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Dont remove AMP info on the Bulletin Boards

Hey Old guy, would you mind if I hiked my leg and "wizzed" on your AMP stuff? I like to mark my territory as a TWU steward B)

Hey H. Speed, would you mind if I took the time to answer you post?

While insulting my canine friends with your censorship initiative fantasy, you just proved my point about your TWU being afraid of any competition. Obvioulsy you think that AMP would win in a run-off vote!!!! Your opinion demonstrates a complete lack of confidence!!!
Are you are thrilled by the lack of accountability. MR. Shop Steward? Be honest, no BS.

Just like Pavlov's dog, does your mouth foam appear when hearing the bell toll of secret negotiations that don't benefit the membership? Do the faults and gaffes of the unelected leaders inspire your thinking? Do you dream of becoming more like them? Are those traits really admirable?

Why do you think that the same guy responsible for the failed TA is still representing us in negotiations? Why do you admire leaders with THOSE qualities?
What makes HIM the best man for the job?

Please tell all the reasons for your loyalty. How do you specifically benefit from the Status-Quo, MR. Shop Steward? Be honest, no BS.

Is it OK for the un-elected leaders to have new Buicks in the driveway while accepting nice pay raises at the time of sacrifices of the membership? Tell us

how those things befefit us in contract negotiations! Tell us how those things have won hearts and minds! MR. Shop Steward? Be honest, no BS.

If the TWU had just minimal, minor, and insignificant faults, would there still be an AMP card drive, MR. Shop Steward? Be honest, no BS.

You have blinded yourself to the obvious faults of the so-called leadership. Did you vote YES on the crappy TA?

Maybe, you MR. High Speed Shop Steward, are dreaming of a new Buick Buick LaCrosse luxury sedan in YOUR driveway, given to you on a silver platter by the unelected, unaccountable, and disconnected Fearless Leader while the commoners suffer with lower pay and reduced benefits!!!!!!!

If you are really honest in your response, perhaps you can persuade some to avoid the little green card signing event...... Or, maybe the opposite could become more of a reality.
Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories.

It takes time to persuade men to do even what is for their own good.

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.​

"God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion.
The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is
wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts
they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions,
it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. ...
And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not
warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of
resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as
to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost
in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from
time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
It is its natural manure."​

Thomas Jefferson​
Hey H. Speed, would you mind if I took the time to answer you post?

While insulting my canine friends with your censorship initiative fantasy, you just proved my point about your TWU being afraid of any competition. Obvioulsy you think that AMP would win in a run-off vote!!!! Your opinion demonstrates a complete lack of confidence!!!
Are you are thrilled by the lack of accountability. MR. Shop Steward? Be honest, no BS.

Just like Pavlov's dog, does your mouth foam appear when hearing the bell toll of secret negotiations that don't benefit the membership? Do the faults and gaffes of the unelected leaders inspire your thinking? Do you dream of becoming more like them? Are those traits really admirable?

Why do you think that the same guy responsible for the failed TA is still representing us in negotiations? Why do you admire leaders with THOSE qualities?
What makes HIM the best man for the job?

Please tell all the reasons for your loyalty. How do you specifically benefit from the Status-Quo, MR. Shop Steward? Be honest, no BS.

Is it OK for the un-elected leaders to have new Buicks in the driveway while accepting nice pay raises at the time of sacrifices of the membership? Tell us

how those things befefit us in contract negotiations! Tell us how those things have won hearts and minds! MR. Shop Steward? Be honest, no BS.

If the TWU had just minimal, minor, and insignificant faults, would there still be an AMP card drive, MR. Shop Steward? Be honest, no BS.

You have blinded yourself to the obvious faults of the so-called leadership. Did you vote YES on the crappy TA?

Maybe, you MR. High Speed Shop Steward, are dreaming of a new Buick Buick LaCrosse luxury sedan in YOUR driveway, given to you on a silver platter by the unelected, unaccountable, and disconnected Fearless Leader while the commoners suffer with lower pay and reduced benefits!!!!!!!

If you are really honest in your response, perhaps you can persuade some to avoid the little green card signing event...... Or, maybe the opposite could become more of a reality.

Tell you what Old guy, in all fairness for my suggestion of raining on your parade I will explain to you briefly, with only 3 topics, as to why AMP is not a wise choice for the members of Local 514.

1) The Mechanics would lose all facilities and assets of our current TWU Locals.

2) The Mechanics would lose control of their dues monies, as 100% would be forwarded to the AMP National.

3) And most important is the Loss of majority rule. Tulsa and AFW would be rendered powerless and a minority under the AMP constitution.

So as you traipse about the maintenance base approaching TWU members to sign AMP cards you may consider utilizing transparency and accountability when addressing the people you solicit and explain to them the three items I have listed. Because under AMP, this would be their destiny..... B)

Mr. Shop Steward
Tell you what Old guy, in all fairness for my suggestion of raining on your parade I will explain to you briefly, with only 3 topics, as to why AMP is not a wise choice for the members of Local 514.

1) The Mechanics would lose all facilities and assets of our current TWU Locals.

2) The Mechanics would lose control of their dues monies, as 100% would be forwarded to the AMP National.

3) And most important is the Loss of majority rule. Tulsa and AFW would be rendered powerless and a minority under the AMP constitution.

So as you traipse about the maintenance base approaching TWU members to sign AMP cards you may consider utilizing transparency and accountability when addressing the people you solicit and explain to them the three items I have listed. Because under AMP, this would be their destiny..... B)

Mr. Shop Steward
OlderguyMT asked a number of fair and reasonable questions, none of which you bothered to answer - just three that you made up to suit the situation, much as would be standard practice by any cheap politician. It doesn't work anymore.

Try it again - or be honest and simply say you refuse to answer the questions. That would be answer enough for me.

The answers you gave to questions that weren't asked are effectively an outright refusal to answer - you have another chance - use it.
Tell you what Old guy, in all fairness for my suggestion of raining on your parade I will explain to you briefly, with only 3 topics, as to why AMP is not a wise choice for the members of Local 514.

1) The Mechanics would lose all facilities and assets of our current TWU Locals.

2) The Mechanics would lose control of their dues monies, as 100% would be forwarded to the AMP National.

3) And most important is the Loss of majority rule. Tulsa and AFW would be rendered powerless and a minority under the AMP constitution.

So as you traipse about the maintenance base approaching TWU members to sign AMP cards you may consider utilizing transparency and accountability when addressing the people you solicit and explain to them the three items I have listed. Because under AMP, this would be their destiny..... B)

Mr. Shop Steward

1) The Mechanics would lose all facilities and assets of our current TWU Locals.

2) The Mechanics would lose control of their dues monies, as 100% would be forwarded to the AMP National.

3) And most important is the Loss of majority rule. Tulsa and AFW would be rendered powerless and a minority under the AMP constitution.

1) You mean the mechanics would lose all the facilities that the majority of the membership fail to frequent. As for assets can you name the specifics of the assets of the TWU locals and what these assets have achieved for the members?

2) What control of dues monies do the mechanics have now? The only control as whether to go on Agency Fee status and recoup the (political) PAC monies, instead a member is forced to use their dues for the political candidates sponsored by the TWU, instead of having the liberty to vote for the candidate of their own choosing, for the dues they expend.

3) Majority Rule? It took years to achieve separate contracts and yet since the TWU International owns the contract, the only majority is the unelected officers at the international
Tell you what Old guy, in all fairness for my suggestion of raining on your parade I will explain to you briefly, with only 3 topics, as to why AMP is not a wise choice for the members of Local 514.

1) The Mechanics would lose all facilities and assets of our current TWU Locals.

2) The Mechanics would lose control of their dues monies, as 100% would be forwarded to the AMP National.

3) And most important is the Loss of majority rule. Tulsa and AFW would be rendered powerless and a minority under the AMP constitution.

So as you traipse about the maintenance base approaching TWU members to sign AMP cards you may consider utilizing transparency and accountability when addressing the people you solicit and explain to them the three items I have listed. Because under AMP, this would be their destiny..... B)

Mr. Shop Steward

Not a real good arument you're making, but as a line mechanic, that is a great argument for us to sign a card. I don't see how TUL and AFW would be rendered powerless, they are still a huge voting block, but it makes for good rhetoric/scare tactics.

While I think it's unfair to attack the TWU int. for their pay and benefits, as the TWU is a huge oragization that we are a small part of. I certianly can understand everyone's dissaproval.

I can certianly understand why the bases do not want to work weekends or holidays it's nice, the last time I was off for labor day was 10 years ago. Time to clean up after the BBQ, Happy LABOR day everybody. I bet HQ (management) was off today.
Tell you what Old guy, in all fairness for my suggestion of raining on your parade I will explain to you briefly, with only 3 topics, as to why AMP is not a wise choice for the members of Local 514.

1) The Mechanics would lose all facilities and assets of our current TWU Locals.

2) The Mechanics would lose control of their dues monies, as 100% would be forwarded to the AMP National.

3) And most important is the Loss of majority rule. Tulsa and AFW would be rendered powerless and a minority under the AMP constitution.

So as you traipse about the maintenance base approaching TWU members to sign AMP cards you may consider utilizing transparency and accountability when addressing the people you solicit and explain to them the three items I have listed. Because under AMP, this would be their destiny..... B)

Mr. Shop Steward
1. Assets? If we go to AMP or any other union all assets are surrenderd to the twu, we dont own jack shi-t!

2. Majority rule, nice try.

3. Powereless, your a Jackwagon!
If AMP info is disappearing it's probably more a sign of apathy than sabotage.

Waste of effort anyway, in my opinion. Trading one worthless union for another that can't do any better won't make AA'ers better off, sadly.
If AMP info is disappearing it's probably more a sign of apathy than sabotage.

Waste of effort anyway, in my opinion. Trading one worthless union for another that can't do any better won't make AA'ers better off, sadly.

You joined this board on 25 February 2008 and this is the first intelligent thing you've posted - Bravo Zulu.
If AMP info is disappearing it's probably more a sign of apathy than sabotage.

Waste of effort anyway, in my opinion. Trading one worthless union for another that can't do any better won't make AA'ers better off, sadly.
Trading one worthless president for another that can't do any better won't make the government better off, sadly.

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