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So whats really going on with USAirways

This thread is NOT the place to discuss US Airways pilot issues, or any other union issues for that matter. Period, end of sentence, full stop. We do not care that someone slipped in a comment about the pilot thread in the middle of the night. Do NOT respond to it. Use the report feature to advise us of off-topic posting.

Union issues at US Airways are to be discussed in the threads designated for those issues. A whole page of posts has been deleted. Time off can be given.
USAirways employees have the most reason to vent.

The question is "why"? People (employees and customers both) have been kicked in the teeth for last eight years (except WN). Ask the mechanics at NW or the form TWA people at AA, (Not that there are any left ask). There is lackluster leadership at the the other carriers too. (Of course, the other carriers may not have employee wages/benefits that are near the industry's bottom while that of senior management is at top)

Misery may love company but why does such excessive misery prevail at US?
Other carriers are the product of several mergers, too. So that does not really explain it. Other carriers have seen traditional hubs closed (CO @ DEN, DL @ DFW)

Is there any US employee who would not jump at the chance to switch to another carrier - with seniority?
The answer to the question stated in the header of this topic is obvious: WE SUCK.

Of course, gravity causes everything from the top to roll down hill (for lack of another well known adage about feces...). But it doesn't stop there. Ask the lowest members of the rank and file and they will tell you they are disenchanted, suffer low morale, unguided/misguided, and basically just a number. Everyone in the company is unsure of tomorrow's outcome as far as job security. We are a mess! The highest members of the rank and file have no combined contracts and the company is smug with it! They do not mind running an East/West operation under the banner of US Airways. We are very much divided. Meanwhile, to account for the losses, the whittling away of peoples jobs are occuring on both sides of the fence.

This is not to mention the public view of our airline. Most think we are pathetic! Go onto YELP.com. Enter US Airways and review some of the posts by the public. We offer nothing and can't even do that well! WOW. Nickel and diming, gouging, whatever you want to call it, the public hates it, and it is one of the only revenue sources keeping us afloat.

Look for something major to happen this year, because with all the efforts the company is trying to implement, we still aren't cutting it.... and the public isn't buying into it either.
This is not to mention the public view of our airline. Most think we are pathetic! Go onto YELP.com. Enter US Airways and review some of the posts by the public. We offer nothing and can't even do that well! WOW. Nickel and diming, gouging, whatever you want to call it, the public hates it, and it is one of the only revenue sources keeping us afloat.

check out comment #4, comparing Virgin America and US. Now that is not fair! 😀

Better yet, check out http://www.airlinequality.com/

This site is a bit Euro centric, good for seeing what people from across the Pond think about US.
The question is "why"? People (employees and customers both) have been kicked in the teeth for last eight years (except WN).

Ah, yes. I agree that all carriers' employees (except for WN) have been kicked in the teeth for the last eight years.

But at USAirways, management has not gotten sufficient jollies from merely kicking its employees (and customers for the most part) in the teeth. We have gotten kicked in the butt, in the kidneys, in the crotch, in the ear...and when we were finally down...in the ribs.

Maybe that's why there are 10x as many posts here as elsewhere.
What is really sad, I suppose, is that not only do many feel miserable about US, but that they seem to celebrate that misery.

People at other carriers are distrustful of management, too; but posters here made a sport of it that would almost qualify for the Olympics. I am not blaming people for feeling that way, just think that it is very sad indeed.

Remember where CO was in the early 90s? An industry joke, with an embittered and demoralized work force. Look at where CO is today. If only we could find another Gordon Bethune.

I weep when I think about the powerhouse US could be today if he had stayed after the PI/US merger.

If you have not read "From Worst to First", do so.


Soon after the HP takeover (regardless of who bought whom?" few can deny that, in all but name, US is now HP) an employee culture survey was conducted. A great many people looked at that as a very positive step. "Wow, those folks in AZ really want to know how we feel". One question was "are you proud to work for US Airways?" I shudder to think what the answer would be today.
Soon after the HP takeover (regardless of who bought whom?" few can deny that, in all but name, US is now HP) an employee culture survey was conducted. A great many people looked at that as a very positive step. "Wow, those folks in AZ really want to know how we feel". One question was "are you proud to work for US Airways?" I shudder to think what the answer would be today.

Employee culture surveys are completely meaningless. Either employees are too fearful to say what they really feel, or if they do (as I did when my company did their last "anonymous" survey about 3 years ago), nothing changes......even during flush times.

I guess the best you can do, if you are in management but your hands are tied, is to keep reminding your employees that you value them. At least it builds loyalty and fosters trust within your own department......which is half the battle.
Employee culture surveys are completely meaningless. Either employees are too fearful to say what they really feel, or if they do (as I did when my company did their last "anonymous" survey about 3 years ago), nothing changes......even during flush times.

I guess the best you can do, if you are in management but your hands are tied, is to keep reminding your employees that you value them. At least it builds loyalty and fosters trust within your own department......which is half the battle.

SS255, We all love you pieces, but you wouldn't last a week in US management! <_<
(That is a compliment)
They used to have those surveys on a regular basis (at least once per year). All of a sudden for the last couple of years they have disappeared. My thinking is that Tempe either doesn't care anymore or, more likely, they know what the results will be and don't care to know the truth!
The first time my company did a survey was about 15 years ago. The biggest "change" which arose as a result of the survey was a company picnic. Woo hoo! :lol: That lasted 3 years before being cut from the budget. Future surveys have yielded absolutely nothing in the way of results. I know this because there was no follow-up from the company. And I made a lot of good suggestions (anonymously, of course :lol: ), none of which were acknowledged in any fashion.

For a while HR had a program where we could submit suggestions, and if the suggestion was approved by the "committee" and implemented they would reward the person monetarily, depending upon the costs savings, added revenue, or improved work environment resulting from the suggestion......up to a cap of $250,000. I won $250 once, and Uncle Sam took half of it. Another suggestion which I submitted (and which would have resulted in millions in added revenue) was summarily dismissed. This program was cut from the budget after about 5 years.

The better method of soliciting employee opinions is to foster an environment where everybody feels appreciated, and therefore feels comfortable making suggestions which would enhance the work environment. And the management has to be open with the employees, and committed to making the company a great place to work. It's the only way to build trust.
The better method of soliciting employee opinions is to foster an environment where everybody feels appreciated, and therefore feels comfortable making suggestions which would enhance the work environment. And the management has to be open with the employees, and committed to making the company a great place to work. It's the only way to build trust.

Well said. You have effectively described what is the antithesis of the Tempe mind set.
One of the many problems not only with USAirways but with the industry as a whole.
Most of our cost are out of our control, such as fuel,landing fees,government fees, and the like.
The cost that they can control of course is our pay, air fares. It makes if very difficult to keep other things under control.
As far as the company liking the fact that our pilots are still seperate, I dont agree. It worked ok for a while but I beleive now its costing us a lot. The longer it lingers the more it will cost us.
When you have 2 seperate pilot and f/a groups you loose flexablity with schedling.
The East vs West thing is not just an fleet, and customer service problem either.
It happens with mangment as well. If we dont find a way to loose that thinking I doubt we will last into next year.
Time will tell where we will go.
The cost that they can control of course is our pay, air fares. It makes if very difficult to keep other things under control.
As far as the company liking the fact that our pilots are still seperate, I dont agree. It worked ok for a while but I beleive now its costing us a lot. The longer it lingers the more it will cost us.
When you have 2 seperate pilot and f/a groups you loose flexablity with schedling.
The East vs West thing is not just an fleet, and customer service problem either.
It happens with mangment as well. If we dont find a way to loose that thinking I doubt we will last into next year.
Time will tell where we will go.
USAirways has 8 separate operations all with different management all with the typical layers of doing business if you count mainline pilots and f/a there are 10. At the end of the day this is a major problem and takes a lot of resources
What we see is an airline that has lasted through a crappy merger. Employees still have a job as a result of the merger but what is the "job" today? It's just that....a JOB. Management 1000% sets the tone for the company. NOT the other way around. Your employees are what carry the company. You can create a business plan but if your employees don't feel valued your screwed. The US employees from just about every unionized group are disgruntled because of the way they feel they are treated by the current management team. I don't care what anyone says, this management team is more out of touch with relations than any I have ever experienced. They don't listen, never admit a mistake, rule with an iron fist, intimidate, threaten and treat employees like caged animals then expect 100% out of them for less in return. Like hell. When this management team resets itself and decides to treat their employees with respect and appreciation maybe then and ONLY then will anyone see some sort of new "CULTURE" foster here. I don't see that happening anytime soon. For now you will continue to see management treat employees with the attitude of "You should be damn lucky you HAVE a job and deal with whatever we decide". PERIOD! That's the US way.

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