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Usairway's Sales Of 737 To Fed-ex Done Deal

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Posted on Mar 14 2004, 11:27 PM

And if the 737 leases have been sold to Fed Ex, than rest assured, you will never get the IAM to the table under any circumstances.

You can say that again PITbull. (I guess by quoting you, you kind of did).

If this rumor is true, then one of two things happened:

1) The company couldn't get the Airbus Heavy issue settled fast enough, to make this a stab in the back.

2) It's a strategic strike, to make sure that the IAM will never talk to this management team again.
repeet said:
If this rumor is true, then one of two things happened:

1) The company couldn't get the Airbus Heavy issue settled fast enough, to make this a stab in the back.

2) It's a strategic strike, to make sure that the IAM will never talk to this management team again.
If the rumor is true, you're probably right. And, if it's true and you're right, it's a really dumb move. But there certainly have been CEOs in the past that preferred to treat labor as the enemy rather than a partner. That approach often works in the short run and kills the company in the long run.
UsPerfEngr said:

As of today at 19:30Z our (UAIR) Dispatch system shows the following count:

B737-300 70 active tail numbers

B737-400 46 active tail numbers with one AC(482) unassigned in PIT.

So if this rumor is to be the end of our 737 flying, where are the rest of the aircraft going? My count shows 117 airframes. Yet this rumor talks about 50 then 35 more. 85 from 117 leaves 32. The math does not add-up. Beyond the aircraft, what about the flight crews? Is someone going to bring forward news that ALPA has put its blessing on a wet-lease type transfer of 737 pilots to Fed-Ex?? Since Fed-Ex has no use for flight attendants, is the AFA going to stand idly by while a good third(rough estimate on my part) of there remaining ranks are cut loose?? I must admit that I've gotten a really good laugh from this rumor, but aside from its entertainment value, I find that it has no merit

Your info is incorrect, we never had a 737-400 with a tail # of 482.

Current count per Maxi-Merlin is:


For a total of 117 737s in the fleet

And US Does not have any 737s in the desert that are owned, all were returned to the lessor or sold.
Just Plane Crazy said:
Here is the last count on A/C @ US

A319 56 active 7 stored
A320 20 active 1 stored
A321 28
A330 9
B737 105 active 32 stored
B757 31 active 3 stored
B767 10 active 1 stored

So if they sell 50 B737 to Fed Ex there are still lots of aircrafts in the fleet.
All 8 airbii were returned to service with new leases as they were returned during the BK.

The 32 737s, were returned during BK.
The 757s were returned during the BK.
The 767 A/C 647US was returned during BK and now flying with Air Nambia in Africa.

US does not own or lease any airplanes that are parked in the desert, all the leases were abrogated during chapter 11.
USA320Pilot said:
As I have said before, if the IAM does not participate in the "Going Forward Plan, there could be a painful experience for our mechanics, all of whom are great people.

Remember, the Pittsburgh maintenance facility can be closed in September 2005, where the B737 heavy maintenance is conducted, without further agreement with the ACAA. Why does US Airways have the early-out exit clause.

I'll say it again, it may be in the best interests of our good mechanics to reach an agreement to cost effectively conduct the A320 heavy maintenance in-house.


The IAM also has the Dunsford Arbitration case where it clearly states the company cannot close a facility to circumvent the contract.

And a320pilot, why don't you stop spreading your falsehoods you have been proven nothing more then a chicken little. Go try and scare someone else, the IAM is tired of your tactics and phony information.
USA320Pilot said:
USFlyer, I'm looking into it.

AP Tech, it's my understanding the company provided the IAM with a cost effective plan to conduct the A320 heavy maintenance in-house and the union's leaders rejected the proposal.

It's up to you and your colleagues on whether or not to participate in the "Going Forward Plan", but it appears with the potential loss of the A320 heavy maintenance grievance, the potential sale of the B737s, the addition of 60 A320 family aircraft (24 new and 36 used), and the ability to close the Pittsburgh maintenance facility, there could be a painful experience in store for our mechanics, who I believe are some of the best in the business.

I do not like this anymore than you, but everything listed above is a strong possibility. Thus, it's up to the IAM and its mechanics on whether or not they want to negotiate.  


You are putting out wrong information once again, you have been told time after time after time the company NEVER EVER provided the IAM with anything in regards to the airbus. Stop spreading lies, the IAM has overhauled every type of airplane this company has ever flown since 1949. And we even have all the contract proposals over the years where the company recognized that and asked for relief during Section 6 negotiations.

You are unreal, stop spreading lies.
700UW said:
You are wrong once again, you have been told time after time after time ...


While I share your opinion of this poster and his tactics, why do you persist in banging your head against a brick wall? :shock:

Why not just ignore him, state your case as you see it, and let the facts fall where they may... its not worth the aggravation, IMHO.

Consider the source! The regular readers know the agenda and pattern.

Just my .02 :blink:

To put out the right information and expose him for what he is.
Two things to throw in on the 737's....

1) The pilot permanent bid for July is out and shows no change in 737 positions. Not necessarily proof of anything since it could be changed.

2) According to furloughed pilots working at Mesa, they are gearing up to add 7 to 10 737's operating under the Freedom Airlines certificate to be based in PIT. Supposedly the first is being prepped now.

The first is fact (though may not mean much as I said), the second is more rumor.

As long as the B737 will be replaced with A319/320/321 non of he Crews should worry about hteir jobs. OK Seniority might be screwd up but every one still has a job. So why make a big deal out of that.

And have anyone thought about a reason to let FedEx to take over the B737 lease etc. Could there maybe be a cost saving offer to lease Airbus. Same amount of aircrafts with a lower monthly lease cost? Would that qualify to be named cost saving?

And for the mechanics, get your act together. Get together with the management and make a deal. In all other industries there are changes made to ensure the survival of a company. Why is it so hard to understand that even airlines have to make changes. If there would be an agreement and lowering expences then there would be no reason to outsource. If you are willing to let an airline go under and to start over again, you might should think about saving the airline and your retirement, benefits, etc.
Just Plane Crazy said:
And for the mechanics, get your act together. Get together with the management and make a deal.

I believe they already did. It's even been published in book form, with an amendable date wayyyy down the road.

Prepare yourself. :shock:
Just Plane Crazy said:
OK Seniority might be screwd up but every one still has a job. So why make a big deal out of that.
Yeah, what importance is seniority in the airline business?

Thumbs up on the very appropriate screen name however. :blink:

Time for your meds!
I have heard of this from FedEx employees for several weeks as a 'rumor' and only recently as an 'upcoming press release.'

Things to ponder:

A speculative benefit for Fedex in the care of the 737s, the Indianapolis Maintenance Center (abandoned by UAL and currently vacant) is an excellent center for 737 maintenance. Half of the base is specific for 737 while several of the IMCs hangers can accommidate A300s or DC10/MD11s. They have two hangers on the end that were for 757 HMV (dock structure). FedEx currently has a hub operation in IND, line and hanger maintenance included (using an ex-USAir hgr). A depleating, but experienced workforce remains in the area. IND is undergoing new midfield terminal construction, I-70 relocation (for FedEx expansion) & future third E-W rwy.

My crystal ball is very cloudy, but the pieces for the big puzzle seem to be out there. Opportunity for maintenance in Indianapolis may be up coming?

If mergermania is real, I wish UAL and USAir would just break apart their bad relationship for good. Seniority issues creates wounds that never heal.

Best regards,

Johnny Gearpin
Hey Guys....
Like Bill Shakespeare said..."Beware the Ides of March"
there will be no sale of the 737's to any one. nor will virgin buy our shuttle. this is a sick rumor only to stir things up. i just want to make this clear to everyone. who ever posted this ( i think it was rathead or someone) needs to really think before he/she posts something of the matter. we are going through and emotional time here at airways. we don't need rumors to mess things up. rumors wll kill us if we keep on beleiving them. i have e-mailed seigel on this issue last night and got response today . the answer was a big NO. so rathead, chill out. <_<
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