What Is Management Going To Give Up To Help The Us

Aug 23, 2002
Now that other employee groups have given and given..and given...

What is management gonna give back to the company, if they are so worried about it's survival ????

Or are they only worried about it if everybody else has given?

I haven't heard any media stories or reports on what management is proposing to give up?.. Have I missed those stories?

I would think that management could equal what the pilots have given......

What do you think?
Time for some more retention bonus's as we would hate to lose any more of the valuable team.................. :p
AP Tech said:
Time for some more retention bonus's as we would hate to lose any more of the valuable team.................. :p
what valuable team? cant be mgmt cuz they are the only ones who can fly space positive in first class and have the guts to ask employees for more paycuts while getting rich off of us! how about if mgmt gets their space positive thrown out and given to all the employees and lets see how mgmt enjoys the crappy express treatment!
"At will" employees shouldn't be asked to give up anything....just like Siegel said before...Unions have senority for rentention, all mgmt has is pay. Don't expect to a lot of cuts, or the few remaining "at will" employees will be jumping ship too.

I am talking about regular employees making $30k - $70k, not directors and above...
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We are "all" really "at will" employees...

Ask ALL the folks that have been laid off...

There are no union protections really anymore, as you suggest....

With judicial actions such as filing bankruptcys...and voided contracts...Re-doing already agreed to contracts....There is no real difference...

We have seen how the company can take work that should be done by USAIRWAYS owned mechanics, and farmed out...

I don't see how a manager making $70,000... as you suggest ...are in a worst postion to help this company, than non-management workers making $25,000????

Is it not in the best interest of this management person, to contribute his fair share?....If he was in church, and they were passing around a donation plate/basket to help someone whose house was burnt down in a tragic fire...lost his 2 young children...Would he feel that he was "above helping and not put a few dollars in the collection plate"? ... I hope not..If so ..This is a really sad excuse...for
corporate greed...

And, it is sad ....if your excuse is that these managers could leave the company...
Heavens!... How could we find someone to take their place?... There are no people looking for jobs today......Right! Give me a break...You must think we are pretty niave to buy that garbage..

If so, then you are really saying is a "confirmation", that the managers don't "really" care about the company...It is just "Lip Service"...

They care only about their own paychecks...

Hmmm.. I thought we all were on the same team, trying to help the company...Was I wrong?

Res Agent, you don't understand. It cost triple to hire and rehire all the people that are coming and going. Plus the loss productivity from training all the new people over and over, it keeps adding up. Your union has you convinced you can't work anywhere else. Things are going to change at US Airways, or its over.

I wonder what the turnover is in the union ranks vs non-union employees...I'm sure its double if not triple. Heck, I don't even know if the union ranks are shrinking voluntarily.
Reservation Agent (and the rest of you!) don't have a CLUE!! All you can say, is "What is management going to give up?" "What is managment going to give up?..."blah blah....Management did give the last round of concessions and probably will again.

Turnover is tremendous here in Crystal City and we need a strong management team. They can go elsewhere, get better paying jobs, etc.
I would say, if their is such a Tremendous turnover in CCY, then something must be terribly wrong with the Place walls. If there is indeed such a turnover and people are leaving, maybe they are the smart ones and really know what is about to transpire.

People leaving could be a good sign or a really bad sign, depends on how you look at. :huh:

I can bet that 99% of the people that you call "Management" does not know any thing more than you do. They don't have the inside scope and I don't think that there is any, besides some details of the broad plan that we all have seen and they are not published for competitive reasons. When you don't have the seniority protection available to union employees, they can let you go for no reason and it doesn't matter how long you have been with the company. Less .5% may have some space positive benifits. Let's not generalize.
Pragmatic said:

I can bet that 99% of the people that you call "Management" does not know any thing more than you do........Let's not generalize.
The first and last sentences of your post contradict each other, with the a 1% margin of error. :shock:

How can you make such a statement that 99% of the management people don't know anything more than the rank and file? Have you personally interviewed them, checked their credentials, their work history, etc.?

You realize, of course, that a lot of those "$30K - $70K" CCY employees are *NOT* management. They are rank and file like you, but with no representation. They are at will, and can be let go anytime. They have benefits like you. They get vacation days like you. They have families to feed like you. A salary reduction hurts them just like it hurts you. So, how is the union really benefiting you?

If you feel there is no benefit to being unionized, then vote the union out and save yourselves the couple of percent of what's left of your salary that's going to your union management who, by the way, are pretty well compensated (whether it's on paper or not.....) on the backs of their membership.

If you feel that seniority is the only thing that should keep you, then you haven't looked at the rest of the non-unionized world. At-will employment is the norm, so when you go look for a job that's not a union shop, be prepared to work hard and make them want to keep you. It's better than them feeling obligated to keep you.
Now that other employee groups have given and given..and given...

What is management gonna give back to the company...

I took pay cuts the last two rounds of concessions when the rank and file did, and then my job was eliminated, when those savings were seen not to be enough. So were many other smart, hard working people in management.
SalesGuyCCY said:
Reservation Agent (and the rest of you!) don't have a CLUE!! All you can say, is "What is management going to give up?" "What is managment going to give up?..."blah blah....Management did give the last round of concessions and probably will again.

Turnover is tremendous here in Crystal City and we need a strong management team. They can go elsewhere, get better paying jobs, etc.
Stop your whining sales boy, if you don't like what you're reading hit the road along with all of your other management buddies. Don't let the door hit you in the ###. Take Glass with you while you're at it.
SalesGuyCCY said:
Turnover is tremendous here in Crystal City and we need a strong management team. They can go elsewhere, get better paying jobs, etc.
Based on what I've seen of the performance of US' yield management, strategic planning, pricing, and corporate sales functions in the last few years, I would not count on being able to run right out and find a better paying job--based on merit, anyway.

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