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usairways addresses the twu incident on usdaily

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Are you a lawyer ? Are you sure of PA. law on this ?
If not I wouldn't post these kind of comments.

Which part of my post requires me to be a lawyer or know PA law? I'm stating my opinion on how things will play out, knowing the people involved.

You need to educate youself a little before speaking out.
If I were the Police I would focus on the FSA that entered the room but didn't actively participate. Let them know that they're just as responsible as the guys that threw punches and are facing the same prosecution, and I guarantee that some of them sing. Come on, I guarantee some of them talk.
they'll look at intent as far as the FSA person.just because you're with someone who commits a crime doesn't mean you were involved.
the video will show who the actors were and what level of crime/participation they comitted.
simple assault
aggravated assault
all felonies in the state of Pa.
they'll be graced by the hand of god if they get it reduced to disorderly which i seriously doubt.

no,i'm not an attorney....just was one hell of a factory trained shop steward for 8 years
they'll look at intent as far as the FSA person.just because you're with someone who commits a crime doesn't mean you were involved.

100% incorrect. Anyone who entered that room with the FSA that actually threw punches (or did any other damage) are considered conspirators and can be charged with the exact crimes as the others. No one, even for one second, will believe any of them if they try to say they didn't know what was going to go down. The police could use that as leverage to get a few of them to sing, which is what I believe will happen.

Edit: Quick example of intent. Joe and Bob want to rob a store. Bob brings along a gun but has no intention on shooting anyone, just flashing it to intimidate. During the crime Bob panics and shoots the store clerk, killing him. Under PA law Bob and Joe can (and almost always will) both be charged with second degree murder, even though Joe didn't want Bob to bring the gun along, let alone use it.
Found this post by a PHL employee on another message board.

Start quote:

Some of the buzz in PHL:

Parker was in town to take part in the announcement of the new international routes out of PHL when this occurred, and quite rightly, is adamant that all who entered that hotel, whether they took part in the attack or not, will be fired.

The FBI is involved and the word racketeering" is being thrown around.

Today a number of union "officials" and shop stewards were escorted from the premises. Management says they are suspended pending the investigation. I don't know how many but I do personally know of 5 who were escorted out today. There will be more to come...

We are hearing that "Arms", while he is still technically a US employee but holds his position (and paycheck) with the IAM, has had his flight privelages, and any other US benefits he may have been receiving, revoked. (don't know the truth of this)

Lastly, please know that there are MANY very good employees in PHL who have been held hostage to this pack of animals for many years. The mood in PHL is somber on the surface, but there are many, many fleet service employees who are truly hoping to never see those involved back on the premises. This was a deplorable act and we can only pray that those who were injured will recover without permanent damage, as there is word of the possibility that two of the AmWest employees may lose sight in one eye due to the damage inflicted.
100% incorrect. Anyone who entered that room with the FSA that actually threw punches (or did any other damage) are considered conspirators and can be charged with the exact crimes as the others. No one, even for one second, will believe any of them if they try to say they didn't know what was going to go down. The police could use that as leverage to get a few of them to sing, which is what I believe will happen.
you are 100% correct only if they show the original intent was to go in there and carry out these acts beforehand.
you are 100% correct only if they show the original intent was to go in there and carry out these acts beforehand.

You're still wrong. I'm not going to go back and forth on this with you, but read my last post, I edited it before I saw your response.
You're still wrong. I'm not going to go back and forth on this with you, but read my last post, I edited it before I saw your response.
my point is if joe and bob went for smokes and now bob wants to rob the store....prove joe knew about it.
you have no idea anymore than i do as to the intent beforehand.
that will have to be proven.
my point is if joe and bob went for smokes and now bob wants to rob the store....prove joe knew about it.
you have no idea anymore than i do as to the intent beforehand.
that will have to be proven.

In your point above I don't know how the charges would fall.

In the PHL case since all 25 entered at the same time, immediately after two or three other IAM officers had just left the room, there's conspiracy. It doesn't matter if the original intention of the group was to only throw tables and chairs around but one thing led to another. You as an individual conspired to enter that room with the rest of the group. You are responsible for anything that anyone in the group says or does while in the room, whether you participated or not. It's actually a pretty open and shut case. One of my first questions to anyone claiming ignorance would be "so you didn't touch anyone or anything, did you try to stop the attack or call for help?" The answer is probably going to be "no", at which time you have now put another nail in your coffin.

Most of the names I've heard are of good guys. I can't believe they were so friggin' stupid to get caught up in this mess. Unfortunately now they're going to pay a huge price for a moment of stupidity.
Most of the names I've heard are of good guys. I can't believe they were so friggin' stupid to get caught up in this mess. Unfortunately now they're going to pay a huge price for a moment of stupidity.

They probably felt peer pressure and, perhaps, thought that there would only be some push-and shove and yelling. They are probably now experiencing a phenomenon called "regret". These are the one who will sing. They will beg and plead for their jobs.
Has anyone seen any response by the IAM local about this yet. 🙂
my point is if joe and bob went for smokes and now bob wants to rob the store....prove joe knew about it.
you have no idea anymore than i do as to the intent beforehand.
that will have to be proven.

So the fact that 25 IAM people who happen to be inside a hotel where they are not having a function, but a rival union is, and then multiple assaults occur doesn't rise to probable cause on each and every one of them?
Just checked my local site and international websites there are no press releases or information. Has anyone checked to see if these guys are still in town or did they all leave the country over the weekend? Not even a International Presidents statement to the denounce these acts of terror towards the TWU.

The silence from the IAM speaks volumes to the members and is truly a sickly feeling.

Very sad day to be a member in this thug run Union
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