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Fed-ex Buying (50) 737

It is good to see these aircraft are not going to the scrap heap nor to another LCC that will use them against US. All in all, it is a good thing.
N628AU said:
It is good to see these aircraft are not going to the scrap heap nor to another LCC that will use them against US. All in all, it is a good thing.
The bright side is that, if true, these are 50 737's which won't go to Mesa.

My best to you all.....
Hamilton Aerospace Technologies, signed a new contract with major customer Jetran International. This latest project involves a heavy maintenance check, paint, and other return-to-service work on another former US Airways Boeing 737 aircraft owned by Jetran. The estimated value of this maintenance contract is approximately $400,000, which Hamilton Aerospace expects to complete and book in the 2nd quarter. This contract is the latest in a series of aircraft maintenance projects that Hamilton Aerospace has performed for Jetran, an aircraft leasing company that purchased 91 commercial jet aircraft from U.S. Air in April of 2002.

Hamilton Aerospace Subsidiary Announces Maintenance Contract for Another Jetran Boeing 737 Aircraft
D M G said:
That's an understatement.
Geez, cut the guy a little slack. It was an honest mistake, and a pretty easy one to make. He heard "FedEx is buying some US 737s" and don't realize that what was meant is that they're buying some former US 737s.

Yes, it's an important distinction. But it's an easy one to miss, too, if you don't happen to ask the right questions when you hear it.

It did cause quite a bit of posting, and more than a little heart-pounding. But I, for one, don't see any evidence that he spread false information on purpose. I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt.

OBTW, Rat, try to use the CAPS LOCK a little less often. It makes it really hard to read what you write.
This contract is the latest in a series of aircraft maintenance projects that Hamilton Aerospace has performed for Jetran, an aircraft leasing company that purchased 91 commercial jet aircraft from U.S. Air in April of 2002.

IIRC, Jetran purchased almost all, if not all of the JT-8 powered aircraft US operated. Not sure who they have found as customers for a lot of these, but I know PACE operates several former US 737-200s.
mweiss said:
Geez, cut the guy a little slack. It was an honest mistake, and a pretty easy one to make.
Cut him some slack? What I wrote was very tame, especially after all the mis-information he continued to spew in a couple of threads even after people warned him about it.

He wrote "The planes are GONE (AS YOU WILL SHORTLY HEAR, and so are WE," among many other stupid things.

I'm sure there were a lot of employees that got upset as a result of posts he made like this, and you want me to cut him some slack after he simply said "I was wrong."

Yeah, lets coddle him.
GOOD GRIEF!!! Give it a friggin rest already. Some of you act as if you never make a mistake, misquote or spread a little incorrect "I heard that".

let get back to the real issues at hand.... are we gonna have jobs or not!!!
Trin03 said:
GOOD GRIEF!!! Give it a friggin rest already. Some of you act as if you never make a mistake, misquote or spread a little incorrect "I heard that".
Big difference between saying "I heard that" and "The planes are GONE (AS YOU WILL SHORTLY HEAR, and so are WE."
I hope I am not beating a dead horse, but continually this is what I'm hearing through various contacts. The initial 73s are coming from the desert. I am unaware of how many are parked and if all are USAir birds.

How fast could repair stations mod them? How fast could FedEx put them to use? Has the STC been previously done?

I have heard a USAir 73 is under cargo config mod somewhere in Florida right now. I'm sorry I wasn't able to find out the repair station or city.

I was really surprised how many hits that thread took in such a short period of time. It goes to show the dire need for information in this relative vaccuum of a volatile industry. I side with Ratboy that information is the point here. Skeptism and caution should be the norm in this internet/BB society.

Beat regards,

Johnny Gearpin
johnny gearpin said:
I side with Ratboy that information is the point here. Skeptism and caution should be the norm in this internet/BB society.

factual information is always welcome.
unsubstantiated "rumors" aren't.
we all have made mistakes,but when informed sources try to dispell bad info...the person should do a retake and not go on the offensive.
delldude said:
johnny gearpin Posted on Mar 20 2004, 02:17 AM
I side with Ratboy that information is the point here. Skeptism and caution should be the norm in this internet/BB society.

factual information is always welcome.
unsubstantiated "rumors" aren't.
we all have made mistakes,but when informed sources try to dispell bad info...the person should do a retake and not go on the offensive.
Go back to bed and get up on the other side you grouch! :lol:

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