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What A Screwd Up Place

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The Truth said:
Someone is crying wolf. Your deliberate attempt at portraying the ATO yesterday is very disingenuous. You don’t have the facts and the operations went as expected for a busy holiday weekend. I didn’t read any mention about the TSA involvement yesterday either. The staffing levels are fine when everyone shows up for work. Don’t let the facts get in the way.

What do you know about staffing levels? What are the facts? What occurred with the TSA? How does the TSA have any affect on what happens at the ATO? Seems to me the pax have to get past the ATO BEFORE they go through security and BEFORE their bags are scanned. Seems to me you should be explaining why a full load of STT pax on a B757 cxld because there was no crew. It was the first of the month. Were crews out of time already? Seems to me you should be explaining why you don't know the procedures at the ATO yet you're so quick to condemn those that work it daily. Seems to me you should explain why more than 70 originating pax missed their flts Sat morning because they couldn't get processed in time. Whose fault is that? Not yours? Was it one of the managers that were out in the lines trying to help process pax? Two of those managers were primary managers and neither of them were scheduled to be there. It was their day off yet they came in on their own accord. Another manager was there during their vacation. Other managers dropped what they were doing (mostly trying to fill out your stupid reports that aren't worth the paper they're written on and should be used in the restrooms for that matter) and came to help out. Was it their fault? Seems to me you got a lot of 'splainin' to do there Lucy. What do you know about what happened at the ATO? Were you there? I highly doubt it as those in CCY don't dare show their sorry arses in the field let alone on a Saturday over a holiday weekend. How about a dose of the "Truth" there Dr. Brainiac? We're all listening and ready to be taught. CCY style of course.

You had me at..." Seems to me you got a lot of 'splainin' to do there Lucy".

I think I'm liking you lately. What do you think is up with that? B)

Damn, how things turn about :up:
PITbull said:

You had me at..." Seems to me you got a lot of 'splainin' to do there Lucy".
I think I'm liking you lately. What do you think is up with that? B)

Damn, how things turn about :up:

Yeah...imagine that!! As I've said in the past when I was accused of being anti-everything and pro-management I call them like I see them and now I can see plainly what a screwed up mess CCY is. The problem is all management gets blamed for their bonehead decisions when in reality the local management, as well as some in CCY, get the label tattoed on their forehead. A long time ago I said the talent to turn UAIR around was stuck in the bottom management ranks. Unfortunately that isn't true anymore. They've left by the hundreds. While there still are some great ones left they're not as plentiful as they were and the results show it. Whereas before they would head off potential problems before they took root the newbies don't have the "Business Acumen" to make the CCY elite look as good as they use to so the true "Talent" in CCY has been exposed. What talent you say?? EXACTLY!! There is NONE!!
While I have disagreed with you in the past I must say you were right about a lot of things with these bandito's. I'm not too big a man to admit that so kudo's to you on showing the light to those of us that maybe had been a little snowballed by the CCY magic show. Truth is now out and the magicians in CCY are busy chasing the "Frosty the Snowman" hat around the golden halls of CCY mumbling how they "Have to get that hat". Meanwhile I think they all should have to write a hundred zillion times, "I am sorry for the lies I told and the pain I caused so many because of my Business Acumen and I will retire with my millions and leave them alone forever more."
Unfortunately I just don't see that happening. 🙁 :down:
Good luck to the AFA President when she leaves. She will be sorely missed.
fatherof2 said:
My parents just flew from LAS-CLT-ORD and said both planes they flew on were filthy.

Interesting routing. Free tix perhaps?

Pay for a decent ticket/routing.

They probably spent an extra half-day in the air just for the cheapo routing.

How much is your time worth??
And one more thing MrAeroman,

I absolutely enjoy and love the way you write, the way you put it all together, logically but entertaining.

Thought of writing a book lately? Well, think about it.
markkus757 said:
And there lies the problem. The difference between theory and application has come home to roost at US.

Reminds me of a joke maxim I heard at a business conference years ago. Seems to be particularly applicable to the airline business.

"Theory is where the rubber meets the sky." :lol:
PineyBob said:
The only thing that saves you in many cases is having experienced [emphasis mine] people in key positions and that doesn't show on a scheduling matrix. That's where leadership and management comes into play.

diogenes said:
One was an invitation to a seminar, and the opportunity to buy a lot of books. In the sampler, one author writes, "...in a lot of cases, the worst employee is an intelligent one who cares about the company..."


When I was attending the Graduate School of Business at the University of Houston, there was a professor who used to say in his Organizational Behavior and Management classes that there was such a thing called "Corporate Memory." Corporate Memory was that body of knowledge contained in the experienced, committed employees. This body of knowledge consisted of how things are actually done on the front lines vs. what the corporate policy manual says about how those jobs are supposed to be performed. This body of knowledge was passed on to new employees as they worked alongside the experienced employees. (I encountered and continue to encounter this phenomenon as a flight attendant.)

This was about the time that corporations began to see getting rid of experienced, "high-paid" employees and replacing them with lower-paid new hires as a way of increasing corporate profits. This professor predicted dire results for corporations that followed this path because Corporate Memory was, by definition, not written down anywhere and would be lost if you got rid of a certain mass of experienced employees. Unfortunately, I think he has been proved right time and time again over the past 10 years or so.

One of the best examples I can think of is the ability of a first-rate ATO or gate agent to fix a misconnect/scheduling/ticketing conflict vs. the average kiosk's ability to do same.

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