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Voting Yes

  • Thread starter Thread starter The Goose
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What happens to the cash AA/AMR has stashed in the Retiree Health Benefit Fund if the TWU actually votes to end retiree medical insurance for those under fifty? What is the valuation basis for those funds: lowest value over the period reported, or average value of assets held over the last five years?

The company keeps it. Just M&R would provide the company around a $27.5 million dollar windfall. (I was told that we could expect around $5000 back from our contributions, the plan called for the company to match our contributions dollar for dollar, If you want a copy of the plan I sent it out to all the section chairmen or PM me.)

Why would the TWU abandon the FAR66 Language gained in the '01 contract for a minority certificate classification now given that the minority certificate holders could reasonably become the majority voting block within the TWU ATD?

Why would the Ramp get the ability to "hard freeze" their DBP for a 5.5% contribution to a DCP; while not negotiating the same terms for the M&R?

I can not answer those questions other than to say that both of those issues support a NO vote. I would also add why not the 12% match that the pilots were offered or at least the 8% that WN offers.

Why would the TWU APPROVE any early opener statement that states that the financial component must retain the relative standing of the covered contract group with respect to the rest of the INDUSTRY: if this TA places us as the 7th worst paid out of 8 air carriers our early opener language requires that whatever is negotiated requires that we remain the 7th worst paid out of the 8 air carriers.

The verbal claim was that this TA would put us just above Deltas October 2010 increase or at number two, pennies above Delta but dollars away from WN. The pool of airlines included in the comparasion is WN, FL, DL, B6, CO, UA & US, it does not include UPS or Fed Ex. Of course the language only applies to Line Maintenance, the wages at the bases would not be open for renegotiation and it doesnt say that we would remain number two nor does it even say that we will remain at the current standing as determined by the company and the International. It also includes the MRT which its entirely possible that nobody would be getting due to the shortened window, In the end the agreement calls for an intent to negotiate, nothing more. So it really means nothing. Even if we challenged it the false MRT would put us at a $1.50 disadvantage from the very start.

This letter came from the company, not the union. Its not there to protect the members, its there to protect the company. It would allow the company to raise rates on the line if they start losing too many mechanics and are unable to hire replacements without having to include the bases in the increases, if any. Its basically a "Flex top out rate" for the line so the company can deal with market conditions.

I submitted the letter to our lawyer along with what we were told the letter gives us. He saw it as an opener to negotiate, prertty much worthless.

Unlike what OTHERS have stated: if the TWU Membership votes down this anti-worker, anti-union TWU APPROVED Tentative Agreement, that is really a work-in-progress, Negotiatons Actually Start OVER at the BEGINNING.

Yes and no. That could be said on any given day "nothing is final till everything is final" is the accepted rule for negotiations.

Give AMR the win in stretching out the process: do not codify the failure of the TWU by ratifying something they can amend at will through the letter of agreement.

I'll take that as "Vote NO"
The company keeps it. Just M&R would provide the comany around a $27.5 million dollar windfall. (I was told that we could expect around $5000 back from our contributions, the plan called for the company to match our contributions dollar for dollar, If you want a copy of the plan I sent it out to all the section chairmen or PM me.)

I can not answer those questions other than to say that both of those issues support a NO vote.

Your answer is a complete LIE Bob Owens.
If you are a soild NO vote that is fine. But at least post accurate information.

Employees who are less than age 44 as of 12/31/2010 will have the option to roll the prefunding refund into a 401(k) account or take a cash payout- those electing cash payouts they will be received by December 15, 2010.

In addition this update has been posted

Employees who are 45, 46, 47, 48 or 49 years of age as of 12/31/10 will have the same options as outlined above or the option to not receive a prefunding refund and have sick leave credits added to the employee’s existing sick leave bank, at the time of retirement, for retiree medical as follows:
Age 49 as of 12/31/10: 840 hours of sick leave credits
Age 48 as of 12/31/10: 720 hours of sick leave credits
Age 47 as of 12/31/10: 630 hours of sick leave credits
Age 46 as of 12/31/10: 540 hours of sick leave credits
Age 45 as of 12/31/10: 480 hours of sick leave credits

At the time of retirement, the company will look back at the employee’s sick leave usage since 5/5/2010 and will reinstate to the sick bank, those paid sick hours utilized as part of any single illness or injury that used forty-five (45) consecutive workdays or more of sick time.

Obviously the T/A is still being negotiated as this update was posted 5/26/2010

Latest Update to T/A

Since the T/A is still being negotiated, decisions are being formed without complete and accurate data.

This is typical TWU M.O., float the T/A out to the membership, then listen for the rumble. and negotiate changed to the beat of the Rumble.
Your answer is a complete LIE Bob Owens.
If you are a soild NO vote that is fine. But at least post accurate information.
]Employees who are less than age 44 as of 12/31/2010 will have the option to roll the prefunding refund into a 401(k) account or take a cash payout- those electing cash payouts they will be received by December 15, 2010.
Reread the original question, your refund does not include the companys dollar for dollar match which is what Boomer was asking about.
We were told by Local 565 president on a jaunt down to Austin that MRO's were to be included in the list of comparators as far as the early openers. ?????????? Now that is negotiating! :blink:
We were told by Local 565 president on a jaunt down to Austin that MRO's were to be included in the list of comparators as far as the early openers. ?????????? Now that is negotiating! :blink:
Well then they must have rewritten that letter as well. The letter that was given to me part of the TA said WN, FL, B6,CO,UA,US only and it was for "Line Aircraft Maintenance Technician (Midnight Shift) and Line Plant Maintenance Mechanic independantly",

"It is further understood between the parties that the purpose of this 'wage adjustment' provision is to ensure that the TWU classifications mentioned above, maintain their compensation standing with the industry comparitors up until the amendable date of the agreement."

"In addition it is intended to provide a percentage based form of internal equity for all other classifications , within the respective Title Group, covered by the AA/TWU Mechanic and related agreement." Now if anyone can tell me exactly what that means I'd like to kow, sounds pretty gray to me, and you know what gray gets you in arbitration -Grievance denied!

Simply put, "internal equity" refers to the relative fairness of wages, as determined by the company.
Reread the original question, your refund does not include the companys dollar for dollar match which is what Boomer was asking about.

Myself and the other "Mushrooms" in Tulsa have been kept in the dark about a "company dollar for dollar" match.

I'd like to the see that in writing.
OK I found the matching funds in the labor agreement

(4) American Airlines will make a monthly matching contribution on behalf of each employee contributing under the Retiree Prefunded Benefits Program. That contribution amount is identical to the amount required to be contributed by each participating employee in accordance with Article 41(n)(3).
Myself and the other "Mushrooms" in Tulsa have been kept in the dark about a "company dollar for dollar" match.

I'd like to the see that in writing.

Wake up the "Mushrooms, we found another reason to vote no. <_<

Look at Article41 N:

(4) American Airlines will make a monthly matching contribution on behalf of
each employee contributing under the Retiree Prefunded Benefits Program. That
contribution amount is identical to the amount required to be contributed by each
participating employee in accordance with Article 41(n)(3).
My God didn't the TWU have an economic advisor or analyst cost this out?

It does seem awfully lopsided in the companies favor.

Not even cost neutral as best I can tell this is very pro-company.

This agreements looks more like a starting point that should have been on the table in 2008 not an agreement after 24 months of negotiations, mediation, and a request for release from mediation.
My God didn't the TWU have an economic advisor or analyst cost this out?

It does seem awfully lopsided in the companies favor.

Not even cost neutral as best I can tell this is very pro-company.

This agreements looks more like a starting point that should have been on the table in 2008 not an agreement after 24 months of negotiations, mediation, and a request for release from mediation.
From an anecdote in the Startlegram (SkyTalk), some union POOBAH commented something had to be brought back for a membership vote or there would be no consideration given to a release from negotiations.

If this is really the situation, the suction boys (union negotiating committee) brought back obvious trash TAs (ala cookie cutter) to the membership for voting and susequent disapproval by the masses to further the company/union agenda.
My God didn't the TWU have an economic advisor or analyst cost this out?

It does seem awfully lopsided in the companies favor.

Not even cost neutral as best I can tell this is very pro-company.

This agreements looks more like a starting point that should have been on the table in 2008 not an agreement after 24 months of negotiations, mediation, and a request for release from mediation.

We were told by a negotiator that there was a (one) number cruncher in negotiations when needed. Perhaps he was not needed much.
Something just jogged my memory about 1989 and PayFlex Beneftis.

We were at a similar stage of the RLA process.

This time AA Management responded to the request for release claiming the TWU had not taken a Strike Vote.

This time around as in 1989 the choice on the ballot will be:

___ Yes I support the T/A

___ No, I vote to Strike

That ballot language alone gave us Flexible Benefits.

Wouldnt be a shocker to see the ballot read the same on this T/A
Oh No, thats' your choice. I'm learning that each union does things different than the next . All this info is out and have you yet to see a ballot, or when do you expect to, if so when would it be due, ie 30 days of reciveing,
John Donnelly

He's an ex-ramper from what I hear. Also worked for ECLAT. Need I say more. 😱
As far as Donnelly is concerned we are better off just asking the company and cut out the middleman. He had the nerve to say to us that "this is really just a two and a half year agreement when you consider the early opener".

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