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What If Ron Paul Wins Iowa? What Then?

The people do indeed vote! Who else would? Jesus, The Tooth Fairy?

View attachment 9452? Jesus, The Tooth Fairy?

Apparently, Some of the Party Elite are more than a little worried. We'll see who the foot note is come Tampa and perhaps again in November.

According to the article you posted Paul won 6% of the votes
Last weekend, (Paul supporters) won at the Louisiana caucuses even though Paul managed just 6 percent of the vote in the state’s primary earlier this year. The Paulites carried the 1st, 2nd, 5th, and 6th congressional districts. According to one count, 74 percent of the delegates elected to the state convention Saturday were Paul supporters

So how does 6% result in 74% of the delegates? Yes he abided by the rules but 94% of the people who voted did not vote for Paul. Where is their voice?

In Minnesota, Paul came in second in the popular vote in the caucuses, ahead of Romney but behind Santorum. Yet this month he swept 20 of the 24 delegates available at the Minnesota congressional district conventions.

How does 2nd place result in in over 80% of the delegates?

Paul has 50% of the delegates in Iowa yet only garnered 24% of the vote. He only got 26% of the vote in MN but has half the delegates..... this story is repeated elsewhere.

What seems to be evident is that Paul cannot win on his own out side the system as an independent so he joined the system and gamed it to his advantage (may be) depending on how the convention goes. Paul is a politician plain and simple.

Paul is only for freedom and individual liberty so long as it does not conflict with his personal beliefs. A woman's right to have sole control over her body does not fit in his beliefs.

He also does not support marriage equality. He believes states should be allowed to discriminate as they see fit. He opposes federal efforts to redefined marriage and allow equal rights for all.

Again, I did acknowledge that some of his ideas are OK, not all are good not all are bad.
Paul is only for freedom and individual liberty so long as it does not conflict with his personal beliefs. A woman's right to have sole control over her body does not fit in his beliefs.

He also does not support marriage equality. He believes states should be allowed to discriminate as they see fit. He opposes federal efforts to redefined marriage and allow equal rights for all.

I support his views on state control of marriage. As it frankly brings a free market approach to a touchy subject. IF as many in the Gay & Lesbian community assert that 10% of the population is indeed gay and the demographic of affluence proves accurate a state would be foolish from merely a tax revenue, job growth perspective be anti-gay. Ergo, morality issue solved without any intervation from a Federal government.

Abortion is a little trickier. He was an OB-GYN practicing medicine both pre and post Roe v. Wade. I respect his position immensely as he comes from a that place and time were morally abortion was wrong. he has stated that the the morality of society has changed. He's right! He hasn't changed in that regard. I respect that he remains intellectually honest. My position has always been that an Abortion is the decision between a woman and the God (or lack thereof) of her choosing, but certainly a place where the Government has no business. The flip side is if you take away the moral issues surrounding abortion you are talking about nothing more than cosmetic/elective surgery. So once again the Federal Government has no role. Unless Obama care wants to pay for boob jobs.
Holy crap.... Can we stick with an issue instead of you ducking and dodging issues that are uncomfortable? Can you explain the voter/delegate discrepancy with out saying that "the rules allow" it or not? Then we can deal with the other BS that Mr Whiner is talking about.
Holy crap.... Can we stick with an issue instead of you ducking and dodging issues that are uncomfortable? Can you explain the voter/delegate discrepancy with out saying that "the rules allow" it or not? Then we can deal with the other BS that Mr Whiner is talking about.

No dodge!He read the the rules and he followeed them.Is that so difficult?

Is it also so difficult that Barack Obama did the same thing to Hillary in '08?

Demorat Party has rules nearly the same as the the Republicans
No dodge!He read the the rules and he followeed them.Is that so difficult?

Is it also so difficult that Barack Obama did the same thing to Hillary in '08?

Demorat Party has rules nearly the same as the the Republicans

Yes it is a dodge. We are not even discussing the rules, at least I am not. The point I am making is that he is not concerned with the popular vote. The voting public did not like him. He lost nearly every single race by huge margins yet he is ending up with delegates that are not in proportion to the votes he received. For someone who supposedly respects freedom that seems like an issue. I guess winning is more important than maintaining principles.

I do not care what the dems did. Is that the standard by which we or Mr Whiner are judging things?
Yes it is a dodge. We are not even discussing the rules, at least I am not. The point I am making is that he is not concerned with the popular vote. The voting public did not like him. He lost nearly every single race by huge margins yet he is ending up with delegates that are not in proportion to the votes he received. For someone who supposedly respects freedom that seems like an issue. I guess winning is more important than maintaining principles.

I do not care what the dems did. Is that the standard by which we or Mr Whiner are judging things?

OH OH OH so you've changed your opinion?

Now that you and the puss filled boil on ignore can't say "What has he won? He's a Loser" now we're trying to discuss how he won?

Should we then include the voter fraud in TX that allowed Kennedy to win in 1960? The Committee to Reelect the President os the Nixon/Watergate era. Never mind the tactics of the Empty Suit in in Iowa in 2008?

Ron Paul di nothing worse and arguably less then the above mentioned. BUT somehow in your world using the currently corrupt system to the advantage of Liberty is somehow wrong?
OH OH OH so you've changed your opinion?

Now that you and the puss filled boil on ignore can't say "What has he won? He's a Loser" now we're trying to discuss how he won?

Should we then include the voter fraud in TX that allowed Kennedy to win in 1960? The Committee to Reelect the President os the Nixon/Watergate era. Never mind the tactics of the Empty Suit in in Iowa in 2008?

Ron Paul di nothing worse and arguably less then the above mentioned. BUT somehow in your world using the currently corrupt system to the advantage of Liberty is somehow wrong?

Changed my opinion? Really? Last time I checked the delegate count from the primaries he lost. The fact that he is snaking some extra delegates is besides the point. He lost the elections yet he gets more delegates. That makes perfect sense.

So now we are not only using the Dem party but Kennedy, Nixon and Obama as standard bearers for what Whiny boy can do? Since when did Whiny boy sacrifice his standards to what others have done? He is manipulating the system like all the other politicians he despises. Welcome to the club. His hands are dirty just like Kennedy, Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama and all the other politicians.
Changed my opinion? Really? Last time I checked the delegate count from the primaries he lost. The fact that he is snaking some extra delegates is besides the point. He lost the elections yet he gets more delegates. That makes perfect sense.

So now we are not only using the Dem party but Kennedy, Nixon and Obama as standard bearers for what Whiny boy can do? Since when did Whiny boy sacrifice his standards to what others have done? He is manipulating the system like all the other politicians he despises. Welcome to the club. His hands are dirty just like Kennedy, Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama and all the other politicians.

Fo;;owing the rules is NOT snaking! If it is then Obama didn't win the nomination in 2008! No sacrifice in standard or intellectual honesty. Just the same tactics as others. Politics is a contact sport. I guess they didn't expect this from a 76 year old Dr. from TX.

When an outsider does it, it's fraud and when a thug of the Establishment does it? Then it's all grand and good! If he has the most delegates then he WON! What part of V-I-C-T-O-R-Y has you confused? Do you think your Messiah & Savior didn't do exactly the same thing? Well think again.

You can twist this anyway you care to. Ron Paul won these Primaries fair & square. You don't like it? I can't help you.

Stick with Mitt Goldman and Barack Sachs and see if anything thing changes. The business as usual Crony Capitalist Class and their respective Parasites will deliver more of same until the economic bubble collapses.

Ron Paul WON in those states via lawful means. Can't say the same about many. Face facts, LIBERTY is popular. When you have a message whose time has come no government or army on the face of the earth can stop it.
He won it via lawful means. He did not win it via the ballot box. I personally don't care. I just enjoy the fact that Mr Whine boy is as dirty as the rest of them.

It still does not matter. He'll never really win anything of consequence. No need for an army, reality will do the trick just fine.
This topic is a lot like Pauls run at the WH !

Even though it should have ended a long, long time ago and has outlived it's relevance on the final outcome , "SOMEONE"(sparrow) keeps breaking out the paddles trying to wish it back to life !

I do it because Sparrow seems to believe that Mr Whiny boy walks on water and can/would save the US if given half a chance. I am merely pointing out that Paul is not beyond subverting the voting public any more than any other run of the mill politician.
I do it because Sparrow seems to believe that Mr Whiny boy walks on water and can/would save the US if given half a chance. I am merely pointing out that Paul is not beyond subverting the voting public any more than any other run of the mill politician.

OOPS! Another state for Paul. 21 of 21 in Maine for Dr. Paul. Never underestimate the fact that there is no Army or Government powerful enough to stop an idea whose time has come. Check this out for NPR. Surely you've hear of NPR, the Liberal/Socialist radio station funded by taxpayers.

A National Libertarian Message
Now a lot of those Ron Paul supporters that Gary Johnson is hoping to attract are young. A recent poll put out by Harvard's Institute of Politics suggests Libertarian ideas are gaining traction with those age 18 to 29.
Ron Paul has been running for president on a message of limited government in all spheres, but Paul has been running on the Republican ticket, however, and Mitt Romney is the likely nominee.
That message is one Gary Johnson hopes to continue spreading on the national stage as the Libertarian nominee. He says part of his platform is ending wars the U.S. in involved in, marriage equality and drug reform.

As long as there's high unemployment and a high sense of fear about the entitlement state and the things we've gotten comfortable with, you're going to have anti-government sentiment, and a lot of it is going to be Libertarian.

Johnson tells NPR's Raz that neither Barack Obama nor Mitt Romney have the right ideas for America.

Keep tilting at windmills Sparrow, Paul is a joke, a never was has been, but, send him some money, he won't screw you....LOL

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