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700UW said:
Look CCY is trolling again.
you're just saying that because someone else used your line.

Don't think so, the truth, zues, realword,flyonthewall and hawk are all members of the CCY gang of thieves, maybe if you paid attention you would comprehend that.
700UW said:
Don't think so, the truth, zues, realword,flyonthewall and hawk are all members of the CCY gang of thieves, maybe if you paid attention you would comprehend that.
I pay attention, and I thought it was humorous that he took your line.

Did you notice I took someone else's?

zonecontroller said:
There goes my $50 bucks!
Did you really think that you would see any $$ from this program...more smoke and mirrors...CCY has never had an actual plan to implement for any situation. CCY just hangs it back on the employees. Like we have any authority....we are stuck trying to mitigate the ill-will their half baked policies create. I truly hope that when the merger occurs, HP will divest themselves of the CCY liability.
I have to agree with employees at CLT....several of us in reservations said
it was one of the worst weeks we have seen ....
I guess since the Christmas meltdown. This airline is only equipped for
good weather and if we have holiday traffic and bad weather the staffing is
not adequate to help people.

We've gone from good service to mininal service and now no service.

Hope things will get better after the HP merger.
olivia said:
We've gone from good service to mininal service and now no service.


Do you think anybody in CCY really cares? They are all on a long holiday week end and enjoying the "Fruits of their Labor". just passing time till those Golden Parachutes open........ :down:
olivia said:
This airline is only equipped for
good weather and if we have holiday traffic and bad weather the staffing is
not adequate to help people.

We've gone from good service to mininal service and now no service.


We will have had 20 agents leave with the EO or quitting and they say we are still 4 overstaffed. We had a full 757 canx the other day at about 10am and they called me in early. We got done booking the last of the reroutes after 2pm. There was no one at the gate to reroute (only 1 agent plus a floating boarder) since they had other flights to work. Limited agents at the counter as well since we still had to check in the customers on the flights that were leaving. If things run smooth, it works ok, but if something happens (not just a canx, but misconx, delay) all hell breaks loose. Someone should not have to wait 4 hours to be rebooked. :down: Yet we are overstaffed. Cant wait until the rest of the 20 leave to see what happens.
And there lies the problem. The difference between theory and application has come home to roost at US. It's fine if your sliderule says something is supposed to happen; but if your sliderule does not know how the real world operates, it fails. I think US fails right now for this simple reason: disconnection. BTW, don't let them get rich on the way out. All of your hard work would be in vain if they walk away with fat wallets.
I forgot to add the best part. The counter supervisor called the manager to get auth for someone to come in on overtime to help. The manager calls the gate supervisor and tells him to send two people to the counter to help with the rerouting. Supervisor says ok, which flight do you want to let sit since I wont have anyone to work it? Needless to say, thats when it was ok to call someone else in early. Gotta love it!
Morale HAS improved, for those on EO! I need some of whatever CCY is taking. My meds arent working.

320 and buddies were right!!!
It gets worse, PB.

I still have an 20 year old article written by a Harvard MBA who went on to be a CEO. He claimed the Harvard program would destroy the business world, based on 'Administrative Practicalities', a class advocating an 'anything goes' philosophy. He said this idea had permeated the Harvard business curriculum.

When Siegel took over at U, I troubled myself to subscribe to HBR. As a result, I get a lot of associated mailings.

One was an invitation to a seminar, and the opportunity to buy a lot of books. In the sampler, one author writes, "...in a lot of cases, the worst employee is an intelligent one who cares about the company..."

The logic of this claim is such an employee thinks he knows something about the company, and will not embrace the change management brings if he does not agree with it.

I had the misfortune of encountering a Siegel minion shortly after Siegel's arrival, and he was preaching the 'embrace change' agenda. He went on to opine that, given U's seniority, he estimated 30% of the employees would not embrace change, and needed to be shown the door.

As a sidebar, the Siegel team had not been on the property long enough to evaluate their personnel, and this goober, when given the name of our favorite VEEP as an example of change that needed to occur, defended him.

THAT was when I knew nothing had changed with the departure of Wolfe.
tadjr said:
We will have had 20 agents leave with the EO or quitting and they say we are still 4 overstaffed. We had a full 757 canx the other day at about 10am and they called me in early. We got done booking the last of the reroutes after 2pm. There was no one at the gate to reroute (only 1 agent plus a floating boarder) since they had other flights to work. Limited agents at the counter as well since we still had to check in the customers on the flights that were leaving. If things run smooth, it works ok, but if something happens (not just a canx, but misconx, delay) all hell breaks loose. Someone should not have to wait 4 hours to be rebooked. :down: Yet we are overstaffed. Cant wait until the rest of the 20 leave to see what happens.
And this is the reason I REFUSE to use one of those award winning, customer service friendly kiosk. It has served up and will continue to serve up an alibi for management to continue cutting the front line staff. I have always said they worked until every thing goes to Hades in a hand basket.

I refused to use it today when I checked in. I had to wait for over 20 minutes to check in and I was the only one in the preferred line, but I was willing to wait an hour if I had too. I wonder how they managed the rebooking of the next flight out that canceled.

And three of the eight or so kiosks had called in sick today and were not working. Which one of Uncle Al's friends got the kiosk contract?
It's kind of like the Bumble Bee. If all of the principles of modern engineering are aplied the Bumble Bee is incapable of flight. Its wings aren't large enough to create the required lift. But the Bee can't read so it flys anyway.

That is the opposite to the Harvard MBA, Intellectual Ferment crowd and all of their "Metrics" and "Balanced Scorcard Initiatives". All of which look good on paper but don't fly in reality. Scheduling metrics never take into account what happens when the Feces is on the fan.

Seems true in the case of economics as well. Keynesian economics work lousy in theory ( so scoff the classic or neoclassic crowd ), but work beautifully in practice.

One was an invitation to a seminar, and the opportunity to buy a lot of books. In the sampler, one author writes, "...in a lot of cases, the worst employee is an intelligent one who cares about the company..."

The logic of this claim is such an employee thinks he knows something about the company, and will not embrace the change management brings if he does not agree with it.

Absolutely mind blowing! :shock: Only in todays world would such an insidiously arrogant over-the-top elitist brand of BS be publicly uttered with the purpose of being taken seriously. There are/were the pinstriped pinheads that doubtless held these views, but nevertheless kept them in check so as to maintain some semblance of credibity. Now they can drop the glad-handing be-nice routine since they believe it's the new spirit of the age. It's over..................................................................
I the U world anytime management comes up with an absolutely stupid and unworkable rule the only solution on the front line is to follow it to the letter.

Not customer friendly, and therefore not in the interest of the company, but it does get the attention of management.
Non Rev said:
Saturdays at the ATO have been hell since Memorial Day. Customers have been screwed by the idiot puppet mangers who have no clue how to mangage.(I'll bet half the CLT managers dont even a college degree or even attended college) No proactive steps have been taken to resolve the staffing issues on Saturdays. (IE: call in extra help, adjust start times, make good use of the manpower you have). Customers are alienated daily & hourly. I really dont think anyone cares. Its beginning to show among the frontline employees also. (a direct reflection of ineffective management).

What does having a degree have to do with anything? If they had a degree or attended college would that make them better managers? Look at what a Haaavaaaad degreed CEO got you. What you fail to understand is CLT management gets their marching orders from CCY and they are a bunch of numbers. CCY (aka Al Crellin) looks at the numbers and "THINKS" it is sufficient based on some spreadsheet or formula someone gave him years ago. If CLT management gets their numbers within his magic window then they get an atta boy. If not they are ripped a new one with threats of dismissal if their numbers don't improve. They're damned if they do and damned if they don't. Do yourself a favor and listen to the daily conference call at 9:30 am every day including weekends. You'll see what I mean. It's a joke.

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