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What If Ron Paul Wins Iowa? What Then?

I really don't get that Colbert Super Pac. I remember thinking when he launched it that he might get $2 in donations. How the hell did he end up with a million or so? I assume he spent a few bucks with the ads they put together. Everyone knew he was not really running. Everyone knew he was not going to endorse anyone with it. Are they protest donations? Bizarre.
Like it or not, the people of the great state of Texas seem to counter your claim some twelve times now. Why be that? 😉

How is him being relected 12 times countering my claim that he has accomplished very little legislativley?
Well Well Well Things have changed.

Bear in mind that the straw poll means NOTHING!

Ron Paul WINS

Note the source!!

Now then for those who say "Ron Paul has never won a primary. Seems you're WRONG! So politely crawl back under one of the rocks in PHX.
I hate listening to her but if I heard correctly the voters selected Santorum but the Paul supporters were able to stack the deck for the delegates who will now vote against the will of the people who voted and you are OK with that? That seems to be the issue you have been railing against. Stack the deck and voters be damned.

Sounds to me that Paul lost the vote count and his people are stealing the delegates. Did I miss something?
Thought the Mods were going to close and lock this thread since it's a moot point !

Rachael Madcow?....................Really ?
I hate listening to her but if I heard correctly the voters selected Santorum but the Paul supporters were able to stack the deck for the delegates who will now vote against the will of the people who voted and you are OK with that? That seems to be the issue you have been railing against. Stack the deck and voters be damned.

Sounds to me that Paul lost the vote count and his people are stealing the delegates. Did I miss something?
The Ronulans grasp at straws, they live in a conspiracy universe, reality means nothing to them.

Which is why they willingly walk off the cliff, ignoring reality.

The originator of this thread put me on ignore.....but he sure is reading my posts....

I hate listening to her but if I heard correctly the voters selected Santorum but the Paul supporters were able to stack the deck for the delegates who will now vote against the will of the people who voted and you are OK with that? That seems to be the issue you have been railing against. Stack the deck and voters be damned.

Sounds to me that Paul lost the vote count and his people are stealing the delegates. Did I miss something?

Stealing OR following the rules set forth in the states in question? Warren G Harding used the same tactics to gain the nomination. Politics is a contact sport. Get over it. Sorry the peckerwoods who name call and worse don't like it.

You have Goldman Sachs, we have the rule of Law. If you're upset? TFB We won and now those who say "What have you won" can go pound sand.
Don't get your feathers all ruffled at me. I could care less if Paul steals one primary or fifty. Not my candidate and I would not vote for him.

The point is and you know exactly what I am getting at. The people made their voice heard via the democratic process and the Paul delegates manipulated the rules to circumvent their votes. I am fully aware that politics is a dirty game where lying, pandering, cheating, stealing to mention only a few traits are part and parcel of the game. I was under the impression that Paul was supposed to be above that (at least according to you). He is supposed to be a man of principle and honor. A man who does the right thing regardless of political expediency. Sitting idly by while ones delegates manipulate the system to garner votes that were not earned via a democratic election seems to lack all of those traits. I see this as more proof that Paul is just one of the boys. Welcome to the club.
I hate listening to her but if I heard correctly the voters selected Santorum but the Paul supporters were able to stack the deck for the delegates who will now vote against the will of the people who voted and you are OK with that? That seems to be the issue you have been railing against. Stack the deck and voters be damned.

Sounds to me that Paul lost the vote count and his people are stealing the delegates. Did I miss something?

How they voted is irrelevant! The will of the people is irrelevant! If they only knew the truth they would have voted for Paul anyway!
True enough. Politicians have never been concerned with such trivial things like that. Paul was supposed to be different. He was supposed to be a champion of peoples rights and I am pretty sure the right to vote for ones leaders (how ever misguided) is one of those rights. To manipulate the system and essentially nullify those votes seems to be in direct conflict with one of the basic tenants of this nation.
"We are the Paulbots. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile" 😉
Ah the Borg. They were a great nemesis on Star Trek. Seems that is the Modus operandi of all political activists and politicians.
Moving away from the insults and name calling for just a hot second here. I found this in an admittedly Conservative publication and it was a pretty interesting read. What I also find interesting is that when you take a political party that holds all the cards and makes all the rules that when an outsider leverages those same rules they are now somehow cheating? How does that work?

Last Man Standing

Writes The American Spectator’s James Antle:

What is Ron Paul doing?..

Last weekend, (Paul supporters) won at the Louisiana caucuses even though Paul managed just 6 percent of the vote in the state’s primary earlier this year. The Paulites carried the 1st, 2nd, 5th, and 6th congressional districts. According to one count, 74 percent of the delegates elected to the state convention Saturday were Paul supporters…

That same day, Ron Paul supporters were elected chairman and vice chairman of the Alaska Republican Party. Paul finished third in the popular vote in Alaska’s caucuses, but his supporters joined with former Tea Party Senate candidate Joe Miller to dominate the state convention. According to Politico, “It’s more evidence of the political maturation of the Paul forces, who are beginning to seize the levers of powers from within state parties.”

In Minnesota, Paul came in second in the popular vote in the caucuses, ahead of Romney but behind Santorum. Yet this month he swept 20 of the 24 delegates available at the Minnesota congressional district conventions.

Then in Iowa, at least six of the new state Republican central committee members are public Paul supporters. The Des Moines Register describes two others as having “close ties,” reporting, “A rising tide of Republicans who share Ron Paul’s philosophy of limited government are flooding into GOP party roles in Iowa.” A.J. Spiker, the state party chairman, was a former vice chairman of Paul’s Iowa campaign.

The Ron Paul Republicans’ mission is twofold. First, they want to secure enough delegates to the Republican National Convention to place Paul’s name in nomination. The International Business Timesreports, “Washington is now the third state, after Iowa and Minnesota, in which Ron Paul has locked up at least half of the state’s nominating delegates.” North Dakota and Maine could join them.

Some hope this will give them a longshot chance of winning, citing Warren G. Harding’s nomination in 1920. More likely, it gives Paul some leverage at the convention to negotiate for certain platform planks, a promiment speaking slot, or perhaps even have some say over the vice presidential pick.

The second objective is to integrate themselves into party leadership positions like the Christian right did before them. While Paul’s supporters are so far a smaller voting bloc than the social conservatives who backed Pat Robertson’s presidential campaign in 1988, Paul’s crowds on the stump are still huge: over 3,000 turned out to see Paul in Houston, 6,000 in Austin, more than 4,000 in the rain in Philadelphia.

Could Santorum or Gingrich regularly draw such big, young crowds after their chances to win the nomination dwindled? Could Romney do so now?

Paul will also be the last man standing against Romney in some large remaining primaries. He will hope to replicate — or perhaps even improve upon — the 40 percent of the vote he got in Virginia when he and Romney were the only Republican presidential candidates on the ballot…

Many other Republicans are demoralized. The near-certain nominee doesn’t excite them. There are fewer high-profile Tea Party primaries than two years ago. The other conservative presidential candidates have been beaten.

Ron Paul’s supporters remain. They are still trying to win delegates and reshape the Republican Party.

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