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What the deal AMP

And the Industrial Unions are not Money Machines? They are all businesses. Even if AMFA won and everything at the Industrial Unions has the goal of being feeding the Democrat Party
I am glad you see that. More people need to start opening their eyes.

You need to support the Employee Rights Act.

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Really? Where you been? Get a clue once again.
When I typed that stupid , it was before it was announced, still waiting for the email. It's like you said, if they didn't agree to release something, I believe AMFA days would be numbered. As it is when all this is over all 4 ALRS, and officers need to be fired.
Chil if the NMB recognizes that a particular job function or group falls within your classification then the Drive has to include all of those people in the counts.

And ultimately if you ever do change Representation and don’t include all of those groups say in Negotiations trying to oust them for more money for AMT’s, those people “could” have one hell of a DFR Lawsuit they can levy against your bargaining agent.
It was a question? I thought it was odd that stores was included because they do not fall into the same NMB classification as mechanics or as what the TWU calls Title1 & Title 2. Maybe I was wrong in the first place that stores was included in the AMP drive years ago but I do not think so. And whoever said it is a drive for more money for AMT's? It is about so much more than that, especially now!
It was a question? I thought it was odd that stores was included because they do not fall into the same NMB classification as mechanics or as what the TWU calls Title1 & Title 2. Maybe I was wrong in the first place that stores was included in the AMP drive years ago but I do not think so. And whoever said it is a drive for more money for AMT's? It is about so much more than that, especially now!

Stores is not included per the NMB. Now the company, and the one size fits all unions will try to make the case for them. They will try to include dead people, retired people, management people, and every other non-related employee group they think that the NMB might bite on.
It was a question? I thought it was odd that stores was included because they do not fall into the same NMB classification as mechanics or as what the TWU calls Title1 & Title 2. Maybe I was wrong in the first place that stores was included in the AMP drive years ago but I do not think so. And whoever said it is a drive for more money for AMT's? It is about so much more than that, especially now!

Rich people and Corporations get it. We’re doomed because we never will.

Unions in America are finished.

Stores is not included per the NMB. Now the company, and the one size fits all unions will try to make the case for them. They will try to include dead people, retired people, management people, and every other non-related employee group they think that the NMB might bite on.

GET OUT ALREADY!!!!! GO. Get your damn cards in. GO.
They are so stupid they wasn’t a union that first exist anymore and has no members.

Did the AMP ever represent mechanics at a major airline?

I don’t think I really care what they do anymore. Like I pointed out the other day. In the Airline industry this changing out of Unions like a pair of underwear is exclusive to AMT’s.

They believe others are the problem when pretty much exclusively its themselves.

They’ll still be spinning their wheels long after this Generation is dead and buried.
Buck, the teamsters as well as any other "industrial" unions are done as far as trying to get in at SWA. Someone claims PHX is wanting the teamsters back is false rumors, a game being played by some to sort of threaten the NC into bringing this crap out without doing their due diligence first and that's not going to happen. The next move with the mechs at SWA would be better suited to join forces with the pilots and it has been talked about.
Now I will say this, if the NC did not agree to bring this AIP out as a T/A for a vote their would be more talks about removing AMFA. But with AMFA doing well with scope, retro, ETOPS, international outsourcing and other gains it would be hard to remove them. The problem areas are within the snap up rate, years missing raises and outgoing years which does affect the retro final numbers at the end. Some always seem to say we will never get back what we should have had in these 6 years, well, it's more like missing raises will affect us all for the rest of our careers with all future % raises missing the 6-8% missing from the current offer. It may pass, it may not pass, but I think it will be closer than most are predicting.
You might see changes within the NC long before you would see AMFA removed, this one of the biggie reasons we went with AMFA, so the membership could recall as needed rather than kicking out the entire union. Easier this way.

Yes. Management at all airlines do in fact monitor these boards. It has been brought up at the nego tables in the past. The more the AA guys scream online about wanting to see and vote on something the more the co. will hold strong where they are at until after a vote. Same has just happened at SWA, co. held strong with where they are until they get a vote, they even stated, and I quote, "we will not adjust the money another dime until a vote is done on current offer." This is what got the mediators to get both sides to agree to bring something out, AMFA got some final late changes that they said they would NOT bring out unless these changes were made, so the co., finally made some last resort changes in order to get it out. The co. held so hard as a bunch of people were crying to the co. about letting them see something to vote on. In or case it was more of the folks running to co. offices and talking one on one with the co. nego's , which is sad on it's own.

I hope that all of you realize that this "card drive" at American is in its infancy with the general purpose being the removal of the Association. Both AMP and AMFA are in the scuttlebutt but nothing has been decided. What is impressive is in the response of younger mechanics and the rest of the mechanics at TULE. There are still other stations to bring online. Everyone must be given to their opinion. What is happening is the loyalists under the yoke of the TWU have approached participants looking for change whose names appear on the Go Fund Me account and threatening with them with Dual Unionism. Last time I checked the Association is not a union.
Buck, isn't the AMP very similar to AMFA? A mechanic and related only union like AMFA. I think the AMP constitution is tweaked a little better and enhanced in some areas in comparo to AMFA for better control of the mechanics and not the upper leaders of AMP? But I think they are very close in similarities, is this correct???
Similar yes, but I also want to look at this ----> http://altaunited.com/
The Association is most certainly a union and is the certified bargaining unit per the NMB.

Don’t let the facts get in your way!
Could you post a link to that information?
and the Association does not claim that they are a union, but rather an Association made up of two unions.
LUS won’t change unions.

You are wasting your time.

I worked the raid at LUS. IBT got crushed and AMFA got eight write-ins.

Could you "explain" I read this as you worked as a Scab? Please correct me....
They are so stupid they wasn’t a union that first exist anymore and has no members.

Hey 007 newbie, here's a tip for you....If you want to be taken seriously here, check your grammar.

This joker reminds me of our MIA friend who had a wife who supported him and he really did not have to work.

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