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Fellow AA employee

Carpal tunnel and other repetitive stress injuries have their own subsection in the WC regs, as does long term exposure to carcinogins and toxins. But driving to/from work? Please....

Bob's world and reality do not always run parallel courses.
Carpal tunnel and other repetitive stress injuries have their own subsection in the WC regs, as does long term exposure to carcinogins and toxins. But driving to/from work? Please....

Eric, believe me, each state Worker Compensation law is different; and each state's courts interpret their state laws differently.

If you are referring to TX, then OK. But not any other state.
Hopefully, not another person ever gets hurt again, antwhere.

Sadly though, that is not reality.

In my opinion(only), every union person,should know their respective state(s) work comp laws !!

It won't come as a surprise (I guess) to tell you, that if your get hurt on the job, in a "triangle" that runs from BOS to ORD to DCA, and back up to BOS, that your going to be better off(all around), than if your outside the "triangle"
I think the reason has to do with the colors.....BLUE, :up: , ..or..RED :down:

Bears, what's funny about your assumption on this being a political issue is that Texas was pretty much a blue state up until about ten years ago, and the WC statutes pre-date that change-over.

It's not about political affiliation -- it's about money, and I think you'll agree that insurance companies are color blind and far deeper pockets than the unions do when it comes to lobbying for their causes.
All I wanted to know is why the sender felt compelled to refer to the individual as a “fellow TWU employeeâ€￾. If you do not have a convincing argument I understand.

group email......
you do not have that at AA?



You are still an A$$
group email......
you do not have that at AA?



You are still an A$$

Group email has nothing to do with the terminology used. Neither does me being an ass for that matter. I hope that’s not all you can come up with..
Group email has nothing to do with the terminology used. Neither does me being an ass for that matter. I hope that’s not all you can come up with..

You focused on the 'terminology' that someone referred to you as a TWU (union) member and you took offence at the 'terminology' and missed the message content that one of your ‘coworkers’ were injured and may need financial assistance. Then you had the audacity to ‘POST’ your discontent that someone ‘mistook’ you for one of the unwashed masses in the group email.

You are still an A$$!

Not the point at all. AFMAman seemed to be the only one who got it but never commented further when it was pointed out that his 'anger' was directed at the wrong group.

I was not under the impression that anyone mistook me for a member of any organization.

My point, as proven by post number 2 on this thread was that to isolate the beneficiary of this fundraiser as a 'fellow TWU employee" rather than an AA employee, can be divisive and servers no purpose whether it be done by the company or by the unions. The result is the same. Since AFMAman mad no further comment on the issue I guess that fact was lost on him.

I by no means missed the message. It was quite clear. It is just a matter of interpretation. Apparently the original sender was either convinced or told to change the message because the messages over the last several days have indicated that he is a fellow AA employee. So I guess I was not the only one who took offense.

Yea yea, I know I am still an a$$. B. F. D. !!!! Tell me something I don’t know.
Not the point at all. AFMAman seemed to be the only one who got it but never commented further when it was pointed out that his 'anger' was directed at the wrong group.
You didn't lose me on your orginal point, which appears to be a forwarded email that orignated with the twu, but that doesn't matter. But I still agree with the AA employee part.

You did lose me with the stance that this individual is in the wrong, he's got enough to worry about right now, let's just hope at this point the company will do the right thing.
You didn't lose me on your orginal point, which appears to be a forwarded email that orignated with the twu, but that doesn't matter. But I still agree with the AA employee part.

You did lose me with the stance that this individual is in the wrong, he's got enough to worry about right now, let's just hope at this point the company will do the right thing.

If by individual you mean the original sender of the message I did not mean to imply that he was wrong. I do not believe that the message was sent with malicious intent. I do believe that it was a subconscious event. The conflict between management and union and non-union has been going on for so long that it has become ingrained in people. People start to feel the need to differentiate them selves from the entity as a whole in fear of being held liable for what ever actions the entity takes.

The fund raiser and the message IMO were sent out with the best of intentions: to help a fellow employee. The point I was making is that the TWU at AA does not exist with out AA, Crew Skd does not exist with out AA, none of our jobs and respective departments will exist with out AA. This is something that management, the unions and non-union folks all need to keep in mind. We are hand cuffed together on this ship.
The point I was making is that the TWU at AA does not exist with out AA, Crew Skd does not exist with out AA, none of our jobs and respective departments will exist with out AA. This is something that management, the unions and non-union folks all need to keep in mind. We are hand cuffed together on this ship.
I understand your point, it's when it went the route below that you lost me. The same route that quickly leads to the union/non-union divide.

According to a friend of mine who works the ramp, the employee in question was leaving work and instead of going though the areas normally taken, he chose to walk across the ramp area with out his reflective gear on and it is my understanding in violation of safety policies set forth to prevent such an accident. This accounting of the situation seems to support what was stated in the thread linked above.

I'm done discussing this subject, if you want to discuss safety on the ramp, start a new thread, let's leave this individual out of it and hope he recovers as much as possible, and that he receives the support of the company and all workers.
Bears, what's funny about your assumption on this being a political issue is that Texas was pretty much a blue state up until about ten years ago, and the WC statutes pre-date that change-over.

It's not about political affiliation -- it's about money, and I think you'll agree that insurance companies are color blind and far deeper pockets than the unions do when it comes to lobbying for their causes.

Yea well years ago Republicans were condidered Blue, as in party of the Blue bloods, the Democrats were considered Reds, as in Communists, by Right wing extremists.

Wasnt Red also the base color of the NAZI Flag? I guess its fitting that the Republicans have confiscated red.

The Blues of Texas tend to be redder than the Reds of NY.

The point I was making is that the TWU at AA does not exist with out AA, Crew Skd does not exist with out AA, none of our jobs and respective departments will exist with out AA. This is something that management, the unions and non-union folks all need to keep in mind. We are hand cuffed together on this ship.

So are you saying that without your AA job you would not exist?

I guess that there were probably people at TWA, Air Cal, Reno Air and TRans Carib that said and thought the same thing, only TWA, Air Cal, Reno and Trans Carib are all gone , most ofthe people still exist and for many the job still exists.

Dont kid yourself, if AMR dissapeared tomorrow those same planes and terminals would still be moving people and cargo, maybe they would be a different color, but they would still be moving and people would still be working.
Not the point at all. AFMAman seemed to be the only one who got it but never commented further when it was pointed out that his 'anger' was directed at the wrong group.

I was not under the impression that anyone mistook me for a member of any organization.

My point, as proven by post number 2 on this thread was that to isolate the beneficiary of this fundraiser as a 'fellow TWU employee" rather than an AA employee, can be divisive and servers no purpose whether it be done by the company or by the unions. The result is the same. Since AFMAman mad no further comment on the issue I guess that fact was lost on him.

I by no means missed the message. It was quite clear. It is just a matter of interpretation. Apparently the original sender was either convinced or told to change the message because the messages over the last several days have indicated that he is a fellow AA employee. So I guess I was not the only one who took offense.

Yea yea, I know I am still an a$$. B. F. D. !!!! Tell me something I don’t know.

Why do I care that he is a TWU member? He is not a "fellow TWU" member to me as I am not in a union. In our opinion, it would have been far more appropriate to say that he is a fellow AA employee. Not to worry though, I won’t hold the fact that he is a union member against him. I’ll still wear my jeans and pay my $3 into the pot.

What an A$$!!! :stupid:
When you speak of 'our' opinion, is that of you and your handler or your subordinates? 😛

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