From the rumblings im will continue to be part of AA. The Boeing end is the GOLDCARE service they will provide for the 787. But who knows in the future, if Boeing will offer a complete warranty and repair service based out of TULE for other aircraft as well. The facility is huge with room to grow and more space will be provided once more of AA's core work moves to DWH and AFW. The plans are substantial. this is why AA will get the costs down once it transforms into an MRO.
As for the TWU's role...Once they are onboard with this transformation, they will continue to represent that base. However, under a separate contract.
I foresee AA continuing to do in house work. the beneift will be a new cost structure for future employees.
[/quo <_<------- Hopeful, aren't you forgetting something? AMR already has an MRO in IND! And if things don't go well for AA, you could just be looking at a downsizing, or even closer of TUL. ( although unlikely!)----- As for Boeing's GOLDCARE service, talk of that was going around TWA years ago! Old rumor!