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Usairway's Sales Of 737 To Fed-ex Done Deal

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Well here is my opinion,
US should dump the 37's if they can. Its their right anyway.
As for the IAM making a deal, why should they? If mainline goes under the mechanics will recover. Most of the guys I worked with worked at one or more failed airlines before coming to US. There are A&P jobs out there. Starting over sucks, but so what? thats life. Its time to make a stand.
PITbull said:
If you notice...

Management is not on the boards trying to correct any rumor now are they???? 🙄

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Interesting observation. I thought about that this afternoon. None of the usual suspects coming on to tell somebody to "stop spreading false rumors."
The 737 fleet should have been dumped when in Chapter 11. I suspect there was concern about another passenger carrier picking them up. If FedEx made an offer and if Airbus aircraft are available to replace the departing 73s, I'm sure management would give serious consideration to doing this.
Spin Doc,

I do not want or need to get thrown off the boards by your provoking comments...so read between the lines...

Do you fully understand what "democracy" is and means?

When you look it up to refresh your memory...you will know my position and the rest of the union leaders who do not succumb to fear, intimidation, threats...

In my view, a company that throws out 60% or 70% of its employees and reduces the wages and benefits of those left on the property, is no company. Its a vehicle used to enslave people to work for the elitists to profit...

Have a nice night.
PITbull said:
Spin Doc,

I do not want or need to get thrown off the boards by your provoking comments...so read between the lines...

Do you fully understand what "democracy" is and means?

When you look it up to refresh your memory...you will know my position and the rest of the union leaders who do not surcomb to fear, intimidation, threats...

In my view, a company that throws out 60% or 70% of its employees and reduces the wages and benefits of those left on the property, is no company. Its a vehicle used to enslave people to work for the elitists to profit...

Have a nice night.

Since when is a capitalistic company expected to be a "democracy" as you say? US Airways is a publicly traded company and the decisions are made by the board of directors, which have a fiduciary responsibility to the stockholders and no one else. Please don't confuse a democracy with capitalism, because they are not one and the same. In my office, while we may occasionally be asked for our opinions, and we offer our wisdom where appropriate, the decisions are made by people higher than I and I can either accept them or move on. US Airways is not a democracy.
As you elude to, your union is supposed to be a democracy. Well then, if that is the case, you need to present the facts (not opinions) in a fair and consistent manner to the union members you represent so they can make a judgement based on sound advice. If you and the other union representatives (ie. IAM, CWA, etc.) choose not to listen to management and share their ideas as well as your own propaganda, you are not representing your union members in good faith and should step down. This is not a union versus management situation. This is a decision to either be a part of the solution, or take your chances in the government cheese line. I hope you realize the stakes for your union representatives and act appropriately.
Spin--I understand a company is about making money, but here appears to be just about making a few more wealthy.

USA320Pilot--Why would the Mechanic and Related heed your advice about negotiating more with the company? Especially if they believe that you would give them improper advice by appearing to them to think only of yourself.
PITbull said:
Spin Doc,

I do not want or need to get thrown off the boards by your provoking comments...so read between the lines...

Eye was sent to the corn field for 24 hours. Seems censorship is alive and well.

Spin Doc as for rationalizing the fleet, it makes sense if you do so in moderation. The problem with the Crystal Palace is they do nothing in moderation. Its a dictatorship forget democracy. Didn't we talk about the Napoleon Complex awhile back?
Whats this "move on" bull? If the company doesnt like the contracts it signed, tough. They should have voided them under bankruptcy like every other company does. And what part of the company's outsourcing my job to Alabama is good faith?We live in a democracy where ordinary workers can form a union to level the bargaining table. When the union votes on a contract its all there for everyone to read.Whats the "propaganda"? Can you give an example? Is it like those campy letters I get from US about the employees joining together with management to "save the airline". Do they send those to the gang in alabama too? The union doesnt send me crap like that.
Spin Doc,

I am going to try to be very very nice here and not insult you.

Please reread the post...I never implied, stated, commented whether U operated capitalistically, socialistically, communistically, or fascisally. I spoke about union leaders and union organizations that operate under democratic prinicples, same as our government...

for the people
by the people
USA320Pilot said:
It is a fluid time, but one option could be to replace the B737s with 60 A320 family and EMB-190 aircraft. This could have equally bad impact on our mechanics, without a mutually acceptable agreement to conduct maintenance in-house.
If they do that, a significant number of your remaining colleagues will be flying those -190s at 50% at Mesa. Do you consider that to be a good thing?

Further, consider that if US unloads that many aircraft that quickly, they won't have the cash to ramp up that many Airbus aircraft in time--in other words, there will probably be a reduction in mainline aircraft--below the magic 279 limit.

I'm wondering if ALPA has the intestinal fortitude to take the company to court if it happens. I doubt it, but I'm thinking that if it happens, it might finally get the message thru to the 15 year plus guys that selling out the "junior guys" is a strategy that will eventually backfire
PITbull said:
I spoke about union leaders and union organizations that operate under democratic prinicples, same as our government...
To make this abundantly clear...SO WHAT???

Wonderful. The union is a democracy. The union doesn't get to run the company. In the end, the company is a dictatorship. That's how capitalism works. Whether or not it should work that way is irrelevant to the success or failure of US in the next year.
pitguy said:
Spin--I understand a company is about making money, but here appears to be just about making a few more wealthy.
Their fiduciary responsibility is to make the shareholders wealthy. That is how American capitalism works (not, incidentally, how European capitalism works). That is the law.

If the company makes the CEO wealthy at the expense of the shareholders, the company (generally the BOD) is exposed to liability. Whether or not the shareholders sue them is a separate issue, but they can.

Ultimately, however, the company has no obligation to make the employees wealthy, except as necessary to increase the wealth of the shareholders. In fact, if the company makes the employees wealthy at the expense of the shareholders, once again they are exposed to liability. Again, that is the law.
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