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Usairway's Sales Of 737 To Fed-ex Done Deal

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USA320Pilot said:
As I have said before, if the IAM does not participate in the "Going Forward Plan, there could be a painful experience for our mechanics, all of whom are great people.

Remember, the Pittsburgh maintenance facility can be closed in September 2005, where the B737 heavy maintenance is conducted, without further agreement with the ACAA. Why does US Airways have the early-out exit clause.

I'll say it again, it may be in the best interests of our good mechanics to reach an agreement to cost effectively conduct the A320 heavy maintenance in-house.


Remember this-------

QUOTE (USA320Pilot@ Feb 23 2004, 06:57 AM)
â€￾I will not dictate terms to you and until you start paying my bills, don't you dare dictate them to me either.â€￾

If the Mechanics are screwed they are taking you with them.

--See you on the other side.
Ratboy, there have been no press releases (as of Sunday 7:45 PM EST) indicating a press conference. No journalists have been informed. Where did you get this? It goes without saying, if there is a press release in the coming hours or tomorrow morning, I dare say you are an insider.
Pitguy, understand USA320Pilot has a myopic viewpoint of this situation - one that only benefits his interests, not yours. Keep in mind this person has been wrong so many times it's a joke. PORTION DELETED. What USA320Pilot along with another fliboi is to be ignored. PORTION DELETED
Not only that, you may be risking an SEC violation of some sort by posting this stuff if in fact it is true.
USFlyer said:
Not only that, you may be risking an SEC violation of some sort by posting this stuff if in fact it is true.
If he owns any UAIR securities, he could also be in trouble if it ISN'T true also. If he's trying to manipulate the price of stock by making incorrect public statements he may be eating his meals with Martha Stewart!
It appears that a certain poster may have an intense desire to schadenfreude.
Just Plane Crazy said:
If the roumor is true (and as long as no one comes out oficially to say so it is only a roumor), US is making a smart move. Getting rid of one fleet and concentrate to fly only A319/320/321. Same cockpit crew can fly all three types and they will be more flexiable to move aircrafts around as demand might shift. Just because the B737 will be retired from US it does not mean that the airline is going to fly less aircrafts. As it was mentioned, some parked A320/129 will be back in the air. Operating the Airbus is more economical for US and will save at the end money and jobs.
Come again? Save what jobs? Whose jobs?
If you notice...

Management is not on the boards trying to correct any rumor now are they???? 🙄

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EyeInTheSky said:
Pitguy, understand USA320Pilot has a myopic viewpoint of this situation - one that only benefits his interests, not yours. Keep in mind this person has been wrong so many times it's a joke. PORTION DELETED. What USA320Pilot along with another fliboi is to be ignored. PORTION DELETED

There are a large number of posters on this board that need to grow up and learn to deal with reailty. US Airways is first and foresmost a business, and if the business does not make money, then there is no need for any employees. Senior management and the BOD are doing what they can to save the business and as many jobs as they can, but they are faced with a severe onslaught by the LCC's. The goal is to survive in the short term and allow enough of a margin to survive in the long term. As painful as it may be, US Airways needs to undertake a wholesale change in the business model in order to compete with the LCC's and one of the unfortunate realities is that many of the employees currently on the property will either agree to become lean and efficient, or they will be sent packing. It makes perfect sense to rationalize the fleet to A319, B757, B767, and A330 aircraft with EMB-170/190 and CRJ's being contracted to Mesa and other carriers on a fee for departure basis. The B-737 fleet is aging and will require expensive modifications and other maintenance to remain flying. It's time to retire the B737's and move to a standardized narrowbody fleet. FEDEX will benefit greatly because the B737-300 and 400 series can haul almost the same amount of cargo as the soon to be retired B727-100 and 200 aircraft, with one less crew member. FEDEX will save a ton by having 2 person crews and will also be able to expand slightly by taking the 3rd crewmember and making them F/O's on B737 equipment. The cash infusion to US will be significant and will allow US to add more 319 family aircraft to the fleet. It may seem complicated, but it comes down to fleet commonality and reduced maintenance costs. The IAM REALLY needs to wake up NOW and make a deal with company if they intend to keep significant numbers of their members on the property.
Spin Doc,

If there is no company...there's no need for any senior mangement jobs either.

Point being, "where's the bottom"? I don't think you know....so employees have to decide, IAM...AFA, TWU, CWA... We will dictate the bottom, sir.

You don't like to hear that, neither does managment...but that is the reality, and whatever ensues.
PITbull said:
Spin Doc,

If there is no company...there's no need for any senior mangement jobs either.

Point being, "where's the bottom"? I don't think you know....so employees have to decide, IAM...AFA, TWU, CWA... We will dictate the bottom, sir.

You don't like to hear that, neither does managment...but that is the reality, and whatever ensues.

I recognize that your intent is to keep as many AFA members on the property as possible and at the highest compansation rate that can be obtained. What I am trying to say is that if the AFA and the other unions continue to ignore the current position the company is in, you will not have anyone to keep on the property. There is light at the end of the tunnel, but it takes a reasoned individual to see the end game and negotiate appropriately so that when the end game (or goal) is achieved, the highest number of people benefit from the situation. The company is asking the AFA and other unios to come to the table to participate in the end game. If you choose not to negotiate, you are not doing your job.
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