Bears, what's funny about your assumption on this being a political issue is that Texas was pretty much a blue state up until about ten years ago, and the WC statutes pre-date that change-over.
It's not about political affiliation -- it's about money, and I think you'll agree that insurance companies are color blind and far deeper pockets than the unions do when it comes to lobbying for their causes.
Yea well years ago Republicans were condidered Blue, as in party of the Blue bloods, the Democrats were considered Reds, as in Communists, by Right wing extremists.
Wasnt Red also the base color of the NAZI Flag? I guess its fitting that the Republicans have confiscated red.
The Blues of Texas tend to be redder than the Reds of NY.
The point I was making is that the TWU at AA does not exist with out AA, Crew Skd does not exist with out AA, none of our jobs and respective departments will exist with out AA. This is something that management, the unions and non-union folks all need to keep in mind. We are hand cuffed together on this ship.
So are you saying that without your AA job you would not exist?
I guess that there were probably people at TWA, Air Cal, Reno Air and TRans Carib that said and thought the same thing, only TWA, Air Cal, Reno and Trans Carib are all gone , most ofthe people still exist and for many the job still exists.
Dont kid yourself, if AMR dissapeared tomorrow those same planes and terminals would still be moving people and cargo, maybe they would be a different color, but they would still be moving and people would still be working.