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Usair Hanging On To Her Assets

Nice try, but I'm not letting you off the hook that easy.

Here's the headers from the two messages that you posted in this thread:
From: garlandjo@aol.com (Boston First Officer Rep)
Date: Fri Apr 29, 2005 11:50 am
Subject: Mike D'Angelo Replies...MEC Representational Impropriety? AAA WebBoard Post

Subject: MEC Representational Impropriety?
Date: 29 Apr 2005 11:46 AM
Subj: ALPA National and the Question of MEC Representational Impropriety
Date: 4/28/05 2:03:43 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Garland Jones

Members of the MEC and MEC Committees,
Subj: [U-Boston-Pilots] Re: ALPA National and the Question of MEC Representational Impropriety
Date: 4/28/05 10:27:03 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: airbus321us@yahoo.com
To: U-Boston-Pilots@yahoogroups.com

Let's see - the first addresses "Members of the MEC and MEC Committees" and the second is to "U-Boston-Pilots@yahoogroups.com".

I'll let everyone else decide if those headers look like private messages or not.....

When would now be a good time to admit you make "facts" up?


USA320Pilot said:
PineyBob, BoeingBoy, and ClueByFour:

Just one more point...

What’s your opinion of the ALPA MEC chairman asking ALPA International to investigate the ALPA PHL MEC Reps for impropriety and asking the ALPA Legal Department to investigate illicit actions of the PIT F/O Rep?



Give it up already! You're an embarrassment to ALPA USA320Pilot.
USA320Pilot said:
PineyBob, BoeingBoy, and ClueByFour:

Just one more point...

What’s your opinion of the ALPA MEC chairman asking ALPA International to investigate the ALPA PHL MEC Reps for impropriety and asking the ALPA Legal Department to investigate illicit actions of the PIT F/O Rep?



ALPA Politics

and just because an investigation is asked for, or even conducted, doesn't mean squat. Innocent until proven guilty, even in our union.

It’s not a management “brown-noser†as you call it. I prefer to surround myself with experts and then make a decision.

I simply choose to listen to those with more experience than me. People like the ALPA president, ALPA director of representation, the ALPA professional negotiator, the ALPA E&FA lead economist, the ALPA contract administer, the ALPA financial advisor, the ALPA investment banker, the ALPA general counsel, all three of the MEC officers, and eight of twelve MEC Reps. Moreover, I elected to believe GECAS when they directly spoke to the MEC at a meeting I attended.

I believe this is better than listening to three of four Negotiating Committee (NC) members that were all “rookiesâ€, who never attended labor relations training, and when the first member attended the training he became the first ALPA NC person to not pass the course. Who put this crack NC in-place that obtained a contract greater than the “askâ€, none other than the RC4.

If you believe I am upset at this and that the pilots took concessions deeper than necessary, you’re right. I am upset that every other union took cuts deeper than the “ask†too.


PineyBob said:
Hey now there is a concept that CCY isn't familiar with. The Customer is always wrong unless they know the rules and scream loud enough.

apply that to any airline HQ.... though I dont suscribe to the belief that the customer is always right either, no matter what.

Thread drift,

Have you done or will you be doing any of the PS transcons on UAL?

USA320Pilot said:

It’s not a management “brown-noser†as you call it. I prefer to surround myself with experts and then make a decision.

I simply choose to listen to those with more experience than me. People like the ALPA president, ALPA director of representation, the ALPA professional negotiator, the ALPA E&FA lead economist, the ALPA contract administer, the ALPA financial advisor, the ALPA investment banker, the ALPA general counsel, all three of the MEC officers, and eight of twelve MEC Reps. Moreover, I elected to believe GECAS when they directly spoke to the MEC at a meeting I attended.

I believe this is better than listening to three of four Negotiating Committee (NC) members that were all “rookiesâ€, who never attended labor relations training, and when the first member attended the training he became the first ALPA NC person to not pass the course. Who put this crack NC in-place that obtained a contract greater than the “askâ€, none other than the RC4.

If you believe I am upset at this and that the pilots took concessions deeper than necessary, you’re right. I am upset that every other union took cuts deeper than the “ask†too.



USA320Pilot, c'mon! You've got a personal agenda and you're digging yourself an even bigger hole by posting internal ALPA memos on a public forum. You are embarrassing ALPA and more importantly your fellow pilots and co-workers. I don't know what you expect to accomplish, but most people on this forum don't have to be experts to figure out that you've stooped to a new low.

I never said Jones did not place those messages in other places.

The point is that Jones posted those comments on the ALPA Message Board and I believe you read them about two week’s ago. Then you made comments about the PHL Reps even though you knew about the formal impropriety charges. Moreover, you also know about the ALPA International investigation of the charges made by the MEC chairman against the Reps. Why did you fail to disclose this information when you supported the PHL Reps?

That’s my problem with you and what I believe is a lack of integrity when you do not provide all of the facts. Tell the whole story and I will get off of your back. In addition, stop cut and pasting certain posts and leaving out other information from archived messages to try and discredit others.


Oh, don't worry - you're not on my back. You braided this rope you're swing from, now you're begging me to cut you down.

Instead of trying to squirm out of it, when would now be a good time to:

Admit you have no idea if I was on the ALPA board on April 28th or not.

Admit you have no idea if I saw those messages before you posted them or not.

Admit you made those charges against me up.

Admit you stated something as fact when you had no clue.

Admit you were wrong, wrong, wrong.....

Of course, you could offer the proof you said existed. Another lie, perhaps?



Good try. You still will not answer the question about reading Jones' post and everybody knows why.


It’s not a personal agenda. It’s calling a spade a spade.

I’m not the one supporting people who have a formal investigation for impropriety and dishonesty. Nor am I the person who cuts and pastes comments from past debates to try to discredit the messenger.

I do not like people who purposely misrepresent information or have a split message board personality.

That’s my beef.

I’ve said my piece and I’m done. Now I’m going to go to bed.


USA320Pilot said:

Good try. You still will not answer the question about reading Jones' post and everybody knows why.

I suspect you're right - everybody knows I have nothing to prove or disprove since I am not the one that stated something as fact but won't back it up with proof.

That rope getting a little tight around the neck yet....



Everybody? You will not answer the question and we all know why. Keep up the distractions and refusal. It paints the story clearly, which is normal action for those referred to as "darksiders".

Don't choke to much on your rope.


Is it really that painful for you to say that you were wrong? Sounds terribly insecure to me.

I'm not the one with anything to prove, nothing at all. In fact, if you read through the thread, I'm not the one that mentioned either unions or investigations first.

But nice try though - I hear humble pie is best eaten warm so you better hurry.....



Keep up the distractions...since you will not answer my last question.

Nice try though...


But you've had so many - trying to weasel out....

I've only made one consistent request - prove your assertion or admit you lied. Made it first, it's simple and to the point, and it resolves all questions.

Keep ducking the issue and I'll keep reminding you - for a long time.....

I hear crow is best with tobasco sauce or Texas Pete - have any handy?


USA320Pilot said:

Keep up the distractions...since you will not answer my last question.

Nice try though...


please sir , i beg of you....can you not keep to the topic at hand?
we have rules here and it is requested that you observe proper decorum....

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