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We At Aa Have Been Warned!

Name: Rover 1
Employer: gettheebehindusamfa@stupidity.net
Station: NWA
Date: Sunday August 15, 2004
Time: 03:04:28 AM

You know what's really interesting to me about this force majeure 2 ruling......I never expected anything but what we're getting here. It's no surprise. Did you people that put their faith in AMFA really expect something more???? I mean, did you really???? AMFA's a joke and always has been and they've been telling people unattainable stories right from the beginning. It's time to wake up people and really, really smell the rotten AMFA coffee here!!!!!!
James T. Kirk said:
Name: Rover 1
Employer: gettheebehindusamfa@stupidity.net
Station: NWA
Date: Sunday August 15, 2004
Time: 03:04:28 AM
You know what's really interesting to me about this force majeure 2 ruling......I never expected anything but what we're getting here. It's no surprise. Did you people that put their faith in AMFA really expect something more???? I mean, did you really???? AMFA's a joke and always has been and they've been telling people unattainable stories right from the beginning. It's time to wake up people and really, really smell the rotten AMFA coffee here!!!!!!

MORE nobby 'Nuts posts from the dead BB!!! Nobody reads the BS except cultsists.....and most likely drunk ones at 3:04 am

Why is AMFA still on the property after 6 years??? They should have been removed by now, right????

Keep posting your twu/iam/ibt lies and dodging the burning issue at hand here; there are NO card drives for the twu/iam/ibt for mechanics!!!! Why??? NOBODY WANTS THEM!!!!

Punks, Drunks, Cowards, Functional Illiterates, Felons, and Scabs. The twu's finest.

Strake said:
That my friend is a lie.

Strake, I am afraid by saying that "is a lie" and then not backing up your position with what you believe is the truth makes you look very foolish and incompetent.

Now, if you are asking me to expand on the position, I will. The majority of the mechanics here at AA want the democracy AMFA provides, we want a say in the happenings of our union business. Currently we do not have the authority in the twu constitution to have that final say (see court decision). The twu whom we hire to represent us do not like our ideals and say so boldly, disrespecting our authority and intelligence and will even go as far as to try and suppress our rights.

You would think the twu could find another company to hire them to represent other company employees but, it appears they have a hard time at this. Perhaps that is why they are so reluctant to allow us a vote on representation and will lie cheat and steal to keep us from turning them loose. After all the last guy out can fire Sonny Hall!!!
Hackman said:
MORE nobby 'Nuts posts from the dead BB!!! Nobody reads the BS except cultsists.....and most likely drunk ones at 3:04 am

I guess Rusty is a drunk cultist. He evedently reads the bbs at amfanuts.com. Be sure to check out post #7 in this topic, here on this website. You can find the same post here.

Strake said:

I stand by the statement that nobby "nuts is mostly a dead BB, with ex-iam officers wishin' and cryin' about how good the iam was when they held office.

I know Rusty. He is a stand up guy, as most all AMFA supporters are. So don't bother with your feeble attempt to twist my words straky.

When are you starting a twu card drive strakey???
Are you lost for words??? We understand......

Punks, Drunks, Cowards, Functional Illiterates, Felons, and Scabs. The twu's finest.

I don't see how I twisted YOUR words Hackman. I simply quoted another one of your stupid remarks and made an observation based on your stupid remark and that is all. As far as card drives go, I have no plans to personally start a card drive. In my opinion if there was to be a card drive it should be at place where the mechanics at the present don't have any representation that is worth a chit, like NWA or UAL for example. Here is another tidbit from one of my favorite websites. 😀

Name: Retired United Mechanic
Employer: Ex-UAL
Station: ORDMM
Date: Tuesday August 17, 2004
Time: 01:22:22 PM

I just received a mailing from the IAM comparing retired mechanics health benefits. I also recently received a mailing from AMFA. I sure seems to me the coalition of unions at United did a far superior job of maintaining affordable health care for their retired members. In our case, our medical premiums are 47% higher then the coalition members premiums. The AMFA negotiated prescription drug co-pays are unreal!! What was AMFA thinking? I can only imagine what AMFA will do to our pensions. Good luck to all that remain at United. You now have your wish, you have Delle and AMFA.
Strake said:
I don't see how I twisted YOUR words Hackman. I simply quoted another one of your stupid remarks and made an observation based on your stupid remark and that is all. As far as card drives go, I have no plans to personally start a card drive. In my opinion if there was to be a card drive it should be at place where the mechanics at the present don't have any representation that is worth a chit, like NWA or UAL for example. Here is another tidbit from one of my favorite websites. 😀
Name: Retired United Mechanic
Employer: Ex-UAL
Station: ORDMM
Date: Tuesday August 17, 2004
Time: 01:22:22 PM

I just received a mailing from the IAM comparing retired mechanics health benefits. I also recently received a mailing from AMFA. I sure seems to me the coalition of unions at United did a far superior job of maintaining affordable health care for their retired members. In our case, our medical premiums are 47% higher then the coalition members premiums. The AMFA negotiated prescription drug co-pays are unreal!! What was AMFA thinking? I can only imagine what AMFA will do to our pensions. Good luck to all that remain at United. You now have your wish, you have Delle and AMFA.

Actually, I have not yet received anything from the IAM, so I cannot comment on their letter or dispute that which I have not seen. However, did they mention that they immediately gave away the $10,000 per member, company paid, life insurance policy? That's $10,000 tax-free cash per retiree. I believe the coalition simply transferred the financial liability to the widows of retirees. And please, do not insult us by claiming that UAL retirees are independently wealthy and their survivors will not need the $10,000 to cover burial expenses. Although I am not certain, I believe pre-Medicare AMFA premiums are more than the IAM, but post-Medicare premiums are less.

BTW, since I retired after July 1, 2003, I pay the IAM negotiated medical premium. It's $510.38 per month for two adults. How much is your AMFA negotiated rate? The notion that it was OK for the IAM to discriminate against those of us who retired AFTER July 1, 2003 is sadly typical of Machinists Union rubbish. - TM

This is a reply to your cultist 'Nuts post from TM at The Mechanic. He is a retired UAL mechanic, and it sounds to me like they took it in the shorts from the iam first Srakey. How come the iam did not take on the mess they created with the ESOP failure? Remember how the iams' "Buffy the AMFA Slayer" said they would be millionaires you moron? WTF happened???? HMMMM????

You twu blind cultists always pick on UAL or NWA when everyone with more than a twu pea brain knows how the iam screwed those airlines before being booted by AMFA. Now AMFA has to try and correct all the inherited *hitty contracts in record time. You twu dumbasses will never hold the twu to the same standard though!!! Its always; "We'll get 'em next time", only next time never comes.... except for the twu International.

Start a twu card drive somewhere for AMT's. So it can be proven to you idiots once and for all that the twu is finished with mechanics. No one wants the sellout worthless twu, and thats a fact.

Punks, Drunks, Cowards, Functional Illiterates, Felons, and Scabs. The twu's finest.

This is a reply to your cultist 'Nuts post from TM at The Mechanic. He is a retired UAL mechanic, and it sounds to me like they took it in the shorts from the iam first Srakey. How come the iam did not take on the mess they created with the ESOP failure? Remember how the iams' "Buffy the AMFA Slayer" said they would be millionaires you moron? WTF happened???? HMMMM????

You twu blind cultists always pick on UAL or NWA when everyone with more than a twu pea brain knows how the iam screwed those airlines before being booted by AMFA. Now AMFA has to try and correct all the inherited *hitty contracts in record time. You twu dumbasses will never hold the twu to the same standard though!!! Its always; "We'll get 'em next time", only next time never comes.... except for the twu International.

Start a twu card drive somewhere for AMT's. So it can be proven to you idiots once and for all that the twu is finished with mechanics. No one wants the sellout worthless twu, and thats a fact.

Greetings All,
I am now officially retired. I have received many offers of assistance and encouragement to keep the site functioning after retirement. Any and all assistance is greatly appreciated, and I will continue to maintain the site as long as possible. My mailing address, and 'PayPal' donation link for those who prefer that method, appear below.

Thank you. - TM

Dennis Sanderson
P.O. Box 361
Macclesfield, NC 27852

Yeah right Hackett...Dennis is employed now by amfa to keep the BB up and running. So we're expected to believe what spews out of his rhetoric but not from another UAL member...and did ya notice he stated he is retired, not furloughed...can't be both...you bore me.
Some more truth for you Strakey, from one of the most dedicated men ever for the AMT class and craft. TM at The-Mechanic .com.
BTW, How is US Air doing with their concessions? AA will be right with them very soon and the twu will sellout just like the first time, "No further ratification necessary".


Ironically, four out of five physicians agree that the more patients who complain of bankruptcy symptoms and are successfully treated with wage concessions, the faster this disease will spread.

As previously stated; Concessions begat concessions...period. If weak and timid, so-called 'unionized' workers at USAir had demonstrated wisdom and courage when first confronted by management, and forced USAir executives to operate the airline without concessions...or liquidate, the labor/management equation would have been altered in labor's favor at all carriers.

However, the quasi-scabs of USAir cowered meekly before arrogant and wealthy executives (twice), and eagerly provided the necessary initial catalyst to lower the wages and benefits of an entire industry. Workers at AA and UAL then followed obediently and the saga, as they say 'is history.' Meanwhile, chants of 'At least I have a job' and 'Well get 'em next time' continue to resonate throughout hangars, shops and gate houses...as those present await the next round of givebacks.

Unfortunately, the current crop of union members and union leaders within the airline industry appear to lack the fortitude of past generations. The result of their reluctance to do what is necessary is glaringly evident. - TM

Punks, Drunks, Cowards, Functional Illiterates, Felons, and Scabs. The twu's finest.


Still workin' it huh, you are a complete putz. Listen up, you're pissing up a rope, if you think you can convince anybody here that you are right. Remember to save your posts for your resume'. You're damn near guarenteed a position at the international level. There will come a day Nightwatch when you will be sorry.
Strake said:
I guess Rusty is a drunk cultist. He evedently reads the bbs at amfanuts.com. Be sure to check out post #7 in this topic, here on this website. You can find the same post here.


Strake are you on drugs er what??? I copy/pasted a post from the-mechanic.com not nonuts.com. I do not bother reading nonuts anymore. The twu has no leg to stand on. Twisting and lying does not change facts yet the cultists have no choice if they are to instill fear. Change can be a fearful event unless one can study both sides of an argument with truthful documentation not some cultist rhetoric. Only then can a person make a judgments based on factual evidence and not fear their decision.
Rusty said:
Only then can a person make a judgments based on factual evidence and not fear their decision.

FACT! Northwest had 10,324 AMFA employees. Today, it has 5,458 dues-paying members..AMFA LOSES :blink: :blink: :blink:

The amfa has yet to show me that "it" can protect the work and in turn the jobs. What is it about job protection do you not understand? Is "that" not what a unions number one priority is? If not? What is? Amfa's track record speaks for it self. It can not be hidden. Amfa supporters can try to divert attention to other matters of concern but when it comes down to it, my vote will be for the union that does what its supposed to do. the amfa comes painfully short. Ask those who have lost their jobs. Sure, the remaining mechanics at NWA got a nice raise......but at a huge cost of AO work and jobs. Amfa lost, the company won and 3rd party maintenance wins by getting access to a highly trained experienced work force do to the layoffs! Its all about the mechanic.... yeah right, amfa.
Strake said:
FACT! Northwest had 10,324 AMFA employees. Today, it has 5,458 dues-paying members..AMFA LOSES :blink: :blink: :blink:

The amfa has yet to show me that "it" can protect the work and in turn the jobs. What is it about job protection do you not understand? Is "that" not what a unions number one priority is? If not? What is? [

Well lets turn to the TWU Constitution for your answer.

Article II

The objects of this organization shall be:

(B) To establish through collective bargaining adequate wage standards and retirement benifits, shorter hours of work and improvements in the conditons of employment for workers in the industry.

Sorry Strake I do not see anything there about lowering wage standards, reducing retirement benifits, increasing the hours of work and deteriorating working conditions anywhere there.

The fact is that this is a company union, admittedly they have a different purpose. One that the TWU fits to a "T". Get the company the lowest wages and keep out a real, more militant union.

We do not need a union to lower our wage in order to keep work in house, non-union, and TWU represented companies do it all the time, thats one of the reasons why people join unions! All the tactics that you and other TWU supporters put forth to stay with the TWU and not go to AMFA are a carbon copy of the same arguements and strategies that employers use to tell their employees why they should not get a union. Why are you using "Union Busting" strategies to protect the TWU?
Bob Owens said:
bla bla bla bla bla bla.....

True or False?

47.1% of amfa represented employees have lost their jobs. Answer: True

True or False?

The amfa's handling of the FM1 and FM2 cases at NWA was a joke. Answer: True

True or False?

When Bob Owens takes an oath you can trust he will abide by it. Answer: You tell us Bob. Let that amfa "integrity" shine.

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