What Exactly Has The Union Done For You?

PITbull said:
This IS THE reality. USAirways did not survive. Even with all the rounds of concessions and BK in 36 months. AWA survived, changed their name to US Airways and took some of the employees of the lost legacy.

Then why is that West employees are supposed to take such a relative seniority hit?
The IAM Mechanic and Related Negotiating Committee met with the company approximately four days a week from 11/2/04 through 1/7/05.

Let me ask you this, how do you negotiate with a company that does not want to negotiate with you?

Go ask Pitbull about how the company was dealing with the IAM and the company's lack of wanting to actually reach a negotiated contract.

Instead of attacking and insulting why don't you really ask what happened instead of all your anti-union sentiments clouding your posts.

I had thousands of my coworkers laid-off and several hundred of my friends who I worked with on a daily basis laid-off as the company was unwilling to actually negotiate a mutual and acceptable agreement.

You know I respect you and specifically your entire organized FFOCUS group of customers. You are the best, no doubt in my mind and have been very loyal to US Airways, even times where I had to scratch my head.

But, Teddy is just a union representative who vocalized what the majority of her members demanded. After all, you can not accomplish anything as a single voice disconnected from the whole. She's leaving, and they, the members, are staying on, and they again will demand representation as a group from their NEW representative to vocalize what they collectively need in the work place.

That's what unions do, and that is what they are about...creating that balance.
hp_fa said:
Then why is that West employees are supposed to take such a relative seniority hit?


You need to go back to that post and read the last paraghraphs. There is no seniority issue. Your group has not been educated on what is in the contracts of the East f/as.

Your management has you going in all different directions on purpose. They think that you are not concerned about your contract negotiations and that your major issue is seniority. All of you on the West need to write to the MECP on the East. Your fear is literally unfounded. There are only 222 f/as from the East living on the west coast, and only 22 f/as that live in Arizona, that is .001% of our population. There is no such thing as bumping f/as out of a base in our contracts and using seniroity to do this.

You on the West have to focus on your section 6 negotiations because once you see what's heading your way from our contract you will clearly understand why the CEO Parker and Company, and BOD decided on the merger with US Airways and why they would offer the consulting job to Jerry Glass to stay on.

It will be crystal clear.
PITbull said:
I know it, you know it, and all of the employees know it. Parker is not special and doesn't have a plan to change the culture on the East. HIS plan is to integrate AFTER he has eliminated more jobs and captures the cost savings gained in Glasses contracts.

These assumptions are based on what facts? What crystal ball are you using? By the way you make your statements one might think you are an insider. The assumptions your making are not helping morale. Most want to give the company a chance to survive, but others are ordering a headstone after less than two weeks. If there ever is a headstone it should read: Here lies a company that fought off death many times over, but finally succumbed to internal bleeding. <_<
700UW said:
Very well spoken Pitbull, I agree with you 100%.

And to Longing, it is not a game it is people's lives. What do you call your precious FFOCUS? That is a union of FF who got upset when US changed your precious perks.

Keep dodging the issues.
Guess I'm going to have to point this out one more time. I have have not represented myself as being a part of FFOCUS for almost a year. When I decided that I was no longer going to fly US, and with the lipstick campaign I wasn't exactly FFOCUSed on the success of US and no longer willing to support them with my revenue, the association with FFOCUS came to an end.

Do I support their efforts? Yes. But my post here now, as they have been for sometime, are my own and represent no other group. I'm not even a cockroach anymore. B)

Got it?

Gee, I just guessed that after I posted the previous posts, you would surely show up on this board.

Yes, what gave you the first clue that I was an insider. Aren't you?

My assumptions are my opinions and based upon sitting in a front row seat, such as you.

If you have the luxury of "time", please read all 5,000 of my posts. They are very consistant, unwaivering position suporting ALL of Labor.

Sorry. I thought you were still part of the FFOCUS group.

With regard to the IAM, I can tell you that in concession #3, AFA was in negotiations on the second floor of Labor Relations in a room next to AFA. During the last 8 days, managment would not negotiate with the IAM and IAM still remained in the room waiting.

Management did this ON PURPOSE. The company wanted the IAM contracts abrogated so that they could eliminate ALL of utility. Management was in with AFA trying to bargain for the f/as to clean the a/c and AFA would not budge on that. The Company knew the only way they could capture this cost savings was to have the IAM contract abrogated and then eliminate utility. They also knew that the only way they could outsource IAM work as well as NOT honor the arbitration ruling was to abrogate their contract.

There was NO negotiations for the IAM, and they treated that group the worse on the property, IMO.
PITbull said:
If you have the luxury of "time", please read all 5,000 of my posts. They are very consistant, unwaivering position suporting ALL of Labor.
Yep. You'll find she is what we used to call back in my flag waving political days being one step from a "pinko commie" :D Of course that is what we called all liberals that didn't agree with us. I've never like the color pink since then.

Strange thing though. She has done more than any other person I've met in a long time in changing the way I look at unions, but I wouldn't want her to know that. I even catch myself ever once in while thinking the unions actually have a place on the property.

And even worse, I bought a pink shirt a couple or weeks ago. :shock:
PITbull said:

Gee, I just guessed that after I posted the previous posts, you would surely show up on this board.
Yes, what gave you the first clue that I was an insider.  Aren't you?

I would think the FACTS could be sought by speaking to the CEO himself as well as your customer service VP who heads Inflight as well.

My assumptions are my opinions and based upon sitting in a front row seat, such as you.

If you have the luxury of "time", please read all 5,000 of my posts.  They are very consistant, unwaivering position suporting ALL of Labor.

Neither one of us are "insiders". I was trying to make a point that your opinion is presuming much. I work for a supervisior and a very good one at that...so that makes me very detached from anyone in corporate. Look PIT, this merger is only two weeks old. We both want to see the New US Airways succeed. All of us will have to find NEW ways of working together to survive, and unless this is recognized we will fail. The competition is too fierce to have infighting within. Management and Unions will have to find ways to accomplish satisfactory results for both groups. A new spirit of cooperation must be born into the merger. I'm concerned that your opinions are already set into stone. I hope I'm wrong. Let's give this thing a chance okay.
bulldog said:
WN most of the RES agents are in the 12.00 range

What is WN top out pay? If management would run USAirways right we would have bottom of the pay scale agents.And since WN has closed call centers(because of technology) WN top pay agents have increased
PITbull said:

Sorry. I thought you were still part of the FFOCUS group.
Not a problem. You see I was the flame throwing red neck in the group that doesn't know how nor care to sugar coat things the way Dr. Kissinger (Art@ISP) does. Funny thing is that every one thinks Piney was the flame thrower. He is a pussy cat. :D

Their work was too important for me to ruin it by speaking my mind and saying in the press what I felt needed to be said about this management team.

You seem like a lovely person, really. B)

If your managment desires to change the culture on the EAST, then they need to allow reform of U's discipline policies of the employees, specifically f/as and resolve the section 6 negotitions with the WEST fa/s.

I had heard just this week that YOUR management is calling the shots with the discipline and that OUR Labor Relations team has to go through your inflight for approval of any reform to the disciplines.

Let me give you a clue as to where the EAST employees sit...we have a caustic, hostile envirnoment BECAUSE of the disciplines.


But hey, I can be just as nice as those on the west, but tell them to BACK OFF, and give our employees a damn chance to heal! :angry:
700UW said:
The IAM Mechanic and Related Negotiating Committee met with the company approximately four days a week from 11/2/04 through 1/7/05.

Let me ask you this, how do you negotiate with a company that does not want to negotiate with you?

Go ask Pitbull about how the company was dealing with the IAM and the company's lack of wanting to actually reach a negotiated contract.

Instead of attacking and insulting why don't you really ask what happened instead of all your anti-union sentiments clouding your posts.

I had thousands of my coworkers laid-off and several hundred of my friends who I worked with on a daily basis laid-off as the company was unwilling to actually negotiate a mutual and acceptable agreement.
How come the IAM couldnt of sent out strike ballots when the negogiations were down hill? Would it of been a problem if say the strike cast was overwhelming and thenmay be that would have gardered the attention of mgmt to sit down and talk, which was what UAL and IAM did after a threat? also why did the out stations have to be thrown out the door without a say?
PITbull said:
Teddy is just a union representative who vocalized what the majority of her members demanded.

That's what unions do, and that is what they are about...creating that balance.

Where oh where is that balance...thousands out of work with a few executives who became multimillionaires. Teddy no doubt is the best union rep to come along in a long time. If you add up all the hours she poured of herself into that job and what the outcome was, well; looking at that score card shows very unbalanced results. This, from a high energy dedicated union rep. If the best the unions have to offer yields those kind of results, for whatever reason, than mine and "L‘s" reasons for our opinions are very valid. For a myriad of reasons the unions no longer have any real power and in fact are a detriment to some. If this wasn't fact, then why is it so hard to organize today, why the high number of American workers refusing union representation? I'll tell you why, they all see the score card and decide that the dues are not worth those results, it's that simple.

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