<_< ------- The answer to that my friend is simple! It would be better to live under the contract you have now, than under that peace of garbage AA/TWU are trying to ram down your gullet! ------- And yes, your right, there are no guarantees in life!-------- That's what makes it so interesting!!!The question on my mind is if we are all willing to pay the price of a No vote. That is, NMB says go to the back of the line and we will get to you in 2011. Without retro that is another free six months for AA under the current contract. And if we'll get better results after all that is doubtful, barring a big turn around in AA's financial situation.
Short-sighted or blind? A yes vote is career suicide for the AMT. The only possible, logical vote is NO. Its a concessionary deal, no retro, divisive and career ending. Send them back to the table with a clear mandate. Retro language is a must. Geo pay a must. No further watering down of AMT jobs at overhaul. Hands off retiree medical, you cant change the rules in the middle of the game. Tell them to just forget the eagle asm cap, not gonna happen. They have lived off our backs for 7 years!!! The two years of extra concession savings since may 2008 should be more than enough to self fund our contract.The question on my mind is if we are all willing to pay the price of a No vote. That is, NMB says go to the back of the line and we will get to you in 2011. Without retro that is another free six months for AA under the current contract. And if we'll get better results after all that is doubtful, barring a big turn around in AA's financial situation.
The question on my mind is if we are all willing to pay the price of a No vote. That is, NMB says go to the back of the line and we will get to you in 2011. Without retro that is another free six months for AA under the current contract. And if we'll get better results after all that is doubtful, barring a big turn around in AA's financial situation.
The question on my mind is if we are all willing to pay the price of a No vote. That is, NMB says go to the back of the line and we will get to you in 2011. Without retro that is another free six months for AA under the current contract. And if we'll get better results after all that is doubtful, barring a big turn around in AA's financial situation.