. :lol:
The 9th already warned folks from speculating how those negotiations will finally culminate and they chose not to speculate on how the internal union dispute will, if ever, be resolved. Your desire to capitulate to anyone and everyone that will praise you for your white flag is humorous, even if entirely predictable. :lol:

Your denial of reality is laughable.

"No ALPA seniority integration arbitration result has ever been set aside by the courts..."
Mike Cleary & Randy Mowry
US AIRWAVES June/July 2000
Yea right, that's why there is no DOH list now. Final and Binding is Final and Binding. Furthermore, Mike Abram told every US Airways pilot in a letter what would happen and the majority of East pilots did not listen. To read how we were warned click here.

Thanks for the link. Seham really suckered the east pilot group. 🙁
Thanks for the link. Seham really suckered the east pilot group. 🙁

Typical of the "Well the Salesman told me" approach. Seeham told them what the East Pilots wanted to hear and now after what I always felt was a long shot at best for the East has taken a huge blow, everyone is bleating, "Yeah but the Lawyer told us".

He told you what he needed to tell you in order to fleece you of millions of dollars and you know what? It's gone and you ain't never getting a dimes worth of ROI anytime soon or more likely ever.

When this whole thing started I looked up a boat load of stuff on Lee Seham and his firm and frankly I was unimpressed then and now. He's the Scott LeDoux of aviation law.

NOTE: Scott LeDoux fought 40 professional fights of which 11 were against past, future or current champions and won one or two, losing or fighting to a draw on the others. He was good enough to get the fight but not good enough to win. If you look at Seeham's big time cases he came up short quite regularly.

One thing I didn't see is whether US is pursuing a damage award?
Your denial of reality is laughable.

"No ALPA seniority integration arbitration result has ever been set aside by the courts..."
Mike Cleary & Randy Mowry
US AIRWAVES June/July 2000

July 2000...? .... :lol:
Thanks for the link. ..

The link is a letter from an ALPA paid lawyer that was written in an attempt to protect ALPA from being voted out during a representational election. It was a leaflet in the midst of a campaign... And it is posted on "unbiased facts". :lol: :lol: :lol:
The link is a letter from an ALPA paid lawyer that was written in an attempt to protect ALPA from being voted out during a representational election. It was a leaflet in the midst of a campaign... And it is posted on "unbiased facts". :lol: :lol: :lol:

I agree, "unbiased facts" was a poor name choice. West pilots are obviously biased toward the west, just like the east is biased to the east. I have to ask though. The east spent millions of dollars on this law firm, the Nic is still there and you're on LOA 93. How do you find this funny? This firm took the pilot group on an all expense paid trip to nowhere. All expenses paid by us.
I agree, "unbiased facts" was a poor name choice. West pilots are obviously biased toward the west, just like the east is biased to the east. I have to ask though. The east spent millions of dollars on this law firm, the Nic is still there and you're on LOA 93. How do you find this funny? This firm took the pilot group on an all expense paid trip to nowhere. All expenses paid by us.

Beancounter, now, now, honesty is the best policy. My amusement was about our very own caped marauder pointing to the election propaganda of a defunct union, and doing so as if he was introducing the death blow. My amusement had nothing to do with my assessment of Lee Seham and frankly he did just fine. The Nic is not here and he defended us from accusations of damage all the way the Supreme court. And as for LOA 93, within a decade, after congress has allowed foreign ownership and cabatoge, pilots across the industry will look back on LOA 93 as the glory days.
Beancounter, now, now, honesty is the best policy. My amusement was about our very own caped marauder pointing to the election propaganda of a defunct union, and doing so as if he was introducing the death blow. My amusement had nothing to do with my assessment of Lee Seham and frankly he did just fine. The Nic is not here and he defended us from accusations of damage all the way the Supreme court. And as for LOA 93, within a decade, after congress has allowed foreign ownership and cabatoge, pilots across the industry will look back on LOA 93 as the glory days.

Wow, how do I argue with that? You think where you are is a success? Welcome to America West then, Doug loves it. Your expectations have been thoroughly managed. Best of luck.
Wow, how do I argue with that? You think where you are is a success? Welcome to America West then, Doug loves it. Your expectations have been thoroughly managed. Best of luck.

You're the bean counter. Cabotage and foreign ownership is the white elephant in the room.. It will be the only way to sustain the aviation service in this country. Aside from altruism, any airline BOD would be foolish to be in a rush to negotiate meaningful increases to their labor costs.
Some people can't learn from the past, they just live there.

6 October 2011

I wasn't the one who posted something from the year 2000 to refute everything that has transpired in the last 11 years.

P.S. the date above is so you can quote me in 11 years. :lol:
I wasn't the one who posted something from the year 2000 to refute everything that has transpired in the last 11 years.

P.S. the date above is so you can quote me in 11 years.
I'm not the one who clings to DOH which wasn't been used to merge pilot seniority lists since last century.

I'm not the one who prefers last century's payrates to getting a new contract.

In 11 years absent another merger we'll probably still be working under LOA 93.

Enjoy it, Doug does.