The Truth said:
Someone is crying wolf. Your deliberate attempt at portraying the ATO yesterday is very disingenuous. You don’t have the facts and the operations went as expected for a busy holiday weekend. I didn’t read any mention about the TSA involvement yesterday either. The staffing levels are fine when everyone shows up for work. Don’t let the facts get in the way.
I cannot let this by without response. Saturday was worse than "screwed up" or the hell day described in the original post. CLT was impacted by so many things controllable and uncontrollable that they all came together in a "perfect storm" of service disaster.
The 3 previous days had system wide problems of heavy summer loads, ATC and weather in the NE and CLT, not enough a/c to fly the schedule( a chronic problem), crew shortages, new and inexperienced employees in many areas, and a system with inadequate buffer and recovery to handle the "normal" summer problems and challenges. The lead up to Saturday, had the early a.m. crew arriving with a bagroom and belts full of bags from previous days. The ticket counter at the start of what would have normally been a very heavy day, was mobbed by Saturday's passengers as well as many "left over" and misconected passengers from the day(s) before. These passengers had only a handful of ticket counter agents on duty at the start of day. There were probably over 100 passengers at the International counter before it was even opened. Everybody started way behind the curve, and it only got worse from there. The bags belts were totally inundated and jammed and broke. Kiosk became inoperable. Gate signs in one area were not working.
Many flights into Charlotte were late due to the previous days problems rolling over into crew delays, and with most flights being full, there was little viable protection for passengers comming into a misconnecting situation. Some passengers and groups were looking at arriving their destination days later. Equipment and crew shortages caused terrible cancellations with little protection for the passengers. I could go on, but CLT was not the only station having a terrible operation. BOS and EWR at the start of the day could not process their passengers either, and took many extreme delays as a result.
In short, Saturday was screwed up. It was a total service disaster that followed several previous terrible days. Summer storms, ATC delays, and heavy passenger loads are NORMAL for the summer. What should not be NORMAL is not being able to
recover from this.
The reason for this note is the above response from "truth" saying that things went "as expected for a busy holiday weekend". What I would hope to hear is something along the line of: "yes we had several bad operational days that culminated in Saturday's poor performance, but we are determined to do better and will do such and such (listing specifics) to lessen the impact of this happening again".
Is anyone in PHX listening?