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Usairway's Sales Of 737 To Fed-ex Done Deal

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airknocker said:
Go to cactuswings.com, search USAIRWAYS and over 40 737s at various desert locations are in storage. By the way the cargo conversion on 737 is held by Pemco Aviation in Dothan, ALABAMA!
Here is the last count on A/C @ US

A319 56 active 7 stored
A320 20 active 1 stored
A321 28
A330 9
B737 105 active 32 stored
B757 31 active 3 stored
B767 10 active 1 stored

So if they sell 50 B737 to Fed Ex there are still lots of aircrafts in the fleet.
Just Plane Crazy said:
will save at the end money and jobs.
Leave out the jobs part!

Did you forget, oh yes, you are not one of us; they took our bus work and if the Boeing are gone, so are we.
cavalier said:
Leave out the jobs part!

Did you forget, oh yes, you are not one of us; they took our bus work and if the Boeing are gone, so are we.
What stands in your way to do what DLH has done as well as others. Don't just look what comes from the inside. Be competative and attrackt work from the outside. Why are you so afraid of others. Be more agressive and competative and go after outside jobs.

I know it might not be in your job description, but as a collective you might be able to convince the upper level to go that route. Believe me if you can offer such service and quality why would airlines from South America and Canada go to the ones you are so affraid off. Be independent!
Just Plane Crazy said:
I know it might not be in your job description, but as a collective you might be able to convince the upper level to go that route. Believe me if you can offer such service and quality why would airlines from South America and Canada go to the ones you are so affraid off. Be independent!
You have ZERO concept , zilch of what you're talking about.

I won't bother to explain....have a nice day.
This is exactly why Usairways may not need to negotiate with the IAM. No Boeing 737, no maintenence. I think the quote was "those who do not participate in the going forward plan will be left behind". How many paychecks have YOU gotten from the IAM?
As I have said before, if the IAM does not participate in the "Going Forward Plan, there could be a painful experience for our mechanics, all of whom are great people.

Remember, the Pittsburgh maintenance facility can be closed in September 2005, where the B737 heavy maintenance is conducted, without further agreement with the ACAA. Why does US Airways have the early-out exit clause.

I'll say it again, it may be in the best interests of our good mechanics to reach an agreement to cost effectively conduct the A320 heavy maintenance in-house.


USA320Pilot -

Any word from your "inside" sources regarding this possible sale?
I don't understand reaching an agreement with the company. They want to contract out the work and our jobs along with it........What do you recommend we do? Bargin in "good faith" with this managment? How many "no layoff" clauses do you want us to sign only to be disregarded........Its just time to draw the line.
AP Tech said:
I don't understand reaching an agreement with the company. They want to contract out the work and our jobs along with it........What do you recommend we do? Bargin in "good faith" with this managment? How many "no layoff" clauses do you want us to sign only to be disregarded........Its just time to draw the line.
Here's where I don't understand the IAM's viewpoint: Would it not be a better career move with more stability to work for a "maintenance shop" like the one in Alabama as opposed to working for an airline in so much financial turmoil for so long? I realize the current argument is that the outsourcing is going to cost US IAM jobs, but why can't those jobs move to some other firm? And, for what it's worth, be thankful you have a union. The work I do is RAPIDLY being shipped to India, Russia and eastern Europe, and we have no recourse to stop it (especially with the gang in DC right now).
USFlyer, I'm looking into it.

AP Tech, it's my understanding the company provided the IAM with a cost effective plan to conduct the A320 heavy maintenance in-house and the union's leaders rejected the proposal.

If the B737s are sold and replaced with other aircraft to meet the 279 aircraft fleet-count and the IAM loses the A320 grievance, which appears likely, then the only overhaul the mechanics will have will be the A330s and B767s/B757s.

It's up to you and your colleagues on whether or not to participate in the "Going Forward Plan", but it appears with the potential loss of the A320 heavy maintenance grievance, the potential sale of the B737s, the addition of 60 A320 family aircraft (24 new and 36 used), and the ability to close the Pittsburgh maintenance facility, there could be a painful experience in store for our mechanics, who I believe are some of the best in the business.

I do not like this anymore than you, but everything listed above is a strong possibility. Thus, it's up to the IAM and its mechanics on whether or not they want to negotiate.


It is a fluid time, but one option could be to replace the B737s with 60 A320 family and EMB-190 aircraft. This could have equally bad impact on our mechanics, without a mutually acceptable agreement to conduct maintenance in-house.

This whole situation is bad and is effecting me too. For those employees who want to remain a pilot in this industry, I believe one of my colleagues may have recently said it correctly. He said, "In the end, what all these discussions boil down to is the choice that we are going to have to make. Are we (all employee groups, not just the pilots) willing to work here at US Airways for JetBlue wages & benefits at this time, right now? If not, it seems to me the other option is to apply for a job at JetBlue to work for JetBlue wages & benefits (along with the 20,000 other airline pilots looking for work). Just something to think about between now and June," he said.


There seems to be some misunderstanding about the fleet size.

We currently have the following:

A330 - 9

A319 - 66 (7 of which are sitting in Mobile AL awaiting S check)

A320 - 24 (1 Sitting in Mobile AL awaiting S check)

A321 - 28

B757 - 31

B767 - 10

B737-300 - 71

B737-400 - 45

Two B737-400's were recently returned to their leasing companies. 428 and 429.

No 757's or 767's parked. 3 757's in Mojave no longer belong to US Airways. The one Boeing 767 was returned to its leasing company and is now flying in Europe.

Fleet currently at 284. 3 remaining Airbus were returned to service over the last week. 726, 728 and 729. All delivered Airbus before Chapter 11 are now in service with US Airways.

No 737 operated by US Airways currently parked. Expect additional 737 aircraft to leave the fleet over the next 3 months as Airbus make their way back into service from Mobile.
Everyone, it's true this management is capable of anything. It's the dumb and dumber school of management. Siegel admitted they CUT TOO MUCH of the fleet after Sept. 11. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out you lose the ability to generate revenue with less product. The little stunt of paying back the Feds on Friday was just a negotiating tactic. God forbid if there is another terrorist attack on an airliner. Siegel has effectively written this airline's obituary by having no financial cushion to fall back upon. Then again, this management feels it can take huge chances (or gamble) by operating an airline on a shoestring. Oh, the cliches for this are so true and so politically incorrect that I won't even go there. But the shoe fits. Needless to say, I think this FedEx deal has some truth to it. If anybody thinks FedEx is going to take US pilots they need to stop smoking cheap ganja. They will be replacing their old 727s with these aircraft. That being said, FedEx has enough of their own pilots to fill the cockpits. Welcome to door mat negotiations - that being employees are the door mats. Personally, I'd like to shove Siegel's Gucci loafers up his a**!
Dave Siegel😱ffical Announcement Asset Sales
news press confrence 3/15/04 11 am est

this is the offical announcement we've been waiting for.
siegel will announce sale of 737's to fed ex and sale of
usair shuttle to virgin atlantic. (ex-ceo of delta may be
in charge???)
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