Corn Field
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And you were put in charge of this forum by who?You want to include the "network carrier" qualifier so that it sounds better and people won't think twice about the specious claim and will assume DL is the biggest operator at BOS.
And oh, so conveniently, you say that DL is the largest "network" airline on the NY side of NY.
Again, spin. Jetblue is also the largest airline at JFK, and CO is larger at EWR. But yes, you also want to include LGA+JFK in your calculation, again to make a better story....
The employees get a reminder of that on every payday, and those of us who actually fly on them get reminded of that on a regular basis, too.
You're certainly entitled to your opinions, but leave the spin and hubris at home next time. It's no longer welcome here.
Perhaps if you could just accurately quote statistics accurately and leave off some of the defensiveness we could have discussion based on the reailties... I think we were there for about 2 days after our last spitting match but then your deeply engrained reactions kicked in again.
There actually are people who appreciate that I am laying all of the facts on the table... I've received notes from two people in the last 24 hrs thanking me for not being afraid to speak what is true... and above all not cowing down to the partisan "it's got to be either management or labor's fault" -which you and a whole lot of other people propagate. There generally are people who appreciate knowing the true story and are tired of being told they are the sole reason for AA's problems. People like me owe it to them and to the management supporters as well to call the facts as they exist; problem is that most of you mgmt supporters have all the factst to hurl at labor so it is labor itself that doesn't know many of the business aspects of where AA is... and of course you aren't going to tell them the truth (if you know it) so I have a place on this forum....
BTW, B6 IS NOT the largest airline at JFK... the same airline that has pictures of its jets on the home page of the's website is.
of course this and other data is NOT secret but can be found on said public agency's website.
It actually is quite valid to separate out CO's EWR operation because CO operates a hub which means it boards a higher percentage and number of connecting passengers at EWR than other carriers in the region. If you look at DOT data for the 3 main NYC airports, DL is already the largest carrier based on NYC local boarding even though CO carries more revenue (due to higher average fares in some key domestic markets such as CHI, BOS and DCA) and CO has a higher percentage of longhaul (Asia) flights than any other carrier. Opening EWR to WN will bring CO's average fares down in some key markets but that will be offset by the merger with UA which moves UA/CO back into the number one spot.
It's also worth noting that according to the PANYNJ, DL plus NW and all of DL's affiliates (Shuttle, Song, connection carriers) were only slightly larger than AA plus AE at LGA. As of 12 months ended Jan 11, DL has a 30% market share while AA (2nd) has 21%. AA and US have both lost market share at LGA over the past 5 years to DL.
At JFK, during the past 5 years, AA went from carrying twice as many international passengers as DL to now being completely the other way around; DL now carries 30% more than AA. If you look just at domestic passengers at JFK, in 2005, AA and DL (including money losing Song) were about the same size domestically at JFK and neither AA or DL boarded even half the number of domestic passenges B6 did. Or put another way, AA plus DL domestically did not equal what B6 was carrying. BUT today AA and B6 boards about the same number of passengers domestically as B6 while DL has increased its domestic passenger boardings by more than two-thirds and now boards about 75% of the domestic passengers that B6 does.
Why is that important?
Because it shows that some airlines actually do compete and succeed in low fare carrier environments. JFK has been a low fare domestic airport for years and the trend has only grown. Adding EWR to the mix and increasing WN's presence at LGA will have an impact on who gains and who loses in NYC - AMONG NETWORK carriers.
Knowing statistics and using them appropriately is a key indicator of knowledge in the industry.
DL gained no slots for JFK service from AA-BA. DL was the ONLY airline that took advantage fo the requirement by both the US and EU to divest slots at LHR in concentrated markets and DL took advantage of both to grow both BOS and MIA to LHR.No spin? Really? How did DL, on its own grow int'l? Were the LHR slots not a gift courtesy of the feds for the AA-BA-IB ATI deal?
If you want to exclude BOS-LHR flights from the equation, that would be fine... we can do that... but DL even without LHR as of this summer will fly 80% of the seats to Europe that AA will - including LHR. Since 2005, AA has dropped SNN and MAN. So, even on that basis, AA is not keeping up with the growth of the market as a whole. But DL is flying to LHR and the only reason DL obtained that access was because AA pursued BA as a partner.
Despite BOS becoming a LFC airport in a very short period of time, some NETWORK carriers have managed to be able to maintain their presence... DL offers about 75% of the domestic seats that B6 does and the UA/CO merger will still leave DL as the largest network carrier.
It is also worth noting that the primary reason to separate - or at least acknowledge - the size of network and LFCs in a city is because they have different pricing policies... network carriers obtain the majority of corporate contracts which include international travel.
You can see the evidence of this in that DL is already the largest revenue carrier at BOS even though B6 carries more passengers and AA has a higher average fare than DL... but because DL carries more passengers than AA and DL and AA have higher average fares than B6 by about 50%, total BOS airport revenue for DL is higher.
again, understanding the environment and properly assessing it goes along ways to understanding the challenges each carrier has...
well then feel free to post what they said about AA here and then post the DL comments in the DL forum....This week's Plane Business takes AMR to task as usual, but they also take a few swipes at DL.
Apparently, DL's revenues aren't keeping up with all that market share and growth they embarked on.
But this is the AA forum, so enough about them. I start to get dizzy whenever the widget starts being mentioned.
and as for the dizziness, E, a couple recommendations.
1. sit down and put your head between your legs
2. breathe deeply... think happy thoughts
3. when you get up, don't start swinging - AA's future doesn't depend on your defense.
regardless of what happens, life will go on....