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What If Ron Paul Wins Iowa? What Then?

The EPA has a place in the Government and while I'm not sure what it is there has to be at minimum an agency that establishes standards of conduct for Corporations and Individuals.

Sounds to me like you disagree with Ron Paul.
Sounds to me like you disagree with Ron Paul.

We don't march arm in arm on everything. He's not been all that clear on the EPA. He says it needs to be revamped and then other times he's a bit more strident.

Regulation in and of itself is not wrong. It has to be balanced against over reaching as the EPA has been doing lately and the property rights of individuals. The devil is in the details. How much is to much versus not having enough. As we've pointed out, if you get someone or a corporation who is determined to not play by the rules they can get away with it for many many years. Sadly as a society we can't punish or even catch all of them. We have to have enough "teeth" in our laws that deter most from attempting to pollute and punish those who willfully break the rules.
Election Night!

Lets see how the mighty Ron Paul did tonight!


Romney 64%
Gingrich 10%
Paul 13%


Romney 56%
Gingrich 27%
Paul 11%

New York

Romney 61%
Gingrich 13%
Paul 16%


Romney 58%
Gingrich 10%
Paul 13%
Santorum 19%

Rhode Island

Romney 63%
Gingrich 6%
Paul 24%

Boy, Ron is just catching fire!!!!!! Even with everyone else out of the race (unless you count Newt LOL), he still gets his ass handed to him every time.

Ron Paul, the man who could never, ever ever win a primary!

View attachment 9444

Decided to re post this along with some observations

It is not the critic(Ms Tree, HPEarlyretiree, Tom Barry) who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles(777 Fixer), or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena(Ron Paul), whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

See folks when you stand for something then you are in The Arena. When I first voted for Ron Paul back in 1988 he got 432,000 votes for President. Today, that number has increased dramatically and the Liberty Movement grows and will outlive Dr Paul. Each and everyone of his "Rabid Supporters" are "In the Arena" everyday. To date we have failed while daring greatly. We are are not funded by Goldman Sachs, Halliburton, Bain & Co. and the rest of the Crony Capitalist Military/Industrial Complex and the Financial Services Industry.

We are funded by "We The People". Average citizens whose primary concern is the prices in the Supermarket and not the Stock Market. We strive valiantly, we err, yet we strive to preserve our ideals and our Liberty. On this there can be be no compromise, no surrender as rhos who stand for nothing, fall for anything. Just look at the snooker job you got last time with the Empty Suit? Buy hey at least you voted for a "Winner"
So where exactly did you cut and paste this little tid bit from?

There are people(sparrowhawk) who become so enthralled with a political figure that they loose ability to ask rather basic questions. Questions like, can he do that, is it a good idea, is it relevant, does he practice what he preeches, has he accomplished anything in the position he has held? When you press this type of person you can tell by their response they did not.
OK............time to close this thread and move on. Sorry but , Romney it is !
Election Night!

Lets see how the mighty Ron Paul did tonight!


Romney 64%
Gingrich 10%
Paul 13%


Romney 56%
Gingrich 27%
Paul 11%

New York

Romney 61%
Gingrich 13%
Paul 16%


Romney 58%
Gingrich 10%
Paul 13%
Santorum 19%

Rhode Island

Romney 63%
Gingrich 6%
Paul 24%

Boy, Ron is just catching fire!!!!!! Even with everyone else out of the race (unless you count Newt LOL), he still gets his ass handed to him every time.

Ron Paul, the man who could never, ever ever win a primary!


Didn't see your name in the hat ! That must make you an even bigger loser !
So where exactly did you cut and paste this little tid bit from?

There are people(sparrowhawk) who become so enthralled with a political figure that they loose ability to ask rather basic questions. Questions like, can he do that, is it a good idea, is it relevant, does he practice what he preeches, has he accomplished anything in the position he has held? When you press this type of person you can tell by their response they did not.

The "Man in the Arena" is from Teddy Roosevelt. I didn't cite it as it practically in the public domain. The rest I wrote. He's accomplished being reelected 12 times, which is 12 times more than you or I.
The "Man in the Arena" is from Teddy Roosevelt. I didn't cite it as it practically in the public domain. The rest I wrote. He's accomplished being reelected 12 times, which is 12 times more than you or I.

So he's been elected 12 times. And how many legislative accomplishments has he achieved in that time? I can understand a one term congressman not doing much but 12?
Decided to re post this along with some observations[/b]

It is not the critic(Ms Tree, HPEarlyretiree, Tom Barry) who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles(777 Fixer), or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena(Ron Paul), whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. [/size][/color]

See folks when you stand for something then you are in The Arena. When I first voted for Ron Paul back in 1988 he got 432,000 votes for President. Today, that number has increased dramatically and the Liberty Movement grows and will outlive Dr Paul. Each and everyone of his "Rabid Supporters" are "In the Arena" everyday. To date we have failed while daring greatly. We are are not funded by Goldman Sachs, Halliburton, Bain & Co. and the rest of the Crony Capitalist Military/Industrial Complex and the Financial Services Industry.

We are funded by "We The People". Average citizens whose primary concern is the prices in the Supermarket and not the Stock Market. We strive valiantly, we err, yet we strive to preserve our ideals and our Liberty. On this there can be be no compromise, no surrender as rhos who stand for nothing, fall for anything. Just look at the snooker job you got last time with the Empty Suit? Buy hey at least you voted for a "Winner"

Blah Blah Blah.......Ron Paul has never ever ever won even one primary in two runs as a republican, and he didn't even garner 1% of the vote when he ran as a Libertarian.

His appeal is to the same tiny crowd of angry white dorks.

Reality, Ron Paul = Major Fail
So he's been elected 12 times. And how many legislative accomplishments has he achieved in that time? I can understand a one term congressman not doing much but 12?

How many times did YOU get elected to so much as the student council?

So he's been elected 12 times. And how many legislative accomplishments has he achieved in that time? I can understand a one term congressman not doing much but 12?

Like it or not, the people of the great state of Texas seem to counter your claim some twelve times now. Why be that? 😉
Colbert Raises More Than PAC Backing Ron Paul
By Russell Goldman | ABC OTUS News – 9 hrs ago

Stephen Colbert's political action committee has enough cash to play jokes and pull pranks through the presidential campaign, but for now the comedian is mum on how he plans to spend that money.

Colbert's Super PAC, Americans for A Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow has $794,000 cash-on-hand sitting untouched in its coffers, according to March documents filed with the Federal Election Commission, making it wealthier than some PAC's intended to back (legitimate!) presidential candidates

The PAC raised just $44,000 in March, but spent only $28,000, mostly on Internet bills and legal fees. Though the March haul is paltry, the committee is sitting on a significant sum.

By contrast, as Politico first reported, Take Endorse Liberty, a PAC dedicated to supporting Ron Paul's candidacy has just $54,000 in the bank.

Take Endorse Liberty, initially bankrolled with a $1.7 million donation from PayPal founder Peter Thiel, raised just $13,000 in March.

Colbert's PAC, however, was significantly outspent by big-name organizers. Winning Our Future, the pro-Gingrich PAC mostly bankrolled by Casino mogul Sheldon Adelson and his family received $5 million in March alone.

The pro-Obama super PAC Priorities USA Action has $5 million cash-on-hand, and Restore Our Future, the group backing Mitt Romney has $16.5 million in the kitty.

Colbert has no millionaire backer behind his Super PAC. He has raised funds through appeals to viewers on his popular Comedy Central show "The Colbert Report." Through his website, Colbert sells a "Super Fun PAC" for $99, which includes a wrench, tube socks, and a sign that reads "If the super PAC is caucusing, don't bother knockusing!"

Super PACs are a new form of political action organization freed of the campaign finance rules that limit donations to a candidate directly. Colbert created the PAC as parody, to highlight the sometime shadowy world of political giving.

Colbert's Comedy Central spokesman referred questions about the PAC to his personal publicist, who did not immediately respond.

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