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Usairway's Sales Of 737 To Fed-ex Done Deal

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airknocker said:
Go to cactuswings.com, search USAIRWAYS and over 40 737s at various desert locations are in storage. By the way the cargo conversion on 737 is held by Pemco Aviation in Dothan, ALABAMA!
But aren't nearly all of the 737's in the desert Metrojet 200 series? If FedEx bought the 300 and 400 series, the Metrojet equipment would stay right were it is.
IIRC, yes. Most all are the 732s. Which doesn't lend itself well to answering any rumors. Why would FedEx want 732s given that their cargo capacity is well below that of a 727 and is almost as inefficient as a 737.
I believe a press release is in its 2d draft, and 300/400's are now FedEx. No decision on Metrojet 200's, bad config. Soon to be all A/B, RJ's.
how will this go about all of the 733,734s at once or over a period of time and what will replace them???
This dude is full of it, and trust me Id love to see those planes gone. How are they going to replace 50 A/C and with what ?

Notwithstanding the "bizarre" behavior of this management team, lets look at this from a few angles.

If U has sold the B-737 (whether it be owned or leased) to FedEx. This would allow a cash infusion, who knows how much, and I think it wouldn't be a high enough number to justify several other points that must be considered if this is true. If there are 50 B-737's out there that U had, I don't think too many of them are 300/400's. U put the -200's out to pasture, and there are maybe some other B-737-3/4's out there that U used to have. I don't know how many 737's are currently flying for U.

Lets look at the other issues. If U has sold aircraft, pilots must go with these aircraft. Further, they have a min fleet number. There could be a swap going on, but where U would get 85 Busses with similar enough engines and configs is a complete mystery. The training costs would be high, with almost half the remaining pilot group having to attend an initial or recurrent school on the Bus to get requalified. U's situation is poor, but not bad enough to sell almost a third of the fleet without quick replacement, because the spring season is upon us and it from the latest pax enplanement numbers, U's boarding totals are on the rise. To sacrifice 33% of your hulls during the peak season would certainly be the last nail in the coffin as far as revenue. But from a long term cost perspective, if the aircraft could be replaced quickly, it would be a good idea. We all know of the RVSM requirements and that U B-737's are not compliant. (This is a requirement to upgrade the autopilots and ADC's of the aircraft to allow reduced altitude separation above FL290.) This would save millions in upgrade costs.

Last issue. U management has the unions attention as far as the condition of the competitive environment and the fact that drastic change is required. If this were to be true, and U management is going to throw out contracts and provisions, the cooperation they have "achieved" recently will certainly go down the drain.

My conclusion is that this rumor cannot possibly be true. There could be aircraft in storage that are being disposed of, but current B-737's on the property would be hard to replace quickly. And right now, U needs all the birds it can get.

Ah I beg to differ on one item here.. The 737 fleet is being RVSM qualified as I write this. So posting that they are not is wrong. How do I know this? Very simple. I did the EO on aircraft 354 PIT just the other day. B737 are easily RVSM qualified because thier Static Source and Pitot source are away from the aircraft SKIN. So it is a very simple matter to bring them into compliance.

As for the FedEx rumor.. Well I guess we will just have to wait for the press release huh.
RowUnderDCA said:
But it's still a slap in the face (with the newly gloveless hand, no doubt)! Or maybe it's a kick in the pants, without a shoe.. .......
Given that ALPA is going to sell out the wholly owneds and it's own fuloughees for what is functionally a better commute, why would such a thing suprise anyone?

The laugher is going to be when the bottom half of the existing seniority list finds themselves at Mesa flying the -170 for peanuts.
Stop using your computers! You can more easily and with lower maintenance costs hook up your typewriters to the internet! Why doesn't anyone understand this! The workers making and supporting typewriters are going to lose their jobs and that is just theivery on Smith-Corona's management! You are all supporting Dave Siegel's mentality by using your computers!!!!!
this is ridiculous , that guy has 2 posts i think?? this topic has almost no credibility whatsoever.
This explains the 60 new A/C rumor....get rid of 50 737's, and get 60 Busses with a true gain of 10 A/C to the fleet. Either way this should only help us to compete with SWA in PHL and the rest of the system.
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