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We At Aa Have Been Warned!

True or False?...Delle stays on as undisputed president until MAG says leave.

True or False?...AMFA was negotiating a LOA to outsource their own work to Canada?

True or False?..When Bob Owens takes an oath you can trust he will abide by it. Answer: You tell us Bob. Let that amfa "integrity" shine.
Strake,Aug 30 2004, 06:24 PM]
[True or False?

When Bob Owens takes an oath you can trust he will abide by it. Answer: You tell us Bob. Let that amfa "integrity" shine.[/color]

I feel that I did uphold the oath, however my interpretation was that the members and the Constitution came first, not a bunch of old crooks that hijacked the organization to line their own pockets at our expense. Crooks that violated the mission or object as stated in the Constitution. Crooks that put their greed ahead of the members interests.

Suck ups like yourself are no better than them, you are simply singing their tune in the hopes that you can get a piece of the action for yourself.

What's the matter, you feel that the TWU Constitution is just "Bla bla bla? You asked a question, I gave an answer so then you go off on a tangent and make it personal? What if I had posted the same response under an alias? How would you have replied then? Just ignored it like you guys normally do when faced with the facts?

You seem to believe that job protection at any price is the function of the Union, I showed you what the TWU Constitution says is the function of the organization. Its improving working conditions and getting adequate wage standards not lowering both to keep everyone employed. Why bother having a seniority system if the object is simply to keep everyone working even if it means lowering wages and conditions to do so? What kind of a future will any of us have to look forward to as long as management knows that no matter how they screw things up we will foot the bill and continue to provide them the labor they need under any condition? How can we ever count on any degree of security when we know that no matter how long we are here that our wages and benifits are not secure, that they can be slashed at any time?

This union hurt our most senior members the most because unlike younger workers they will never be able to recover. Is that what you feel a union is for? Work all your life then see your wages benifits and retirement slashed because your union leadership are a bunch of crooks who do the company's bidding by spreading fear, lies and intimidation instead of informing , uniting and fighting? Crooks who accept $3.1 million a year from the company? Who give themselves raises while at the same time doing a PR show complaining about the "lack of shared sacrifice"?

It is the duty of politicians and industry to provide jobs. It is the duty of unions to insure that their members get the best wages and benifits possible. THis union has failed at that task for twenty years.

Its interesting to note that since the concessions both the pilots and the flight attendants have replaced their top leadership. At least those workers realized that their leaders let them down and took action, however Little , Yingst and Gless, none of whom were voted into thier positions as administrators of the AA/TWU remain in office.

The only way to remove them is to remove the TWU. They made the rules not us. They are so arrogant that they even gave themselves raises while imposing a 25% cut in compensation on us.

Arrogant incompetant leaders, lies, paycuts, corruption, bribes, is that what you think a unionism is all about?
yea thats right bob, but what can amfa do will be the response you will get from the brain dead sheep on this board!
Nightwatch said:
True or False?...Delle stays on as undisputed president until MAG says leave.

False...Why didn't your AMFANUT girls run against him? Steve McFarland was nominated to run against him but declined the nomination and ran for Assistant N.D....Why didn't you run against him, all you needed was your associates membership and a nomination?

True or False?...AMFA was negotiating a LOA to outsource their own work to Canada?

False...The work involved in the LOA was work currently outsourced by the IAM to someplace in Alabama(Somewhere around there). UAL wanted to send it to Air Canada instead with the trade off of several A.C. engines being insourced to SFO.

Hey Stroke,

No one ever retired from NWA??????

If I recall correctly, their retirement rose by a large amount as a result of the AMFA contract.
Name: Ex Jet Mech
Employer: NWA
Station: The empty parking lot
Date: Tuesday August 24, 2004
Time: 09:49:07 AM

It now is certain that nothing has to be done to get rid of AMFA. They are slowly dissolving around us. Look at the UAL returns. Look at the attendance at AMFA meetings. There are no more elections at NWA, no mech wants to be involved in this pathetic organization. They can only hope for volunteers to fill vacancies. Look at the empty parking lot it MSP. Even our local leaders are embarrassed by their own ineptness and their lack of knowledge. AMFA is fading from the scene. The cheerleaders have left the building.

btw Bob, was chauffeuring Jim Little arround NYC considered UB?
Strake said:
Name: Ex Jet Mech
Employer: NWA
Station: The empty parking lot
Date: Tuesday August 24, 2004
Time: 09:49:07 AM

It now is certain that nothing has to be done to get rid of AMFA. They are slowly dissolving around us. Look at the UAL returns. Look at the attendance at AMFA meetings. There are no more elections at NWA, no mech wants to be involved in this pathetic organization. They can only hope for volunteers to fill vacancies. Look at the empty parking lot it MSP. Even our local leaders are embarrassed by their own ineptness and their lack of knowledge. AMFA is fading from the scene. The cheerleaders have left the building.

btw Bob, was chauffeuring Jim Little arround NYC considered UB?

Well actually I only drove him from JFK to LGA. About 10 miles or one hour due to traffic. If I was paid it was by the members not the company. At that time the Local did not have much money so I probably did it on my own time.

By the way have you looked at the AA seniority lists?

I only have access to title I and II.

Here are the comparasions:

Jan 2003 Title I = 14039, now 11846 less around 1800 on layoff. So around 4000 jobs gone. Nearly one third of the jobs, along with 25% of every one that remains compensation gone.

At NWA all those that remained took no paycuts.

Other than the massive pay cuts Title II was not hit that hard;
Jan 2003 Title II = 2560, now 2264.

Jan 2003 Title III = 17770, now? All I know is they lost more jobs than any other classification.

Jan 2003 Title IV = 160. now ?

Jan 2003 Title V = 1829, now ?

Just in case you missed it Strake here is a 20 plus year picture of what the TWU has done for us;

A picture is worth a thousand words!
Picture this, In the 7 or so short years amfa has been on the property at NWA about half their membership have hit the street. Scary huh! The amfa touts that its all about the mechanic and related but instead of trying to organize aircraft mechanics that have no bargaining agent like those working for 3rd party maintenance facilities, they insist on raiding those that already possess union representation. Would it not make sense for the amfa, IBT, IAM, and the TWU to go after those 3rd party maintenance facilities and help bring those who work there up to industry standards?
Strake said:
Picture this, In the 7 or so short years amfa has been on the property at NWA about half their membership have hit the street. Scary huh! The amfa touts that its all about the mechanic and related but instead of trying to organize aircraft mechanics that have no bargaining agent like those working for 3rd party maintenance facilities, they insist on raiding those that already possess union representation. Would it not make sense for the amfa, IBT, IAM, and the TWU to go after those 3rd party maintenance facilities and help bring those who work there up to industry standards?

Well the truth is you are looking at the last two years. Thats not a long term trend like we have with the TWU. UAL, AA and other carriers have gone through these deep layoff cycles before. A few years later they cant find enough mechanics. Word is that NWA is already recalling mechanics, at full pay and benifits.

If you want to see scary look at what the TWU has done over the last twenty years. not only slashed real pay by 40% but also created subclasses of mechanics as a way to introduce FAR 66, an FAR that would ruin the profession.

The fact is that AMFA has no professional organizers like the TWU. The reason why you see AMFA organizing mostly at union carriers is because union members are more likely to step up to the plate and organize for another union. This is because even with a crap union like the TWU most union workers are covered by "Just cause". This means the company must prove its case in order to terminate, but at non-union companies the employee is an "at will" worker who would have to prove that the company fired him for organizing in order to get reinstated.

I agree that AMFA should go after these third party workers, however if I recall TWU supporters were criticizing AMFAs interest in representing these workers a while back. The fact is we need to get all the mechanics into one union.

AMFA has never really conducted a "raid" by the traditional definition, all its campains were grass roots, conducted by volunteers. However, hopefully with the addition of 18000 members from AA AMFA will have the resources to suppliment the grassroots policy of organizing with a well funded official effort to organize all the mechanics.

How come you dont ask why the TWU, which has expressed concern over outsourcing since the 1940s, doesnt do anything about organizing these workers? After all they have the resources, professsional organizers etc, perhaps its because their reputation preceeds them. I recently heard about an organizing drive that the TWU was conducting out on Long Island. Both the TWU and the Teamsters were courting these school bus drivers pretty close to where Sonny Hall lives.

There was a big meeting and a professional TWU organizer was there, I think it was Frank McCann Jr. Well he was going on about what the TWU could do for them when one woman stood up and asked him "what happened over at AA? My brother in law has worked there for many years and he just took a huge paycut and lost benifits that they had for decades." I was told that he looked like somebody knocked the wind out of him. There was supposed to be a second meeting but the TWU didnt bother, too bad I was planning to go and answer her question-they chose the Teamsters.
Strake ............ First of all the AMFA does not raid other unions as you have been told by your industrial cultist leaders. It goes were it has been invitied by the members of the unions that are not satisfied with the representation that they have been recieving because of the incompetence and complacency of industrial unions like the iam,twu and ibt. As far as representing the third party maintenance mechanic and related people,the AMFA is working on that. Can the twu say the same? Probably not!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are more about making excusses than trying to solve there own problems which is representing the membership of the mechanic and related craft and class.
767 mechanic said:
Strake ............ First of all the AMFA does not raid other unions as you have been told by your industrial cultist leaders. It goes were it has been invitied by the members of the unions that are not satisfied with the representation that they have been recieving because of the incompetence and complacency of industrial unions like the iam,twu and ibt. As far as representing the third party maintenance mechanic and related people,the AMFA is working on that. Can the twu say the same? Probably not!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are more about making excusses than trying to solve there own problems which is representing the membership of the mechanic and related craft and class.

I'll keep asking it......over and over......because its such a great truth to the twu cultists that can't stand the competition of AMFA:


Any twu cultist care to reply???
767 mechanic said:
Strake ............ First of all the AMFA does not raid other unions as you have been told by your industrial cultist leaders. It goes were it has been invitied by the members of the unions that are not satisfied with the representation that they have been recieving because of the incompetence and complacency of industrial unions like the iam,twu and ibt. As far as representing the third party maintenance mechanic and related people,the AMFA is working on that. Can the twu say the same? Probably not!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are more about making excusses than trying to solve there own problems which is representing the membership of the mechanic and related craft and class.

In all fairness 767 mechanic the TWU has not done a good job representing other classifications either.

The bash other workers syndrome that I often hear is very fustrating. I'm not accusing you of it here but before it goes any further I figured I'd comment on it.

We need a mechanics union but its not really because the TWU trades off our interests for Fleet service or other workers its because the TWU trades off all of our interests for the bottom line of the TWU.

Our problem is not the fault of Fleet or other workers its the TWU and the structure of unionism that has been established for airline ground workers under the AFL-CIO.

A structure that was acceptable under the CAB but entirely inadequate in the post deregulation era.

Proof of this lies in the 40% decline in real wages that we have seen over the last twenty years despite the fact that both productivity and production have seen an overall increase over the same period.

Our fleet service clerks do a job that is very similar to the AFL-CIO affiliated Longshoremen, however airline workers make less than half of what they make. The same problem that plauges the mechanics plauges them-structure. The Fleet service clerks need to do the same thing that we need to do, all get into one union.

The airlines is a reletively new industry compared to Seashipping but what the stevedores learned over the centuries airline workers need to learn now. Control over ports is more effective than control over companies.

A united attack upon the present corrupt ineffective structure, striving for a new order in the airline labor movement will benifit all of us. We need to reach out to our coworkers and convince them that although we desire our own union it does not mean that we wish any harm to them, we should lend them whatever support we can to do the same thing that we are trying to do. Such a foundation of good will between all airline workers is what was clearly lacking last year as the business unions just sat by and watched as the corporate/government alliance slashed wages and jobs across the industry by using fear and intimidation. Fear and intimidation that was made more effective because the business unions and the structure that was in place to protect workers either could not or would not do anything to protect us.

AMFA and the AGW now!
Bob............I did not mean to sound like I was bashing other work groups,but meant to point out the fact that the twu is problem with the mechanics and related work group. The industrial unions try to do the same thing as the company and get one group to blame the other.I hope that stores and fleet service can get into a trade union like the AGW so that there interests are being looked after.Thanks for the heads up on how I was coming across. No offense taken. Hope to see you in Tulsa for the celebration in the near future.
767 mechanic said:
Bob............I did not mean to sound like I was bashing other work groups,but meant to point out the fact that the twu is problem with the mechanics and related work group. The industrial unions try to do the same thing as the company and get one group to blame the other.I hope that stores and fleet service can get into a trade union like the AGW so that there interests are being looked after.Thanks for the heads up on how I was coming across. No offense taken. Hope to see you in Tulsa for the celebration in the near future.

I just wanted to make sure that the conversation did not go that way, I've seen it before where they have.

The Industrial Unionism vs Craft Unionism is another subject where tolerance and understanding needs to be improved. The enimity between the two, even within the AFL-CIO undermines the labor movement.

We all need clothes but one size does not fit all.

We all have basically the same needs, but one type does not neccissarily suit everyones needs.

Some workers are better suited for industrial unions while others are better off in craft unions. There are many different factors to consider.

Depending on who you are, what you do, where you do it and when, either type of unionism may be best suited to you.

Lets not confuse what the TWU claims it is with what it really is. The TWU claims it is an Industrial Union. Ok, what industry? Transportation you say? Ok, then why does the TWU try and organize people that are not in this industry? Because the TWU, even though most of its members are in Transportation is in fact a business union. They have enterred into "business agreements" with other business unions and divided up the airline industry in order to best suit the institutions themselves instead of the members they claim to serve.

I have yet to hear anyone say that putting all the ATDs into one union is a bad idea, and I've spoken to a lot of people including John Sweeney, Sonny Hall, Jim Little, Mike Bakala, Art Luby etc. In fact I have correspondence between Hall and myself on this subject. Hall tried to claim that through the TTD we were already all in one union. He dropped that arguement and admitted that we would be better off if all the airlines were in one union instead of all split up. So my question to him was simple-WHY NOT DO IT? Well then he did not want to write about it anymore. In a conversation that I had with Hall in May of 2003 he claimed that he knew that it would be best for the members but that all the International officers that were waiting for his position would not allow it to happen, nor would the same people in the other unions in question. He claimed that its not the top guys who were against it at all the unions but the ones just below them. He went on to talk about how he and the President of the ATU were trying to work on merging the two unions, and that a similar move in the airlines would also make sense but that all those other International officers, who feel that a combined union would mean less opportunity for them would not let it happen. I didnt buy it. I said that they as leaders should throw it out to the members, once out, there would not be much that anyone could do about it without exposing themselves for what they really are. I said they should put whats best for the thousands of members ahead of whats best for the few at the International level.

The fact is there is no valid arguement as to why we need so many different unions representing the same types of workers out there. Especially when they call themselves "industrial unions". What is the logic of having the baggage handlers at EWR (or any other locality) having the IAM at UAL, the ones at Continental with the IBT and the ones at AA with the TWU? Clearly these workers are not organized along "industrial lines, they are organized along "Company Lines". So is it any wonder that they end up behaving like company unions instead of industrial unions?

This structure does not work at all for Industrial unions, it does not work as well for craft unions but is works well enough for business and/or company unions.

As long as we stay in these unions things will not change. The chain of incompetance and self interest will continue though the Internationals. Their act is well rehearesed and proven effective, for them at least. Spew rhetoric, give excuses and blame the members.

Industrial unions are not supposed to pit one group of members against the other, they are supposed to nuture comradery. They are supposed to unite many differnt workers within an industry to the benifit of all. The sum is supposed to be greater than the parts so that even the skilled make more than they would than if they were alone. Clearly this has not been the experience or airline workers in unions that claim to be "Industrial unions".

The TWU has not been following true industrial union philosphy. They instead have pushed though things that would divide the members. They took work away from some members and gave it to others. They created Two Tier wage scales, long progressions, station protected vs system protected vs no protected workers, sub classes of lower paid workers etc. While spewing rhetoric about unity they do things that cause division. They do so because it benifits them.

The sad fact is that there are many in the labor movement who do actually believe that all workers are entitled to a good wage. Who believe in fairness, democracy and member empowerment. Unforunately there are more in it that are self serving, decietful and ignorant. The labor movement seems to be more like a pond than a glass of milk, instead of the cream rising to the top, the scum does.

One of the guys who I contacted within the AFL-CIO, who encouraged me to go forward from within with the combine the ATDs idea eventually admitted that there was some truth to what Hall said about International officers not wanting what was best for us because it may not be best for them, but the top guys were among them also and that it will never happen from within. He said that if airline workers wanted to ever get united that the only way to do it would be to leave those unions with diversified memberships, form a new union, then go back into the AFL-CIO. Of course he said "I didnt say that though".

My point in all of that was dont brand Industrial unionism for the faults of the TWU/ATD. They are not one in the same. Some industrial unions have lived up to the promise of the sum being greater than the parts, while others have morphed into business unions. I have no problem with a baggage handler getting more than a baggage handler would get on his own if our alliance resulted in the same condition for me, nor should any other worker, the concept that the more skilled should sacrifice on a never ending basis for the other worker, even if that actually happened, is not "industrial Unionism".

Clearly, the unions and the structure that we have in place is not working. Just look through the industry. Keeping the same structures and the same people running things, even if every member attends every meeting will not change anything. We need to clean house. There is no baby in the bathwater, just dirty useless water.

AMFA and the AGW now.
Bob Owens said:
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