The ATO ticket lifts are sent via FedEx to El Paso. where, they are transfered across the border to be processed in Juarez, MX. That eliminated a lot of Rev/Acct positions in INT.Dog Wonder said:What positions have been moved "offshore"?
Don't forget other fiascos like paying top dollar for PSA, then abandoning most of the left coast stations and moving many of the old PSAers back east. Made for great employee morale! Also having close together hubs, many in bad winter weather areas, a hodge podge of fleet types, etc. Even paying top dollar rents for company HQ when a building could have been purchased in a lower cost area and would have been paid for several times over by now instead of having worthless cancelled rent checks. This company's business plan has been an ongoing disaster for the past 15 years, including the reign of the top thieves, W&G.AlabubbaRegional said:Gosh ... glad I'm not the only one who has noticed that the stock holders aren't getting what they paid for in the line of "quality" managing? From "Business Select" to "mirror image" to "Metrojet" it's been one fiasco after another and yet the bonuses and "Golden Parachutes" continued. Sounds like it's not the union people that are over compensated.