What Exactly Has The Union Done For You?

The union does not pay my salary, I am not a employee of the IAM.

Keep trying though and don't let the facts get in your way.

I am a trade unionist and believe in organized labor, the IAM was not the first union that I belonged too.

Lets see about a two years ago, DL eliminated the employees pensions without the employees having a say, oh and by the way DL just changed all their employees wages and benefits, and they slashed them severely without the employees having a say in it. And the only reason DL paid so well for years was to keep the UNIONS out, see since you don't work in the industry and not for DL, I would not expect you to understand that.

Don't be surprised within the next year or so you will see DL's employees unionize. Remember who said it first.
When you become the owner of US Aviation.com, then you can tell the posters what to post or not.

Thank you and have a good day.
700UW said:
Lets see what unions have done for me at US:
Decent wage
Medical and Dental Coverage
Grievance Procedure
401K match
A say in the workplace


I have all this and it's better by light years, on every level, and I don't pay union dues.

Lets look at what happened while I was at U...

My wage fell to the floor and was sinking through it when I left:

Vacation was reduced after years of earning it:

Medical and Dental costs were increased and at the same time the coverage decreased, dramatically enough to raise the flex spending allowance from $2500 to $7500:

401 Match the company tried to squirm out of but I will give the union its due here as they fought and won, and "small" matching amount. Mine currently is triple that amount, no union.

If a say in the work place equals much reduced everything and to top it off to keep those reduced wages and benefits you must work weekends and midnights because "seniority" dictates so, Well then the fact of the matter is I am far better off without the union.

These are all facts, provable hard facts making it hard to swallow how much "good" the unions have done for working people the last decade.

Here in the Pittsburgh area as well as other places all over this country union jobs have been lost by the thousands while the wages and benefits reduced dramatically for the remaining unionized workers.

How do these FACTS spell the need for unions?

I recently heard a big name union official, initials of JS, on a talk show in Pittsburgh trying to explain the virtues of the unions and the host was saying the same exact things I lived. Mr. JS stammered and hung up on the host, just like all the other unions leaders are accomplishing, they hung up on the rank and file years ago but still continue collecting enough dues so they themselves don't have to get up every day and receive what they have allowed to be shoved down all their constituents throats.

700. I used to get angry at your posts now I read them with sorry in my heart seeing how far out of touch to reality you are. Unions are history. One makes in in this world by his own sweat blood and tears. Bubba’s days have come and are long gone. Open your eyes and look around.
700UW said:
When you become the owner of US Aviation.com, then you can tell the posters what to post or not.

Thank you and have a good day.
I'm still waiting for that ONE EXAMPLE...........

Why not not answer the question rather than offering up your usual mantra of "you don't work here" or your just a custtomer" or what ever the excuse of the day is? Are you sure you are not USA320pilot with a second handle? Of would that give you 4 or 5 handles?
I guess you cant comprehend, read my previous post.

Lets just add a few more, a multi-million dollar 401K arbitration victory against US, a several hundred thousand dollar HMO Arbitration victory, and the Airbus win.
700UW said:
I guess you cant comprehend, read my previous post.

Lets just add a few more, a multi-million dollar 401K arbitration victory against US, a several hundred thousand dollar HMO Arbitration victory, and the Airbus win.
Wow, that certainly proved to be a win for the union members didn't it? ROTFLMAO !!!!!

Let see when the Ramp and Agents unionized they got back their vacation, sick time, OI protection, Ramp got a pension back.

But once again the non-airline anti-union arm chair QBs think they know it all.
You know, you are making this WAY too easy and even though I'm having tons of fun, dad and daughter are getting ready to go out to eat and enjoy some rare time together.

Not to fear......I'll be back.................
longing4piedmont said:
I'm still waiting for that ONE EXAMPLE...........

Why not not answer the question rather than offering up your usual mantra of "you don't work here" or your just a custtomer" or what ever the excuse of the day is? Are you sure you are not USA320pilot with a second handle? Of would that give you 4 or 5 handles?
when was it fleet had a runoff and they didn't get the required 50% + 1 vote??
didn't the company run roughshod all over their little fannies??
and for a year or two U made them part time,took away all kinds of things for around two years.....then they had the common sense to vote as they should have...now they're represented so ask one of them what does it mean to not have a union?
700UW said:
Let see when the Ramp and Agents unionized they got back their vacation, sick time, OI protection, Ramp got a pension back.

But once again the non-airline anti-union arm chair QBs think they know it all.
Ok. I buy that. You know I was a starting end on my High School football team and we won the state championship because of a touchdown I scored, but what does that have to do with who I am today. So…….

Let’s talk about the last ten years. As we both know, the industry has changed. Competitive pressures are now considerably different and it takes a different mind set on everyone's part to survive. What has the union done for you in the past 10 years to protect the membership from pay cuts, lay offs, loss of benefits, etc.?
I dont know about the CWA,but I do recall that the IAM had something like 6 weeks of vacation a few yrs back, had sick banks that I think topped 200 or so not sure how many though. full benefits even for part timers not sure how it is now but may be someone can elaborate on it more
Of all the airlines that are in bankruptcy, Delta Air Lines has the worst financial balance sheet. Guess what? 90 percent of DAL is non-union. So the theory that unions are the culprits of all things evil in this industry is either false or extremely exaggerated.

In this industry, unionizing is a must. Are unions perfect? No. Are there problems with unions? Yes. But having no union is a worse proposition. Employees need a form of protection especially in an industry as volatile as this one. I have witnessed how unionized Employees are making higher wages and better benefits and protection than the non unionized group. You want specifics? Just compare the US agent pay scale (union) VS the HP agent pay scale (non-union). Even after several concessions, the US agents make wages HP Employees dream of. I have watched the HP Ramp agents unionize and make about 2 - 6 dollars more an hours than the HP CSRs.

You can't generalize unionization. In some industries, it's a must. In others, it's as archaic as the abacus.
"Lets see about a two years ago, DL eliminated the employees pensions without the employees having a say, oh and by the way DL just changed all their employees wages and benefits, and they slashed them severely without the employees having a say in it. And the only reason DL paid so well for years was to keep the UNIONS out, see since you don't work in the industry and not for DL, I would not expect you to understand that."

Sounds pretty much like what US did to us, only we paid dues to watch it all unfold!!!
If you call taking a vote with the "Liquidation Threat" Gun to you head a choice, then I beg to argue than anyone had a fair say in what took place. Per one of the Imfamous IAM- AGC's, the Union had no choice but to cave into the Companies demands during CH-11. So I must ask you, what fair say did we have that makes us different from the folks at DL. We voted to get screwed, and they didn't. In the end we all got screwed about equally, only we paid years of dues while the DL folks didn't......If your keeping score, I think that when it comes to Out of Pocket dollars, that they are still a few ahead of us fortunate IAM Members. I paid dues for several years only to lose 40% of my pay along with Numerous benefits, and in the end I even lost my friggen job with contract in hand!!! SO my dear 700 Friend, I ask you..what makes me or you any better off than anyone at DL???
The Company did whatever they Damn well wanted to with us anyway, din't they??
The membership had a say in what happened, although it did not matter much in bankruptcy, but you still got to vote on it and even through two bankruptcies the ramp has one of the best pensions.

And remember it took bankruptcy and threats for US to achieve the concessions from its employees while DL can go whatever it pleases at its whim. When the laws are stacked against the working man and made for business you will always have a bad outcome.

It is still better to have representation then to be an employee at will and be at the company's mercy. Remember the PPG?

And union dues are tax deductable.

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