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Vote no demonstration in Tulsa

this should not be in negotiations at all as it was set up by Koziatek to be bullet proof even if in bankruptcy. why is this being discussed as an option?
Ok wasn't sure what you meant by the post at first. Some people get cut off for whatever reason with their net connection before they finish posting.
and you are?
I was making a point/joke to Informer that I was asking for your input not his. I am no one important just an AMT in Tulsa. I'm no officer or even a steward, truthfully I personally wouldn't want the job but that is just me.
The company stated that we will get our share and the company share if we vote in this LBO. If not then we only get our share back. That is baiting a yes vote.
The company has no respect for the letter of agreement.
Gotchya, Thanks
You must read the Koziatek letter from 1992:

7. "if the plan is unilateraly terminated, such as in bankruptcy, TWU members are entitled to return of their own contributions + interest, and company contributions + interest, which will be used to secure continuing medical coverage from an outside insurance carrier"

The LBO2 should not be used as bait to sway people to vote "yes".
You should read before you post Chuck. The employer money is controlled by the contract and the terms of the trust. Neither provide for distribution of employer contributions to employees and both provide that this money can be used only for the exclusive benefit of participating employees and retirees. Participating obviously means participating in the retiree medical program and securing retiree medical coverage is the only purpose the money can be used for under the trust and the contract. You can be sure that no trustee will release it for any other purpose, unless there is a specific agreement to allow them to do so. The only document that meets this criterion is the TA.

Koziatek’s letter, when read in context, is not different. He never told us that the employer contributions would be sent to employees as cash or income distribution. What he said in every meeting I ever sat through on the issue was that, in the event of a bankruptcy and termination of the Company retiree medical program, the money in trust was to be used to secure alternative coverage. He was certainly clear that it was not to be paid out as income or under circumstances in which there is no assurance it will be used for its intended purpose. In fact if you read the whole sentence in context you would know this already.

Again Chuck, you say that the Int'l is attempting deceive when the facts have been fully provided to you. Instead of informing your members of the facts you cherry pick terminology out of context and state that you have found a "gotcha" that every attorney or expert has somehow missed. Chuck stick to re-racking C/M's, leadership and fact finding is not your strong point. Neither was construction or marriage counseling.
Hey overspeed,

Truth telling isn't your strong point. I guess they don't cover truth in the twu school.
So Captain "not of our" Reality, it is obvious with your "you guys" talk that you are not going to be affected by this offer. So why do you care what we do?
Well let me give you some facts. The majority of the pilot corps could care less who does the maintenance or who serves the drinks or smashes the bags. If you vote no, AA is going to laugh all the way to the bank as they outsource all of "You guys". I personally don't want to fly an airplane fixed by the lowest bidder.
Well let me give you some facts. The majority of the pilot corps could care less who does the maintenance or who serves the drinks or smashes the bags. If you vote no, AA is going to laugh all the way to the bank as they outsource all of "You guys". I personally don't want to fly an airplane fixed by the lowest bidder.
Then why are you flying AA, we are the lowest bidder NOW!

Well let me give you some facts. The majority of the pilot corps could care less who does the maintenance or who serves the drinks or smashes the bags. If you vote no, AA is going to laugh all the way to the bank as they outsource all of "You guys". I personally don't want to fly an airplane fixed by the lowest bidder.

Well if you are truly a Pilot, Left seat or Right and are employed by AA you do care.
Many pilots can't wait to get to a maint. station to get their a/c fixed. Many are afraid to write things up at out stations for obvious reasons. But if we all get outsourced as you mentioned then all of AA is an out station.
Now that's funny, Tynker playing the straight man with that Nancy boy avatar.
Heeyy there you are leadite. I was worried an overclock test rig boogieman carried you away in night but no such luck. Oh well

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