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Waiting To Hear What Management Is Gonna Give Up?

Aug 23, 2002
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The concession stand is still closed.....

Does Management think everybody else is gonna give up anything more, and they themselves have not given up a penny in money or benefits themselves?????

They have received $$$$$$$$ bonuses and $$$$$$$ raises....And Golden parachutes to CEO's worth millions and millions of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ dollars this company needed....

We have already given up in concessions 3 times....including pensions....

Enough is enough.....

Make a $ profit on your business savy, marketing and product or go the way of Eastern Airlines... and the other mis-lead companys that are gone....

" Bye, Bye American Pie...Drove my Chevy to the levy" and the levy was dry.... "
Reservation Agent said:
Does Management think everybody else is gonna give up anything more, and they themselves have not given up a penny in money or benefits themselves?????
They can start with their Crystal Palace in Crystal City. They can get accommodations more in line with Jet Blue's execs. That would be a token of good intentions.
AlabubbaRegional said:
They can start with their Crystal Palace in Crystal City. They can get accommodations more in line with Jet Blue's execs. That would be a token of good intentions.
you are forgetting the wisdom and wit of one davey seigel...
"we have to pay these people these high salaries or we just can't attract quality mangers"
so it is our duty to give it up so they can keep quality managerial types...looks so far like they have gotten their monies worth,eh?
Reservation Agent said:
Make a $ profit on your business savy, marketing and product
Its to late for that... Get over it... Move on with your life
jack mama said:
Is the management currently getting paid above market rates?
Well it seems to me our "crack" managment team seems to be compensated in line with the legacy carrier managment all except Bruce and so far his total salary package is a secret. They want the employee's to be compensated and have the work rules of a LCC. Which is it boys & girls? Our headquarters is a bit more snazzy than the brick building in Queens which houses Jet Blue!
delldude said:
...the wisdom and wit of one davey seigel...
"we have to pay these people these high salaries or we just can't attract quality mangers"
Gosh ... glad I'm not the only one who has noticed that the stock holders aren't getting what they paid for in the line of "quality" managing? From "Business Select" to "mirror image" to "Metrojet" it's been one fiasco after another and yet the bonuses and "Golden Parachutes" continued. Sounds like it's not the union people that are over compensated.
AlabubbaRegional said:
Sounds like it's not the union people that are over compensated.
Couple days ago we had one of our VP's and his wife come to the ATO and check in for a flt to DC. The flight was overbook in coach and sold out in First. We were soliciting for volunteers to give up their seats. He was a lucky guy. He booked himself and his wife in F class, purchased the tickets with a Corporate Credit Card from USair, and happily got on the flight and left. I wonder who pays the bill for the charges? Im sure I know. But Im sure thats just one of the benefits our group of talented exec's are entitled to receive. Otherwise, they might leave the company and go someplace else.
Anybody know if the company still have the corp. jet that Wolf and Gangwall used to fly around when they were with the company? Or did one of the get to keep it as a "parting gift"?
It is my understand that a couple of things the company wants to do is to move the phone centers and res centers "off shore" and install more Kiosks at the ATO's and staff them with contracted "Kiosk Agents" to assist customers in using them. This will bring the need down for ATO agents to only deal with ticketing and reissue's and additional collection for excess baggage, UMNR paper work and things like that. That would eliminate more jobs. Anyone else hear this?
Our headquarters is a bit more snazzy than the brick building in Queens which houses Jet Blue!

Brick building in Queens? I thought JetBlue offices were in Darien, CT...


Department Location Click for Job Description
Finance Darien, Connecticut Analyst, Financial
Planning Darien, Connecticut Analyst, Route Planning
Finance Darien, Connecticut Specialist, Payroll
Corporate Tax Darien, Connecticut Administrative Assistant
HDQ in Queens with office space in Darien, CT. / I believe the CEO also works out of the Darien office rather than HDQ himself.
Tarheel said:
Brick building in Queens? I thought JetBlue offices were in Darien, CT...


Department Location Click for Job Description
Finance Darien, Connecticut Analyst, Financial
Planning Darien, Connecticut Analyst, Route Planning
Finance Darien, Connecticut Specialist, Payroll
Corporate Tax Darien, Connecticut Administrative Assistant
Darien CT is corp planning, rev mgt is in Salt Lake City, and other HQ functions (I'd assume finance, marketing, legal, etc.) are in Queens NY
WestCoastGuy said:
It is my understand that a couple of things the company wants to do is to move the phone centers and res centers "off shore" ..................... That would eliminate more jobs. Anyone else hear this?
I haven't heard that... But it would be a logical step. A sad step, but logical. It infuriates me that American companies are going by the way of outsourcing. Everytime, I call att Wireless or Capital one or if I have to call Delta to book a business trip... I am talking with someone in a country where they can see the "Taj" out their window. I cannot understand what they are saying and cometimes must call 2 or 3 times to get someone I understand.

I am not predjudiced in the least bit and I do not believe in begrudging anyone a job to support their families but...... there is no loyalty for US workers from US companies..... Soon, if you want to keep your job with your airline, or any other US company you will have to relocate overseas to keep it!

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