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How Much Is Management Going To Contribute ?

mweiss: mostly but not totally.

Executive management created the problem, no question, thus they should bear the brunt of the sacrifices.

Mid level and lower level management folks, though, have a vested interest in the survival of the company.

One team, one fight.

Everybody sucks it up to try and survive or somebody lets go of the roap and the team gets dragged into the mudhole. Real simple.

The talk about "management being able to find other jobs...and leaving if forced to accept a cut" is total and utter nonsense.

For quite some time many managers at all levels have said, to the employees, words to the effect "if you don't like the pay and conditions we are going to impose, leave."

The shoe is on the other hand now.

If a mid or lower level manager is not happy about taking a pay cut or moving (with the corporate headquarters) to a former suburban strip mall outside Pittsburgh, let them leave. Right now, new blood at many levels throughout USAirways would be a good thing. My advice to those people would be not to let the door hit them in the butt on their way out.

Sink or swim time, baby. And that seat bottom cushion may be used as a flotation device. After you make it to shore, please keep it with our compliments.
I am very curious as to why would we in reservations be so concerned as to how much management is truly giving up? It doesn't matter how much you or anyone else discuss it, its simply not for general discussion. If management (or those affected) is (are) so concerned about their paycuts then they should address it with the appropriate person(s).
I am disturbed at the comments that SalesGuyCCy made "Just answer the frigging phones for peat's sake and let others who studied hard, went to college/grad school and have professional careers and significant responsiblilities, worry about the rest". I think that was plain rude and uncalled for. If you are treating another employee in this manner I wonder how you treat those who feed you and I - our precious customer. For your information SalesGuyCCy, many of us in reservations are professionals, educated and studied very hard. I have three classes to finish my MBA in International Business. I am fluent in three languages. I have been a flight attendant, gate and ticket agent and have done tour guiding. Oh, and I too answer the phones, smile and attend to each of our passengers need. Not once portraying how uneasy I feel that I may be furloughed or worst be without a job. But I am hopeful that just like I found employment at USAIRWAYS I will too find employment somewhere else.
The only reason I am not in Crystal City is because I rather be on the phones and at least have protection from a union than be at the mercy of my superior or anyone else. I have a problem knowining that I can wake up, go to work and perhaps be furloughed based on someone else's decision, at least with the union, seniority saves me, or it has at least three times !
Instead of bickering against one another we should be trying to save our ailing airline, thus or jobs. We should welcome and be inviting to the flying public they should view us a pleasant and to be glad we are here. And yes, I do agree, if you don't like it, then leave.

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