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Usairway's Sales Of 737 To Fed-ex Done Deal

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mweiss said:
To make this abundantly clear...SO WHAT???

Wonderful. The union is a democracy. The union doesn't get to run the company. In the end, the company is a dictatorship. That's how capitalism works. Whether or not it should work that way is irrelevant to the success or failure of US in the next year.


Who are you? Do you work for U? What's your "take" in this?

I am not on these boards to placate the likes of those who sit on the outside. I am not here to control the employees of U.

The majority rules the day! Flight attendants will have an opportunity to let the leadership know what they want once managment tells them what is the expected participation. I am sure you know what that means since you are still in school.

Union leaders do NOT dictate to the employees! They operate under different principles. What part of that don't YOU understand?
PITbull said:
The majority rules the day! Flight attendants will have an opportunity to let the leadership know what they want once managment tell them what is the expected participation.
Again, ultimately the question is, so what? So you get to tell management what you expect. But they get to call the shots. Yes, if you don't like their call, you can strike (after going through the laborious [no pun intended] processes you must go through in this industry). Yes, you have the power to shut the company down for good. Do that, and you're out of a job. Is that what you're aiming for?

I am sure you know what that means since you are still in school.
Back in school, to be precise. I've already had a moderately long, successful career.

Union leaders do NOT dictate to the employees! They operate under different principles. What part of that don't YOU understand?
I understand fully. Let me try this one more time. The union leaders don't call the shots. The employees don't call the shots. The CEO does, and by proxy anyone to whom he delegates authority does. That's it. No democracy there. None.

The furloughed US Airways employees have been flogged and are now forced to carry Embraers on their backs. Is this fair? Is it right? No. If the unions don't put up a fight why even have a union? PITbull I applaud you. You are real and are fighting for what's right. Quite the contrary for the pilots. I think ALPA's days are numbered. You can only sacrifice your young for so long without paying a price.
pitguy said:
Any comments on Dave and gang honesty problem?
Only that "Dave and gang" and "honesty" don't typically belong in the same sentence.

If you're asking if I see any saints around, the answer is a resounding "NO!"

Do you read what you write? Labor does not tell mangement what they expect?

Unions don't strike outside of a sec. 6?

You do not fully understand unions and the "law" as you would say, to pontificate from the realm in which you pretend to know.

Whether you or anyone believe that it is justifiable or appropriate for the sake of a profit for a bunch of wall street gamblers and stakeholders to annihilate a group of employees of a company demonstrates the epitomy of what is wrong in corporate America today.

PS: And by the sounds of the Friday "Dave messages", employees do call the shots. In his view, its a do or die situation. 😉 Maybe you need to call him and straighten him out. Let him know that HE calls the shots, not labor...LOL... Maybe he'll have an epiphany. 🙄
Lets please return to the FedEx supposed deal in this thread. Please start a new thread to continue the subdiscussion and I will try to transfer pertinent posts there.
PITbull said:
Do you read what you write? Labor does not tell mangement what they expect?
*sigh* No, apparently you don't read what I write:
mweiss said:
So you get to tell management what you expect.
I'm assuming you consider yourself to be labor, right? So when I say "you" get to tell management what "you" expect, I'm assuming that is equivalent to saying "Labor gets to tell management what they expect." Please let me know if I misunderstood and you are not "labor." :blink:
PITbull said:
They don't strike outside of a sec. 6?
You mean like when I said
mweiss said:
Yes, if you don't like their call, you can strike
PITbull said:
Whether you or anyone believe that it is justifiable or appropriate for the sake of a profit for a bunch of wall street gamblers and stakeholders to annihilate a group of employees of a company demonstrates the epitomy of what is wrong in corporate America today.
Appropriate? Justifiable? Those are ethical questions. I'm talking about the law. Shareholders are the owners of the company. The company's fiduciary responsibility, as defined by law, is to maximize the value of the company for the shareholders. I neither write the laws, nor am I suggesting that the laws as written for American capitalism are better than their European counterparts.
And by the sounds of the Friday "Dave messages", employees do call the shots.
You don't believe him. Neither do I. He's saying it mostly to placate you guys. And I know you're not buying it. Besides, he's asking for suggestions, which he is free to ignore. Because as CEO he gets to call the shots. He is accountable only to the BOD, which is accountable to the shareholders.
scot said:
Lets please return to the FedEx supposed deal in this thread. Please start a new thread to continue the subdiscussion and I will try to transfer pertinent posts there.
Point taken. I apologize for contributing to the thread drift.

To the topic of the thread, I think the fleet simplification is a good thing. The accelerated timeline certainly makes me raise my eyebrows (I can't raise only one, unfortunately 🙂). And I agree with the subtopic regarding mx. If the 737s are, indeed, going off property, then it could well be a way of reducing mechanic headcount.

Huh? You want to run that back again?

There are principles of ethics in business, capitalistic businesses. In case you forgot about this thing called "binding contact agreements" in capitalistic business whether union or not...


And if the 737 leases have been sold to Fed Ex, than rest assured, you will never get the IAM to the table under any circumstances.

[Wind-Up Deleted]
Eye went to the Cornfields???What on earth for. I have read these posts over and over and I see no reason for this. Am I missing something? Eye puts out very good, meaningful, thought provoking posts. I have never thought this poster has ever intentionally offended anyone, just speaking his/her mind. Isn't that what this forum is all about. I am confused and sad about this. 🙁
Well, I will say this, a couple of days ago on one of the threads, someone posted and I cannot for the life of me remember. I have gone back through the posts previous all day long. All I remember reading is someone on here, before RATBOY posted the same thing with a LINK to FEDEX, which I of course follwed up and read. I didn't save it and I can't seem to find it, but the FEDEX guys were talking about this very same thing in their FORUM. I have tried desparetly all day to retrieve this so that I could re-post it, but have had no luck. But I can say, that I read it and saw it on a FEDEX Forum. Just wish I could find it to to post. I am no spin shill and no company hog. I truly saw this earlier this week. DARN, I wish I could find it now. If the poster who put the link on would do this again, at least I would feel better. Thanks. :unsure:
CAV got busted too???? Oh, my word, what is going on.? I haven't been on here for several hours, but what I have read I haven't seen a cause or reasoning for. I guess it is like having a boyfriend or girlfriend, when passion is high, sometimes sparks will fly. 🙁
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