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How Much Is Management Going To Contribute ?

You know, for someone as pro-management and anti-union as I have been all my life, watching this imbroglio....even from afar...turns my stomach.

That may be, but you can't expect the company to compensate you for a college degree just because folks are working in a job where a degree is not required. We all make life choices, and not fully leveraging one's education is one of them.

True. The reservations agents with degrees chose to be reservations agents. Their unions negotiated compensation packages for them in good faith with the company. Now, because of gross negligence and maybe even willful malfeasance on the part of management, the reservation agent is being asked to contribute mightily to salvage the fir. Since it was not his or her ineptitude that got the airline where it is, is it not just that the culprits absorb a part of the damage?

Just answer the frigging phones for peat's sake and let others who studied hard, went to college/grad school and have professional careers and significant responsiblilities, worry about the rest.

Part of the problem for USAirways is that the whole thing has been run, or so it would seem, by a bunch of over-educated fools. If the President/CEO has ever emptied a honey bucket or thrown bags into the rear bin during a 15 minute turn, it is news to me. Granted, the obstetrician doesn't have to have a baby in order to know how to deliver one......but some empathy and understanding as to what everyone's job entails does a lot to build credibility with subordinate employees.
Why do you think Bethune is such a hit at CO? True, Herb Kelleher never was a ramp rat, but his subordinates during the formative years were all people who had, at one time or another, "worked for a living." The VP-Ground Opns and VP-Inflight had both started out as TTA station agents, VP-Flight Opns had flown as a FO and Capt in the CR Smith days (when they had to stick the little flag on the nose of the DC-3 before taxiing up to the terminal) and VP-Maintenance had spent 25 yrs plus as a line mechanic for Braniff.

Non-union employees should not have to give up the same percentage of those afforded union protections, for all the reasons I've articulated several times in previous posts. Non-union employees will participate, but they lack many benefits union employees have. If the union employees don't want to give up more than non-union employees, vote your union out and become non-union employees.

Now I realize I just committed a huge sin by saying what I just said ... for the record, I don't think less of union employees, but having the union "protecting" you is worth something, something that should be factored into one's compensation.

That knife cuts both ways. Those employees who feel that they have given up something that their unionized brethren and cistern (sistern?) have had due to their union management should have gotten off their goat-smelling butts and organized. Employees should neither be penalized nor rewarded for their membership or lack thereof in a collective bargaining organization. It would be like playing favorites with employees who are Methodists, Mormons, Masons, or Harvard grads.

1. You will never fix the airline til you fix the culture.

2. You will never fix the culture til leadership sets an example.

3. Leadership will not set an example, expecting all or at least most of the concessions to come from the rank and file.

This whole thing is a snake swallowing its tail. IF the so-called management wanted to salvage the airline, they ought to be busting their butts making structural changes to demonstrate to the employees that they are serious about wanting to save it. The carrot and the stick we see --- we are going to make changes after we have fixed the cost side of the equation ---it's a total non-starter. All it does is demonstrate for the employees that management has absolutely no desire to save the airline.....they want something they can sell to someone.....and Mesa-level labor costs are about the only shade of lipstick you can put on this pig that makes it vaguely appealing.

Okay, enough wisdom from the desert. It's back to the pool. (95 degrees, not a cloud in the El Paso west Texas sky, and the pool is a pleasant 96 degrees)
Hey Sales Guy CCY...Could it be that you are in MANAGEMENT?...Hahaha!

So, Its ok with you if "everybody else" has to give up things to help the company, but your paycheck is sacred?....

Aren't you concerned about the survival of this company??????

Looks like your showing your true colors....Are you one of those "I'll jump ship and go elsewhere" if they give me a hit on my wallet?


Hey buddy...Alot of us have degrees and do the work cause we like it..and like the company...like helping customers....

Hmmm... Seems to me Mr Lakefield has some mgt that are not really team players for the company....

No wonder the ship is sinking....

Sounds like the attitude problem is with those persons who have given up nothing... but want eveybody else to pay their "fair share", too....

I hope they do close Crystal City and move the headquarters to Mobile, AL...
That'll fix alot of greedy folks...Who think their $#@% doesn't stink....

Gotch ya!
It would appear that these smart-a** college boys running U didn't learn much in business school about either business nor leading and motivating people. I can hear them talking in the breakroom now . . . . "you know, if we didn't have to pay the employees, we could make money" and "you know, if we didn't have to pay those damn leasing companies for the airplanes we could make money." Of course, it probably never crosses their pea-brains that maybe the reason for U's problems is their complete and utter INCOMPETENCE.

Lakefield needs to clean house in managment, but then again, he probably has so many incompetents that he can't fire them all. If U had competent management and leadership, reforms would have been made a year ago, and not waiting until after the THIRD round of un-shared sacrifice by employees. If you're hitching your wagon to this management team, you're being played for a chump.
geo1004 said:
How easy it is to forget that none of those employess have the same job protection afforded labor. They are at-will employees and can be shown the street with little or no recourse - bye, bye, thanks for playing, see you later! It's not an apples to apples comparison.
Question for you. How many of them have been shown the door? (Not how many of them should have been show the door.) If they were shown the door and it wasn't for underhanded dealings...were they the lowest senior person? I remember the days before I became union. There were indeed layoffs. They were indeed done by seniority. (Oh my gawd! Aint this the way it is supposed to be done within our union?)
When they close my station and make it mainline express, express, or just close it...after 30+ years of my giving my soul to the company store, aint I gonna be told, as you put it, "Bye, bye, thanks for playing, see you later"?
Very few companies lay off folks in straight seniority order. When you do that, you end up with a top heavy organization, which makes no sense.

At any rate, both sides have valid arguments here. Just trying to present a different viewpoint ... someone needs to on this board. 🙂
I agree it is comparing apples and oranges, when we look at management and union layoffs.

However, I do think CCYGuy is scared about his position and well he should be. Lakefield/Bronner cant get rid of all the deadwood at the mo., but I am sure they are trimming educated, nothinking, brownnosed, wannabes as they become more familiar with the workings of the company. Remember in any organization there are always a few people that are busy diverting attention away from their inadequacies by highlighting small things other people do, and should we be merged/sold people like him will be the first to go. Salle la vie!
Sorry, my pidgin French and English has never been any good when written :huh:
Well as a supervisor I've already contributed. My pay along with the other sup's in my dept. have been frozen for 3 yrs..... :angry: Oh, they said that out of BK we would see something but we're all still looking for it :down:
You do realize, of course, that the union employees' pay has not only been frozen, but also has been cut, right?
Yes, I guess my point is that our mgmnt has seen raises but we got nothing. Reading other posts I noticed some were looking for anyone non-union should have to contribute..all I'm saying is that I already gave at the office and not giving anymore
From what you said, it sounds more like you haven't given anything at the office yet. You haven't taken anything, either, which is nice, but the union employees have actually given.

Of course, the bottom line is that you don't really have much say in the matter. If they decide to cut your pay by 20%, your choices are to take it or find another job.
I took pay cuts both times labor did, in a mgmt position, and then my position was cut when previous reductions when seen not to be enough. Along with about 300 other positions on that particular day from every dept. I knew many of them. That was the 3rd round of mgmt cuts enacted since 9/11. Just some facts to add to the discussion.
It was either Fortune Mag. or Money Mag. that stated that USAirways was the #2 worst run company in the United States. How embarrasssing!!!!!!!!!!! And we have more grievances on the books than any other Airline. And according to the COMPANY we really do NOT have a CONTRACT, we have an agreement via the Railroad Labor Act, which is WHY judges will continue to give the f####n company anything they want. Which is why contract management get bonuses and we get Jack ####. Think about it. Which is why over $40,000,000 has gone out to ex screwed up, incompetant, egotistical weenie brained men of no value.

This is why Management is violating our so called contracts right and left. They laugh at us. :angry: :shock:

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