I appreciate the insight Tex, but I'm still uncertain what we will gain with a no vote. I believe there would be few adjustments before we would see this POS again....I'm still undecided as what the heck to do, maybe after some more info from the Union I can come to terms with what I should do.
What you get with a No Vote:
1) Every M&R TWU Member retains their Contractual Retiree Health Insurance on the same terms and at the same cost;
2) Every M&R TWU Member retains the contractual right to transfer from line to overhaul and vice-versa because there is not a new classification created;
3) Every M&R TWU Member retains the contractual right to bid and be awarded a Crew Chief position that has a six-month probation before becoming permanent;
4) Every M&R TWU Member retains the contractual right to restrict the ASM ratio between AA and AE, and retain the job they occupy without an indefinite recall period;
5) Every M&R TWU Member retains the contractual right to keep the cost basis between Line and Base close enough to NOT INCENTIVIZE the spin-off of Overhaul;
6) Every M&R TWU Member retains the contractual right to restrict hiring per the FAR 66 Language;
7) Every M&R TWU Member retains the contractual right to refuse suggestions that improve work process and productivity unless and until AMR recognizes the mutual need for compensation as a result of those efforts.
What it seems that most really want:
1) Most of the M&R TWU Members want to be told that they are going to be OK, despite the fact that they know this TA needs to be voted down;
2) Most of the M&R TWU Members want to be given absolute positive outcome assurances for any given set of outcomes despite the fact that no one in the TWU ATD at AA has ever shown how far they are willing to go for anything BETTER;
3) Most of the M&R TWU Members talked smack about the '03 Concessinations, but did nothing over the next seven years to enable any of them to walk the talk;
4) Most of the M&R TWU Members want to take whatever the company gives them, and the Union tells them they should accept, without bothering to do anything that requires them to become accountable for those decisions while retaining the right to complain.