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AA good news for a change

And also, nevermind the pay is not what it should be. Who wants to give up control of their lives for a job that is a nowhere job. They wil tell you what shift to work, what your days off will be, come in on your days off for a staff meeting, come on your days off for a 29f hearing. Who needs it.
Sure, some may say that if they got promoted from mechanic, that they received more than their base bay as a mechanic. But what about the extra hours they HAVE to work? Factor all these things in, and their hourly rate would be way less than that of a mechanic.

I agree with everything you've said. And it's not that much different at the higher levels, all the way up to and including the field VP's.
I agree with everything you've said. And it's not that much different at the higher levels, all the way up to and including the field VP's.

It's a different world when you are in a 24/7, 365 day a year industry as opposed to the 9-5 weekend off world.

But the higher up you go, the less "you know what" rolls down hill on top of you. Level 4 is the absolute worst on the maintnenance end.
American replaced execs after maintenance lapses
